Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3956: Blood Cloud Spirit Corpse

  Chapter 3956 Blood Cloud Spirit Corpse

  Chen Xuan frowned tightly, because this space was too weird, he had always felt the presence of bitter murderous intent.

  The most important thing is that these blood cloud corpses can still survive.

  I am afraid they have lived here for hundreds of years.

  Chen Xuan had heard a rumor before that people from various sects had besieged Jianyuezong, but that was all hundreds of years ago, and had nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

  He is surprised now that the warrior who has been dead for so long can continue to survive in this way, indicating that this space is absolutely very special, otherwise it will definitely not form a blood cloud corpse.

  He wanted to thoroughly understand why these blood cloud corpses survived here.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know much about blood cloud corpses. He only knew that once blood cloud corpses were formed, these blood cloud corpses could retain memories.

  But they don’t have many memories.

  These blood cloud corpses did not continue to attack Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun, they were already very good.

  At this moment, Lei Pojun retracted the long sword in his hand and walked towards Chen Xuan.

   "Brother Chen, did you ask anything?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head.

  At this moment, the five blood cloud corpses pointed at the blood cloud corpses that had completely died on the ground.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what they meant.

   Suddenly a blood cloud corpse squatted down, and then gently touched the blood cloud corpse of another disciple with the palm of his hand.

However, Chen Xuan didn't understand why this blood cloud corpse had to do that, so he asked: "I still don't understand why you came here? Why are you staying here forever? Are you a hundred Came to this space years ago?"


   A fierce aura was released instantly, and when Chen Xuan asked about the five blood cloud corpses, suddenly, a terrifying shock came from the entire space.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan felt the roots of the hair on his back stand up, and he sensed that a very terrifying force was emerging from the depths of the space.


  A strange roar suddenly came out. As soon as this roar appeared, the five blood cloud corpses trembled all over.

   Seeing these blood cloud corpses began to tremble constantly, Chen Xuan began to think constantly.

   "Could it be that there is also a very powerful monster here that is controlling them..." Chen Xuan said secretly.


   Another terrifying aura was released. The blood cloud corpses who were squatting in front of Chen Xuan suddenly crawled toward the north.

  The next moment, they actually crawled on the ground and trembling constantly.

  Since entering this space, Chen Xuan felt such a terrifying power released for the first time.

   "No way? Who is in front? Could it be that there is a demon from the Blood Demon Sect, or the old man in black robe..." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "I don't know, Brother Chen, I feel that this force is constantly shaking my mind, and I am worried that I will soon be unable to hold on." Lei Pojun said very hastily.

   "What happened? Why is the breath from the front spreading in our direction." Chen Xuan looked at the blood cloud corpse in confusion.

  These blood cloud corpses did not answer what Chen Xuan said.

  Chen Xuan was confused.

  As he was about to inquire about the news, he suddenly felt a fierce murderous aura coming from beside him.

  At this time, Lei Pojun's eyes were blood red, and a very terrifying power was gathered on his body.

After seeing the changes in Lei Pojun's body, Chen Xuan immediately looked around.

  Although he wanted to rescue Lei Pojun, if Lei Pojun was really swallowed by the blood in his body, Chen Xuan would definitely be in danger.

  He must find a way out of here.


An astonishing sound came out, and Chen Xuan grasped the Liaoyuan Sword tightly in his hands. He didn't dare to look away. If the mysterious powerhouse in front suddenly appeared, Chen Xuan would definitely be caught off guard. .

   "So strong murderous, who can exude such terrifying power?"

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan found that a strong murderous aura began to spread around him.

  Lei Pojun's pupils began to diverge.

  The current Lei Pojun seemed to have completely forgotten Chen Xuan, the red breath that bloomed from him instantly rushed towards the depths of the space.


  When these murderous auras were absorbed, even the breath of the blood cloud spirit corpse was absorbed.

  Chen Xuan did not expect to encounter so many dangers in this space.


  In a moment, five blood cloud corpses died on the ground.

  Lei Pojun slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes restored to their original appearance.

  This situation and situation reminded Chen Xuan of what he encountered in the monster jungle a few years ago.

   "It should be impossible, I think they will definitely not come here..."

