Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3962: Cunning Zhang Jianyun

  Chapter 3962 Cunning Zhang Jianyun

   "It is precisely because of the little Firebird on you that my cultivation base has recovered a lot. I have absorbed the murderous aura for so long here, and my cultivation base has only broken through three big realms."

   "But the blood of this little Firebird directly caused my cultivation base to break through a small state. No, strictly speaking, it did not restore my cultivation base to a small state."

"The origin of this little firebird is very mysterious. It only takes a drop of essence and blood to improve my cultivation level. It can be said that if I can kill this little firebird... it will be enough. Thousands of people’s blood is gone."

  Hearing this, a soul fire burst out of the little Firebird’s mouth, and then it burned on Zhang Jianyun's body.

  Zhang Jianyun let out a scream.

After Chen Xuan heard it, he nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Alright, I don't think you are lying to us, but you should be more careful. I think your current cultivation level has not reached the realm of souls, right? "

  Zhang Jianyun said bitterly: "The old man was troubled by the catastrophe hundreds of years ago. What a pity..."

  Chen Xuan did not pay attention to what Zhang Jianyun said, after all, Chen Xuan also knew the power of Little Firebird very well.

  He knows Zhang Jianyun's idea of ​​hitting Little Firebird, I am afraid it is not so easy.

  After all, Little Firebird's current cultivation base has reached the realm of Divine Soul, and Zhang Jianyun's current strength is only about the realm of Shenluo.

  Chen Xuan could not see exactly what realm Zhang Jianyun had reached.

  But since Zhang Jianyun's real body is a nine-foot gold bug, Little Firebird can suppress him.

  This is blood pressure suppression.

  Even if Little Firebird's cultivation is weaker than Zhang Jianyun, Zhang Jianyun cannot be Little Firebird's opponent.

   "Well, since you have told us so much news, just follow us, I will not leave you here to absorb the murderous aura." Chen Xuan whispered.

After hearing what he said, Zhang Jianyun's face suddenly showed a happy expression: "Well, well, since you two boys are willing to take me out, I will tell you how to get to that secret realm."

   "You follow me now." Chen Xuan said softly.

   Zhang Jianyun’s expression was obviously very upset. He thought that he had already become famous in Yunxiao Mansion a thousand years ago, and he was still a monster warrior, so why did he follow Chen Xuan?

  But Little Firebird is different.

  Little Firebird is a phantom beast. Even if Chen Xuan didn’t say it, Zhang Jianyun could detect it. The true God of Little Firebird must be very terrifying, even stronger than his bloodline.

  That’s why the blood of Little Firebird will improve Zhang Jianyun's cultivation level, because they are monsters themselves.

   "Boy, don't be so proud. The reason why I am following you is not the main reason. My real purpose is the little firebird on your body." Zhang Jianyun said loudly.

Seeing that the other party didn’t give himself face at all, Chen Xuan said directly with a little unhappy: “Don’t try your best in front of me, you have to know, I already know your secret now. It’s very simple to kill you. of."

  Zhang Jianyun snorted and said, "Okay, kid, you...that's how you treat your benefactor?"

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised, he did not expect Zhang Jianyun to regard himself as his benefactor.

   Chen Xuan thought, Zhang Jianyun's face was even thicker than the city wall.

  If it wasn't because he happened to pass by here, Zhang Jianyun would definitely not be able to absorb the blood of the little Firebird, and there would be no way to recover his cultivation.

  Suddenly, the little flamingo Chen Xuan chirped twice, then hovered his wings and landed on his shoulder.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, he heard the sound of the little firebird in his mind.

  It seems that Little Firebird can communicate directly with Zhang Jianyun.

  Chen Xuan did not feel curious, after all, Little Firebird and Zhang Jianyun were monsters themselves, and they could communicate with each other, and it did not surprise Chen Xuan.

  Zhang Jianyun immediately walked in the direction of Little Firebird, and said with a look of admiration: "My lord, I don't know what you have ordered?"

  Little Firebird's eyes condensed, and Chen Xuan's body whispered to Zhang Jianyun.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then he gestured to Zhang Jianyun: "Your master bird just said, hurry up and close your beak."

  After hearing what he said, Zhang Jianyun said a little uncomfortable: "Grandma's kid, are you lying to me? We, adults, say that quality, how could you say this to me."

   "It's okay, don't tell me so many useless things here, hurry up and find a way to take me out, how can I enter the secret realm?" Chen Xuan asked.

  If you can go to the Secret Realm from here, Chen Xuan can save a lot of trouble.

  If this secret realm will be opened in three days, there will surely be many monks from other sects gathering here.

Chen Xuan already knew what had happened to Jianyuezong.

  Once people from other sects know the identity of Chen Xuan, they will definitely do it on him without hesitation.

  If you can go to the Luokong Secret Realm from this independent space, it will save a lot of trouble invisibly.

   "Okay, I can tell you too, but you have to give me a little benefit too!" Zhang Jianyun said very helplessly.

   Seeing Zhang Jianyun's appearance, Chen Xuan was furious.

