Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3992: Elder Blood Demon Sect

  Chapter 3992 Blood Demon Sect Elder

  Chen Xuan was not angry either.

   "I didn't lie, it was he who killed these blood demon sects."

"Hehe, there is no proof of death, his body is already in shreds, how can you ask him, even his soul has disappeared, and I think this kid has some origins with our Blood Demon Sect..." Blood Demon Sect elder Strode out, and then his body instantly appeared beside Chen Xuan.

   Just as he was about to grab Chen Xuan in his hand, a disciple of the sect suddenly cut out a sword energy.


   Sword Qi directly hit this blood demon sect warrior's body

  "Brother, you recover from your injury as soon as possible, let us hold him!" the disciple said loudly.

   Suddenly, the elder of the Blood Demon Sect focused on him: "The little ant actually dare to provoke me, it's almost reckless..."

  It can only be said that the disciples of this sect are very courageous, but it is a pity that the people around him are less courageous.

  After seeing him as an early bird, these sect disciples did not work with him, but retreated to the rear.

  It didn’t take long for the warrior who helped Chen Xuan resist the elders of the Blood Demon Sect, and was quickly killed.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan could only sigh helplessly. His injury had not fully recovered, and his rash action would only make the situation worse.

  Moreover, the elders of the Blood Demon Sect were too strong, and they did not give Chen Xuan a chance to react.

  The reaction of other disciples made Chen Xuan feel a little unhappy.

  Although he did not kill Song Wenzhen to save these people, it is better to let them be killed by Song Wenzhen instead of letting these people go out alive, so that Chen Xuan might feel better in his heart.

   "After my injury recovers, I must kill you..." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

  The elder of the Blood Demon Sect who was observing the scene seemed to have heard Chen Xuan's whispers. He suddenly turned around, and his silver hook-like eyes disappeared coldly on Chen Xuan's body.

   "Boy, I seemed to hear you say me just now, didn't you?"

  He once again walked towards Chen Xuan.

  At this time, the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, he thought that Chen Xuan was not a threat at all, just when he was about to kill Chen Xuan.

  From Chen Xuan's body, bursts of fiery red light suddenly filled his body and hit him directly.


  The elder of the Blood Demon Sect immediately backed away two steps, and then he looked at the Suzaku fire burning in his palm with a look of surprise.

  The flame is filled!

   Immediately afterwards, a series of sword qi continued to attack his body.

   Chen Xuan's injury has not fully recovered, but it is enough to deal with the elder of this blood demon sect.

   "This is what you asked for!" Chen Xuan roared, continuously gathering spiritual energy from his dantian.

  A shocking force began to continuously envelop the elders of the Blood Demon Sect.

   No matter how strong this blood demon sect elder's cultivation base is, he still felt stretched when facing Chen Xuan's sword aura continuously and frantically.

   "I wonder if Chen Xuan can defeat the elder of this Blood Demon Sect? If he can kill the opponent, I really admire him in my heart."

   "Chen Xuan just killed Song Wenzhen, now he has to deal with a blood demon elder, I don't know if he will win..."

  Seeing these disciples discussing behind him, Chen Xuan would not be angry. If the elder of the Blood Demon Sect had not found his head, Chen Xuan would definitely not do it.

  At this moment, the elders of the Blood Demon Sect had exhausted all his strength, but he still couldn't take advantage of Chen Xuan's body. He felt danger.

  For an instant, a turbulent red gas instantly enveloped Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan yelled, and the violent Suzaku fire swallowed the red light directly.

  In this short moment, the red light disappeared instantly.

  Everyone exclaimed.

   "It seems that Chen Xuan may really win. His strength is stronger than I thought..."

   "He is so powerful, Song Wenzhen was killed by him in seconds, I think the elder of the Blood Demon Sect may not last long." Several martial artists began to whisper.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan raised his wrist gently, and then a flame shot out of his pupils.

  The fifth step of the Thousand Thousand Sword Art!

   Chen Xuan shouted, and the sword energy rushed to the elder of the Blood Demon Sect instantly.


  The body of the blood demon elder was knocked back.

After doing all this, Chen Xuan's expression was also very surprised.

  Because of the exercises displayed by this blood demon elder, even Chen Xuan could hardly resist.

  Fortunately, the opponent has been repelled, and Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, which shows that he still has the power to fight.