After Lei Pojun stood up, the red aura in the air began to dissipate continuously.

  It didn't take long for Chen Xuan to discover that the murderous intent in the space disappeared suddenly.

  This made Chen Xuan puzzled.

  The murderous aura that was originally very abundant disappeared without a trace in an instant, which is simply unreasonable.

   "What's going on? There must be a problem, is there a terrifying force ahead?" Chen Xuan whispered.

  Lei Bianjun slowly said: "Brother Chen, I just suppressed the murderous aura in my body, and the power of blood demon essence and blood is still constantly impacting my mind, hurry up and look for it..."

  At this time, Lei Pojun seemed to be suffering tremendously.

  Chen Xuan didn’t think too much, he said in a deep voice, “Okay, let’s go over now.”

   Then he took Lei Pojun and quickly rushed toward the depths of the space.

  He knows how critical the situation is now.

  So when Lei Pojun can't support the swallowing of this force, he will become a puppet by then.

  Chen Xuan also had no way to take Lei Pojun out.

  Since coming to this space, Chen Xuan feels that something is wrong here more and more.

  This place is really weird, completely different from what Chen Xuan imagined.

  Chen Xuan originally thought he had just entered a formation set by a blood demon sect warrior, but now Chen Xuan realized that he had entered an independent space.

  And in this independent space, all the breath is constantly dissipating, and this force is still constantly crushing Chen Xuan's body.

  If it is outside, the dead warrior will definitely not be able to continue to live.

  Although they can be resurrected by the people of the Blood Demon Sect, it is absolutely impossible to survive in this way.

  Blood cloud spirit corpses have a long lifespan, but they are already dead.

   is just a memory of the past.

  In the past, Chen Xuan met several people from the Blood Demon Sect to refine the Blood Cloud Spirit Corpse.

   But the blood cloud corpse they refined, there is no way to survive that long.

  One hundred years have passed...

  Chen Xuan couldn't help but start to judge.

   Could it be said that these blood cloud corpses were all refined by the Blood Demon Sect Master, I am afraid that only his strength can make these blood cloud corpses survive for more than a hundred years...

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt the cold sweat constantly behind his back.

  A hundred years ago, the major sects joined forces to deal with the sect master of the Blood Demon Sect. In the end, although the Blood Demon Sect failed miserably, the major sects had already had deep contradictions.

"Could it be that they have had a battle here, and the reason why these blood cloud corpses survived is probably not only because of the blood demon sovereign, is it because of these murderous auras? But where did these murderous auras come from? "Chen Xuan was puzzled.

   really makes me feel very confused...

  Chen Xuan feels a little confused.

  If the Blood Demon Sect Master really refined these blood cloud corpses, why did the latter suddenly give up controlling the blood cloud corpses?

  When Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun came to the depths of the space, he suddenly stopped.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of shock.

  He felt a very strange breath release.

"How is this going?"

  Chen Xuan's heart set off a stormy sea. He had been in the world of Black Rock for so long, and it was the first time he saw such a strange thing.

   "No, it's impossible, it's completely different from what I saw before." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Lei Pojun also showed a puzzled expression. He didn't know why Chen Xuan was so surprised: "Brother Chen, what did you see?"

  He doesn't have the power of dragon patterns, so now I don't know why Chen Xuan showed such a frightened expression.

  Chen Xuan said in surprise: "Have you noticed that there is a very strange power in front of you, and the source of these powers is these little bugs on the ground?"

  Not only Chen Xuan, but Lei Pojun also felt shocked. How could there be such a small bug in the depths of this space.

  Chen Xuan has never seen such a bug.

"It's really weird. Why did this happen? How could these bugs swallow the blood cloud corpse? Could it be said that this is a space created by a strong blood demon sect, and this strong has always been hiding here, just to let Xiu For recovery?"

  As soon as these words came out, Lei Pojun nodded and said: "Brother Chen, what you said is really reasonable, maybe there is a strong blood demon sect here."

  That being said, Chen Xuan is not sure now.

  At this time, in the depths of the space, a bug was biting the blood cloud corpse.

  The body of this bug exudes a faint red light.

  The most important thing is that the blood cloud corpse on the ground is completely different from the other blood cloud corpses.

  (End of this chapter)

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