Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3955: Murderous

  Chapter 3955 Murderous aura pervades

   Just when Chen Xuan approached Lei Pojun, he suddenly discovered that the direction of these blood cloud corpses had changed.

  Chen Xuan looked at the direction in front of him with a little doubt, and then his gaze was placed on the token hanging from his waist.

  He found that the token of Jian Yuezong burst out with a blue light, and several blood cloud corpses suddenly changed their directions, and then ran towards the other blood cloud corpses.

   "What happened?" Lei Pojun asked in surprise.

The scene in front of    is really weird, even far beyond Chen Xuan's imagination.

   "Could it be that a battle broke out in the blood cloud corpse, these blood cloud corpses are also fighting with each other, but the blood cloud corpses have already lost their mind..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  The formation of the blood cloud corpse requires a unique opportunity. It must be produced on the night of the full moon and in areas where the heavens and the earth are full of aura.

  This space is not like a place with ample aura of heaven and earth, but there are a lot of blood cloud corpses.

  Everything made Chen Xuan feel confused.

  Just as he felt doubt, he found that there were several blood cloud corpses in gray robes in front, but they were slowly walking towards the other blood cloud corpses.

"Lei Pojun, have you noticed that there are five blood cloud corpses that are in confrontation with a large number of other blood cloud corpses. Could it be that these blood cloud corpses have hatred with other blood cloud corpses? "Chen Xuan said quietly.

  In the blood cloud corpse, there is a blood cloud corpse wearing a gray robe.

  When Chen Xuan saw this blood cloud corpse, he just felt a little familiar.

   "It's a bit weird, I feel that the clothes worn on this blood cloud corpse are a bit familiar."

  I only saw this blood cloud corpse wearing a gray robe, roaring at the other five blood cloud corpses, and then a fierce breath burst out.

  Two blood cloud corpses collided violently.

  Chen Xuan exuded a fierce aura, and he also tightly locked the blood cloud corpses in front of him.

   "It seems that these blood cloud spirit corpses are in conflict, let's find a way to leave here as soon as possible." Chen Xuan said.

  As Chen Xuan walked forward, the five blood cloud corpses also roared.

  Only saw a blood cloud spirit corpse rushing towards Chen Xuan frantically.

  The next moment a battle broke out, a blood cloud corpse quickly came to Chen Xuan's side, helping Chen Xuan block the other blood cloud corpses.

   Immediately afterwards, other blood cloud corpses also all besieged, but these blood cloud corpses were not here to attack Chen Xuan, but fought with a large number of blood cloud corpses.

  Seeing this scene before him, Chen Xuan was shocked to the extreme.

   "What's wrong with them? Why are these blood cloud corpses so weird? It doesn't look like there is an internal conflict, right."

   "Maybe there really was an infighting?" Lei Pojun also said dumbfounded.

Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun sighed slowly, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry about so much, just think of a way to leave. Since these blood cloud corpses are in conflict, this is our best chance to leave here. ."

But when the five blood cloud corpses were fighting with the many blood cloud corpses on the opposite side, Chen Xuan suddenly saw one of the blood cloud corpses wearing a gray robe, and dropped a piece of blue. Colored tokens.

   Chen Xuan's face finally turned gloomy: "No, the tokens they wear seem to be very similar to our Jian Yuezong."

  Seeing this, Chen Xuan finally figured it out in his heart.

  He discovered that the five blood cloud spirit corpses used the same sword technique as their sword moon sect.

  This sword technique is exactly the Sword Art of Extinguishing the Sky.

When Chen Xuan saw a few blood cloud corpses displaying the swordsmanship of Jian Yuezong, he finally knew why these blood cloud corpses did not attack him in the first place, but helped them deal with the others. Blood cloud corpse.

   "Are these blood cloud corpses a disciple of our Jianyue Sect?" Chen Xuan's pupil showed a look of doubt.

Lei Pojun's eyes flickered as well: "That's right. These blood cloud corpses should be disciples of our Sword Moon Sect. Unexpectedly, there are so many Sword Moon Sect disciples who have died here. This space is in the end. what is the place."

  Lei Bianjun also discovered the abnormality of these five blood cloud corpses, so he immediately took out the long sword, and then observed the several blood cloud corpses in front of him.

  The moves performed by a large number of blood cloud corpses are exactly the same as other sects.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun can basically infer that there must have been disciples of Jianyuezong and warriors of other sects fighting here at the beginning, their corpses stayed here, and finally transformed into bodies.

  Only a few disciples of Sword Moon Sect died here, but the number of disciples of other sects is very large.

  Chen Xuan was very surprised: "It's not possible, why would there be disciples of Jianyuezong in this area of ​​the Demon Wind Empire, it would not be Wang Qiangyun and others?"

  After careful observation, Chen Xuan dispelled his doubts, he found that these blood cloud corpses were not like Wang Qiangyun.

  Wang Qiangyun is after all the top powerhouse in the realm of Divine Soul, his identity in Jianyuezong is very mysterious, even Chen Xuan has never seen him.