  Is this the strong one a thousand years ago?

  It's not like it at all, and his real body is still a red fleshy bug.

  Although he was very upset in his heart, he also knew that he had to rely on Zhang Jianyun if he wanted to go to the unexplored realm.

  So Chen Xuan gave the little Firebird an instruction in his mind, and then the little Firebird gave Zhang Jianyun a drop of his own blood.

  Time flickered, and two quarters of an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  Since Zhang Jianyun got the blood of Little Firebird, he has been cultivating nearby.

  Lei Pojun was already impatient.

  "When will you finish your cultivation? Did you know that our time is very precious?"

After Zhang Jianyun absorbed the blood of Little Firebird, his face suddenly showed an uncomfortable look: "What are you two boys so anxious about? Just absorbed these blood, the old man is now in good spirits, I need to test it. Own cultivation base, hahahaha!"

After   's voice fell, a light red light suddenly condensed on his body, and this breath began to continuously impact the surrounding space.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes and looked at Zhang Jianyun, and found that the other party's cultivation level had indeed not reached the realm of Divine Soul.

  To be precise, Zhang Jianyun must have not survived the third catastrophe. I am afraid that he was not beaten up for some reason, and luckily left a small life.

  But he definitely has to practice again.

   "The luck of you two guys is really great. I didn't expect you to get the assistance of an Eudemons."

  Chen Xuan said coldly: "What does this have to do with you."

   "Okay, it has nothing to do with me." Zhang Jianyun looked at Chen Xuan and said, "I don't know where you came from, and I'm still a bit curious, why can you two boys enter here?"

   After being reminded by Zhang Jianyun, Chen Xuan's heart began to wonder, it may be that the mysterious powerhouse of the Blood Demon Sect wanted to absorb their essence and blood, so he deliberately opened the channel and let Chen Xuan and the others walk in here.

   "I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. If you don't tell us about the passage to the Luokong Secret Realm, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Xuan said.

   Zhang Jianyun shrank his neck: "You can't do this to me, right? I originally wanted to give you a heritage..."

   "You want to give us a heritage, what is it?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

  He thought that the other party turned out to be a member of the monster race, and these inheritances were of no use to him.

After seeing the expression on Chen Xuan's face, Zhang Jianyun immediately said: "You must be thinking now, there is no way to absorb the inheritance of a monster warrior, right?"

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "I really think so now."

"Don't worry. Although the old man is a member of the demon race, I have lived in a human family since I was a child, so all I practiced are human techniques. This inheritance can be absorbed by the two of you, but this inheritance is accompanied by Certainly dangerous."

"If you can't absorb the inheritance, and it is even possible to lower your cultivation base, do you dare to accept my inheritance? Then I can say that I am ahead. The danger is there, but if you can get this inheritance, you will let The cultivation of both of you has improved." Zhang Jianyun said word by word.

  Chen Xuan looked into his eyes and found that the other party did not seem to be lying to him.

  The words of Zhang Jianyun just now made Chen Xuan's heart a stormy sea.


  He actually lived in the home of humans since he was a child?

  Why would a demon race be adopted by humans? Chen Xuan did not think too much.

   "What inheritance do you talk about first? This inheritance will really make our cultivation breakthrough." Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

  He was really not sure if Zhang Jianyun would harm him.

After seeing Chen Xuan's somewhat uncertain expression, Zhang Jianyun curled his lips and said, "Boy? You are suspicious of me, how could I deceive you!"

"Let’s talk about you kid first. Your essence and blood are very special. This kind of power may help you improve your cultivation. So you don’t need to worry about it at all. This is very important to you, but you need to find a way. No, I can't help you with other things, ah ha ha." Zhang Jianyun looked at Lei Pojun and said.

   "Have you seen the blood cloud corpse? Below that blood cloud corpse, there is a blood demon coffin, which is the blood demon coffin prepared by the fallen strong man for himself."

  As soon as he said this, Chen Xuan suddenly showed such an expression.

   is really a warrior of the Blood Demon Sect...

  However, this person's cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Divine Soul Realm. Is it really the legendary Blood Demon Sovereign?

  Thinking about it carefully, Chen Xuan thought it was impossible again.

  Although the Gorefiend Sect Master disappeared, it is rumored that he was not killed.

  But this blood demon sect's powerhouse was obviously killed. Although there was still a breath of breath, it was equivalent to losing a life.

  Forget it, don’t think so much...

  Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

   "This coffin is actually his, I think you guys know it too?" Zhang Jianyun kept saying.

  He was very strong a thousand years ago, but after so long, he must have no idea about the Blood Demon Sect.

  After all, the Blood Demon Sect only suddenly emerged a thousand years ago.

   "I feel that there is a treasure nearby, but my real body is damaged, and I can't get under the coffin in front. If you want to get the treasure, go to the Blood Demon Spirit Coffin to find it." Zhang Jianyun said.

   Chen Xuan understood what he said.

  The opponent is using him as a gun.

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan looked at Lei Pojun, he was a little worried that Lei Pojun could not control the blood demon essence in his body.

  (End of this chapter)

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