Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3963: Legacy of Lei Pojun

  Chapter 3963 Legacy of Lei Pojun

Lei Pojun pondered for a moment, and then whispered to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, you don't have to worry about me. I'll go there and see first. If we can get the inheritance, the cultivation of the two of us will be able to Ascension, no one can stop the two of us at that time."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "It's better to be careful and wait. No one knows if Zhang Jianyun is lying to us."

"Haha, you don't care if he is lying to us, but I feel that there is indeed a very fierce aura in it. There must be inheritance in it. As long as I can obtain the inheritance, you and I will join hands and the chief of the other sects. The big disciple, it can't be our opponent, we must avenge the Sword Yuezong disciple at that time." Lei Pojun's pupils were full of killing intent.

   Hearing the words, Chen Xuan also said: "That's what I said, you should go there first."

  "Brother, when looking for inheritance, you must be more cautious and never let your guard down..."

   "Okay, don't worry, I will always pay attention to my surroundings." Chen Xuan whispered.

  In fact, Chen Xuande was also very puzzled in his heart, why Zhang Jianyun asked him to look for the blood demon coffin.

  What is inside the Blood Demon Coffin? Even Chen Xuan couldn't say clearly.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan quickly walked forward. Under Chen Xuan's gaze, the blood demon coffin in front of him suddenly burst into a blood-red light.

   "What a strong power..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Lei Pojun’s body was surrounded by bursts of terrifying light, and bloodthirsty killing intent surged in his pupils.

   Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan immediately said: "Lei Pojun, you must be careful inside the blood demon coffin, maybe there is a blood demon sect person there."

  As a result, as soon as his voice fell, Lei Pojun had already opened the blood cloud corpse and got into the blood demon coffin.

After seeing Lei Pojun walked in, Zhang Jianyun slowly stroked his beard.

   "Well, now Lei Pojun has entered, can you tell me the inheritance you just mentioned."

  After hearing this, Zhang Jianyun continued: "What are you doing in such a hurry, kid? You want to inherit, we must do what I said."

  "Go a few steps ahead, and you can enter an area where the Secret Realm of Missing Failure and this independent space junction, and there should be a mountain near this area. Above this mountain, this mountain is very dangerous."

   "Even if I go in, I'm afraid I will be swallowed directly."

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slowly and said, "What then? Are you trying to let me pass? It seems that this inheritance will also improve you, right?"

Zhang Jianyun did not answer directly. He went on to explain: "Don't worry about this, but I want to tell you in advance that you must be cautious when you are going over. This mountain is very special and it is very likely to be in danger. Inheritance is not something anyone can obtain. It is not only powerful, but also full of lethality. If you can't get the inheritance, you can only blame you. It has nothing to do with me. Don't blame me for not telling you clearly."

  Chen Xuan snorted, he thought to himself that Zhang Jianyun is too boring, isn't it just a heritage?

  Can't he get it yet.

   "It seems that you also know that this inheritance can improve your cultivation?" Chen Xuan asked tentatively.

   Zhang Jianyun replied: "Although you are right, I can't admit it."

  Chen Xuan resisted the thought of wanting to beat him up.

   "Since you know that there is a heritage, why did you not go there in the first place?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "It's not that I don't want to go, but because there is a restriction around me, this kind of power can suppress my dantian, so my past will definitely cause backlash from the surrounding formation." Zhang Jianyun said.

  Chen Xuan whispered: "Okay, I'll just go over and take a look."

   "Is this place dangerous? Didn't even you go there?"

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Zhang Jianyun immediately said: "The power of this formation is very terrifying, do you think I don't want to find treasures in the formation? I have been trying to get in there for years, but I myself He is a member of the Monster Race, although I am very familiar with this space now."

   "But once I enter, it will cause the backlash of the surrounding spiritual formations, because and I want to tell you, but now I have learned a lot of heritage."

"These places have treasures of inheritance, plus you are in a separate space in the Secret Realm. If you want to get these treasures, you have to do what I say, and there is one more thing I have to do. Tell you……"

   "What's the matter?"

  "You must be cautious when you go. You must not act rashly." Zhang Jianyun whispered.

"Moreover, the two heritage sites I pointed out are inherently dangerous. Although there are many dangers in these two places, they are very suitable for you. If you can find magic weapons in them, it will not only improve my cultivation. , It can also increase your strength a lot. There is a violent blood in another kid's body. I think you should feel it too." Zhang Jianyun said.