   "Lei Pojun, kill all these blood cloud corpses..." Chen Xuan roared when he saw this scene.

  At this time, Chen Xuan couldn't care too much, because he found out. What the blood cloud spirit corpse displayed was the technique of Jian Yuezong.

  Chen Xuan inferred that these blood-cloud corpses are most likely disciples of Jianyuezong.

  The techniques displayed by the many blood cloud corpses on the opposite side are actually the techniques of the Wood Sacred Sword School.

   Originally, Chen Xuan hated the Wood Sage Sword Sect, and he had conflicts with the Wood Sage Sword Sect before.

  Now that I have encountered these blood-cloud corpses of the Wood Sacred Sword School, Chen Xuan will never let them go.

  Although they are not disciples of the Wood Sage Sword School, these blood cloud corpses were once members of the Wood Sage Sword Sect, so Chen Xuan naturally would not be merciful.

  The only thing he has to do now is to quickly clean up all these blood cloud corpses, and Lei Bianjun leave here as soon as possible.

   "Go to hell, the fifth step of Suzaku swordsmanship!"

  Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice, took out the Liaoyuan sword, and instantly displayed the domineering Suzaku sword technique.

  Following Chen Xuan's anger, a fierce breath began to emanate continuously.

  At the same time, Lei Pojun also displayed a powerful technique. Lei Pojun’s body was covered with a layer of thunder and lightning, and the power of thunder finally gathered on the blade in his hand.


  A cold light flickered, and two blood cloud corpses were instantly knocked into flight.

   Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun joined forces, and the cultivation base was already very strong. They directly helped the five blood cloud corpses to withstand the attacks of many blood cloud corpses.

  Probably because they are already dead.

  Chen Xuan found that the strength of the blood cloud spirit corpse was not enough for the cultivation base in front of him.

   Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun’s attacks were absolutely impossible for them to resist.


In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan killed all the disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan discovered that there were disciples of the Black Cloud Sect and the Tianyun Sect in the other blood cloud corpses.

   "Sure enough, there is a problem."

   Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

  These blood cloud spirit corpses have been dead for so long, and they even dealt with the disciples of Jian Yuezong together.

   Chen Xuan instantly thought of the previous major sects jointly attacking the disciples of Jianyuezong.

   "Lei Pojun, kill them all." Chen Xuan said loudly.

  Chen Xuan was very angry, even Lei Pojun was very angry.

  The two of them joined forces in an instant, and the large number of blood cloud corpses were not their opponents at all.

  One hour later, except for Jian Yuezong’s blood cloud corpse, all the other blood cloud corpses were killed by Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun.

   After killing these blood cloud corpses, the murderous aura in the entire space suddenly became more intense.

  This is not caused by the blood cloud spirit corpse, but by Lei Pojun.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan's expression was very surprised. He knew that Lei Pojun was about to lose control of the blood demon essence blood in his body.

  Once Lei Pojun was transformed by the Gorefiend, it would be very difficult for the two of them to get out of here.

  At this time, Lei Pojun even had blood red eyes, and his body exuded bloodthirsty killing intent.

  His body is shaking constantly.

  Chen Xuan was terrified, and he found that Lei Pojun seemed to be trying to stabilize his emotions.

"Brother Thunder, are you okay? Can you control the violent blood in your body now? We are about to leave here. You'd better hold on." Chen Xuan's tone was very anxious, he was worried that Lei Pojun did not. Way to hold this force

  Chen Xuan turned his head to look at Lei Pojun.

Lei Pojun didn't speak, but asked doubtfully: "By the way, Brother Chen, these blood cloud corpses have been killed, let's go ahead and have a look, can you feel the power of your dragon pattern? Where did the black-robed old man go?"

  Chen Xuan didn’t pay attention to what Lei Pojun said. He hurriedly asked: “Don’t talk about it yet, can you control this power now?”

   "It's okay, don't worry, I can completely suppress this force." Lei Pojun said in a heavy voice.

  After hearing his words, Chen Xuan nodded, and then he glanced at the blood cloud corpse all over the floor.

  He then walked towards the five blood cloud corpses.

   "Can you hear me?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously looking at the five blood cloud corpses.

  The blood cloud corpses nodded, but they didn't speak.

   "If you guessed correctly, you are disciples of Jianyuezong, right, why are you imprisoned here? Could it be that something happened before?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice in confusion.

  The blood cloud corpse nodded again, but they could not speak.

   Chen Xuan was a little surprised, he did not expect that these blood cloud corpses could understand what he said.

   Surprise is surprised, but Chen still has to get everything that happened before him.

  He knew that these blood cloud corpses must have been imprisoned here, otherwise they must have the ability to escape from this space.

   then asked suspiciously: "I have a question to ask you, how did you get here? Why is this space so weird? And it exudes such a terrifying murderous aura."

After the voice fell, the blood cloud corpse nodded to Chen Xuan, but they still didn't speak.

  (End of this chapter)

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