  The elder of the Blood Demon Sect was not as powerful as Chen Xuan imagined.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan thought that the opponent's cultivation had reached the second peak of the Divine Soul Realm, but after a battle, Chen Xuan had already tried out the opponent's true strength.

  In the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, it is only one step away to enter the peak realm.

  This cultivation level is not weak, but it can't be seen enough in front of Chen Xuan.

The cultivation bases of all the elders of the Blood Demon Sect have all reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm.

  The elder of the Blood Demon Sect at this time showed a very surprised expression, because the strength that Chen Xuan had just exploded was far beyond his imagination.

  It’s impossible...

  Why can a junior with the highest level of spirit and soul be able to withstand my blow? Did this guy take some kind of pill?

   Just now, he saw Chen Xuan dying, and he had no power to resist his attack, but in the next instant, Chen Xuan exploded with super strength and directly suppressed him.

   Could it be said that all these people were killed by him?

Elder    looked at the corpse on the ground, he found not only the blood demon sect warrior, but also the corpse of a strong man.

  Even though Song Wenzhen had been killed, the elders of the Blood Demon Sect could still feel a terrible power from the opponent's body.

  "A strong man in the realm of Divine Soul Realm was killed by him, but he could still deal with me in turn. Who is this kid..."

  The elder of the Blood Demon Sect retreated. He originally wanted to put on a costume in front of this group of disciples to demonstrate his powerful cultivation skills. As a result, he did not take advantage of Chen Xuan's hands.

   "If I can absorb this kid, my cultivation level will definitely break through..." The elder of the Blood Demon Sect secretly thought.

  Chen Xuan did not take him to heart.

   is just the elder of a blood demon sect. His cultivation base is Dingpotian, which is the third level of the Divine Soul Realm. Even if Chen Xuan is not their opponent, he can escape safely from their hands.

  As long as the power of the dragon pattern is displayed, Chen Xuan's speed will be greatly improved. Unless it is a strong person whose cultivation base is much higher than his, no one can catch his pace.

  At this moment, the elder of the Blood Demon Sect stretched out his big blood-red hand and quickly moved down towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's body took two steps back, and then lightly danced the long sword, and the gusts of wind that reached the extreme suddenly killed the elder Gorefiend.


  The violent storm blew up suddenly.

  But this storm did not bring any impact on Chen Xuan.

  Instead, he was the elder of the Blood Demon Sect. The whole person was directly blown hundreds of meters by this gust of wind. He didn't stop slowly until his body retreated around a huge boulder.

  "Great!" Several disciples began to exclaim constantly, and everyone was shouting Chen Xuan's name.

   "We are saved!"

   "Long live Chen Xuan, if it weren't for Chen Xuan's presence here, we would have never known how many deaths we would have died!"

  Fortunately, there are a few disciples from the sect to help.

  At this time, everyone has seen the weakness of the elders of the Blood Demon Sect. They joined hands and launched a fierce attack on the elders of the Blood Demon Sect.

  The Blood Demon Sect elder was very desperate, but Chen Xuan alone made him feel dangerous. As a result, the disciples of these sects still fell into trouble and launched a fierce attack on him.

  How could he be an opponent by himself.

  It didn't take long for the elder of the Blood Demon Sect to have several red scars on his body.

   makes his body drip with blood.

  Seeing that the other party had been seriously injured, Chen Xuan secretly sighed in his heart that the opportunity had come.

  In the next instant, the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand flew directly out. With the power of the sword soul, he manipulated the Liaoyuan sword from a distance.

  In just a few rounds, Chen Xuan eliminated the elder of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "It's great, Chen Xuan got rid of another evil!"

   "Chen Xuan's strength is simply too strong, he is my idol..."

Although everyone was marveling that Chen Xuan killed two masters of the Divine Soul Realm one after another, they are all gathered next to the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, wanting to see what good things are in his space ring. .

  A few disciples immediately walked over and pulled away the warriors who wanted to take the treasure.

  There is a trace of anger on their faces.

  "This blood demon elder was killed by Chen Xuan. In order to save us, he has killed two remnants of the blood demon sect. All these treasures belong to him. We can't **** it with Brother Chen!"

  "They are right. Brother Chen has spent so much effort to save us. We can't be white-eyed wolves..."

   Chen Xuan thought, this is what people should say.

  But when he was fighting with the elders of the Blood Demon Sect, why did you people keep watching the excitement from a distance and didn’t help?

  Since the blood demon sect had been killed, Chen Xuan would not think too much about these meaningless things.

  (End of this chapter)

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