   "Although this kind of power can increase his cultivation level, it will invisibly affect his mind. Now he has to find a solution." Zhang Jianyun said.

   Chen Xuan was silent for a moment, but he did not continue to question because he knew that it was definitely not so easy to get the treasure of inheritance.

   "Moreover, this is still an independent space in the unexplored realm..." Chen Xuan looked ahead, and finally chose to explore it.

  Want to get the treasure of inheritance, it is the so-called quest for wealth and wealth. If the cultivation level is to be improved, Chen Xuan must not stay here forever.

   "Where is this mountain?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

   "It's not difficult to find the mountain. Have you seen the corpse? Just walk a few steps ahead and you can open an independent space." Zhang Jianyun said.

  Chen Xuan walked towards the top of the mountain behind the blood cloud corpse.

  There were bursts of fiery red light condensed in his body, and then Chen Xuan used the power of the dragon pattern, he was worried that there would be danger nearby.

  As Chen Xuan walked forward, Zhang Jianyun moved quickly, with a big smile on his face.

   "Chen Xuan, when will you ask me for a love? I still need some blood. If I can get these blood, my cultivation level will definitely recover a lot."

  Chen Xuan said: "In this case, you still want to ask me for blood, little Firebird, you ignore him, let's go."

  Chen Xuan immediately walked forward.

"No, when are you giving me a drop of blood, there is only the last drop of blood, I don’t need too much, just the last drop of blood, my cultivation level will be restored, and I will definitely give you more benefits at that time. !" Zhang Jianyun said loudly.

  Hearing Zhang Jianyun chattering a bunch of nonsense behind him, Chen Xuan chose to ignore it.

  He thought to himself that this person's face was really thick enough, completely different from the master of Yunxiao Mansion he had imagined.

  Fortunately, Zhang Jianyun has no bad thoughts.

  Although he is a member of the monster race, Zhang Jianyun has been famous for thousands of years ago, and many people admire Zhang Jianyun very much. It is said that Zhang Jianyun once founded a school before.

   But this is already thousands of years ago, and has nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

When    walked forward, Chen Xuan suddenly noticed that the space in front of him suddenly twisted, and then he came to a very unique space.

   "It seems that this should be the mountain Zhang Jianyun said..."

  Chen Xuan immediately climbed towards the top of the mountain.

   is completely different from what Chen Xuan imagined. He originally thought that it would be very difficult to climb to the top of the mountain.

  The result is easier than expected.

  It only took about half an hour, and Chen Xuan easily climbed onto this mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Chen Xuan immediately stared at his surroundings.

  When looking at the mountain from below, he only saw the lush greenery above the mountain, and there was a light green aura released.

  But when Chen Xuan came to the top, Chen Xuan realized that the top of this mountain was completely different from what he had imagined.

The original lush jungle is becoming less and less, and a bare piece of it, only a few huge rocks can be seen standing on top, and the green scent around it is a small grass on the ground. It seems that there is nothing special about it.

   can even be described as nothing.

  "This mountain is so weird, is it going to look for inheritance here? That kid is not lying to me, right?" Chen Xuan was a little puzzled for a while.

  He did not expect that the place of inheritance that Zhang Jianyun said, there was nothing.

  Chen Xuan had searched for a lot of inheritance in the secret realm before, but he had never seen the scene in front of him.

  Chen Xuan looked around suspiciously, muttering to himself: "It should be something wrong, he will not lie to me, there is definitely a heritage here, it seems that I have to look for it carefully..."

   Thinking in his heart, Chen Xuan immediately walked forward.

  When Chen Xuan first set foot on this mountain, he did not notice that in a jungle not far away, a light green breath suddenly dissipated.

   then disappeared without a trace.

  Chen Xuan had already displayed the power of the dragon pattern. He felt a breath suddenly dissipate. At this time, Chen Xuan's face changed slightly.

   "Something's wrong, I seemed to feel a breath coming out just now, but why did it suddenly disappear..."

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuangang was about to look forward, but suddenly felt the space ring shake.

   To be precise, it was not because the Space Ring was shaking, but because the Liaoyuan Sword in the Space Ring sent a fierce aura. Then, the Liaoyuan Sword trembled slightly.

   Chen Xuan knew that the mysterious strong man was still in the Liaoyuan Sword.

  A few days ago, the mysterious strong man finally told Chen Xuan his name.

  He is called Long Tianpo.

  (End of this chapter)

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