Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3993: Sect disciples who eat inside and outside

  Chapter 3993 Sect disciples who eat inside and outside

  He squatted down, and then took the space ring of the blood demon sect elder in his hand. Through the power of the soul, Chen Xuan quickly penetrated the opponent's space ring.

  After looking at the materials inside, Chen Xuan nodded with satisfaction: "There are a lot of treasures in it, this time I can be considered a worthwhile trip..."

  Fighting for two hours in a row, Chen Xuan felt exhausted.

  Fortunately, the people of the Blood Demon Sect did not come together, if otherwise, no matter how strong Chen Xuan was, it would not be possible to wipe out these blood demon sect warriors.

  As for Chen Xuan, he will definitely not stay here anymore. The blood demon sect warrior and most likely will continue to come. If there is a master with a stronger cultivation base, Chen Xuan will definitely be killed.

  At this time, all the warriors on the entire mountain range were talking with each other.

   "Big Brother, you are the **** in our hearts!" A warrior immediately said flattering.

  Chen Xuan didn’t take his words to heart either. I’m afraid these people are accustomed to slapping their beards and horses.

  The disciples of these sects usually like to flatter their seniors. Now they are very comfortable with Chen Xuan's flattering.

  Many warriors still looked at Chen Xuan dumbfounded. One thing in their hearts was that Chen Xuan's strength had far exceeded their judgment.

  Who is this Chen Xuan anyway? His cultivation base is simply too enchanting, and he has never seen such a powerful genius...

  Many warriors are completely boiling, they have never heard of this name before.

  The most important thing is that Song Wenzhen had always given them the impression that he had always been a high-ranking genius monk who had reached the ninth level of the Shenluo realm at a young age. In the first two years, Song Wenzhen had directly broken into the spirit realm.

  Furthermore, he also found a magic weapon in the Secret Realm of Missing, and his cultivation level has entered the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  A genius of this level will surely become the inner door elder of the sect one day.

  As a result, Song Wenzhen was actually killed by Chen Xuan.

  Whether it is Song Wenzhen or the elder of the Blood Demon Sect who has just been killed by Chen Xuan, they are all first-class powerhouses.

  All the martial arts disciples present knew that they could not be their opponents.

   These two super powers were easily solved by Chen Xuan.

  If they knew Chen Xuan's school, they would definitely not speak to him in this manner now.

  At the same time, these disciples were grateful to Chen Xuan in their hearts. Although some people were jealous of him, more people understood one thing. They knew that Chen Xuan had saved their lives.

   "Chen Xuan, your cultivation is really too strong."

   "That's right, you are too powerful, even our senior brother Liu is not your opponent."

   "Hahaha, how can Brother Liu's cultivation level be compared with Chen Xuan? This is simply a deadly comparison. Chen Xuan killed two powerful blood demon sects one after another. He is the savior of our Yunxiao Mansion!"

  Chen Xuan thought that this top hat was really good, and he wanted to kill the blood demon sect.

  And the reason he came here was only to kill Song Wenzhen, but by coincidence, he discovered that Song Wenzhen had actually practiced the blood demon sect.

  Chen Xuan naturally killed Song Wenzhen, which was also an unexpected gain.

  Nowadays, these disciples of the sect who slap Chen Xuan's flattery, in their hearts regard Chen Xuan as their idol.

   "Chen Xuan, if it weren't for you today, all of our brothers would have been killed."

   "The most important thing is that you have done a great deed for Yunxiao Mansion. These Blood Demon Sect people do no evil in their daily life, and now you can be regarded as killing..."

   "Big Brother Chen Xuan is the hero of our Yunxiao Mansion. It wasn't him, huh, no one could escape death..."

   Chen Xuan did not change his expression after hearing the voices of these warriors.

  He sighed slightly, and then called to the little Firebird.

  The little flamingo flapped its wings suddenly, and slowly landed on Chen Xuan's shoulder.

  Blessings are unparalleled, misfortunes are not double.

   Just when Chen Xuan thought that Song Wenzhen had been killed, he saw a sudden surge of blood on the ground, and a strange **** aura filled it in an instant.

  Chen Xuan frowned tightly, he felt something very bad.

   While fighting against the blood demon sect martial artist, Chen Xuan once heard a secret.

  He heard that the people of the Blood Demon Sect can master a method of bringing back the dead, but this method can only be activated under certain conditions.

Could it be that?

  Sure enough, it was the same as Chen Xuan thought.

   Song Wenzhen, who was about to turn into ashes, started to reorganize through the red aura.

   Immediately afterwards, his body turned into flesh and blood, and a strange body was combined.

  Looking at the monster in front of him, Chen Xuan was very frightened.

  He couldn't tell whether this person was Song Wenzhen or some strange combination of objects.

  In short, this is not what a person should look like.


  Several disciples of the sect were shocked, and a few of them were about to pee their pants in fright.

   Even after Chen Xuan saw this scene, his heart was full of panic. He had seen many worlds, but the situation before him still made Chen Xuan feel bad.

  He didn’t know that Song Wenzhen didn’t master the essence after practicing this exercise.

  Although he can reorganize his body, the appearance of this body reorganization is really a bit weird.

   "It seems that Song Wenzhen relied on only a trace of his remaining soul and absorbed the soul of the blood demon sect elder to bring himself back to life. I think this is also unintentional..."

  Even if Song Wenzhen reorganized his body and resurrected, his strength has been greatly reduced.

  Chen Xuan could completely kill Song Wenzhen again.

  He just looked at the monster in front of him, without saying a word, his expression was very gloomy.

  After another quarter of an hour, Song Wenzhen gradually opened his dark red eyes.

  Blood is dripping from his pupils.

  If you look closely, you can also see that Song Wen really has human facial features, but the arrangement is not in the normal order at all.

   "Such a terrifying monster, what the **** is he..."

   "It's not really Song Wenzhen..."

  Song Wenzhen's expression also showed shock after seeing the appearance of his body.

  He cannot speak.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what the name of this exercise was called, but he knew that after reshaping the body, it would lose three levels of cultivation.

  In other words, Chen Xuan can easily kill Song Wenzhen.

  As for Song Wenzhen's cultivation base, I am afraid there is only the Ninth Level of Shenluo Realm, which is very different from Chen Xuan.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't kill you just now, leaving you with a trace of soul and residue. However, I will send you to see the King of Hades now!" Chen Xuan sneered, and quickly waved the long sword in his hand towards him. Song Wenzhen cut out a sword gas.

  Song Wen really wanted to dodge, but his body had just been reorganized, facing Chen Xuan's sword energy, there was no way to dodge it.


  Song Wenzhen's body was directly cut into two parts, followed by the crazy burning of the Suzaku Fire.

  Not long after, his body was burned to a pile of ashes and dissipated in the air.

  All the disciples watched this scene dumbfounded.

  What is happening now is beyond their common sense.

   "It's terrible, why does this happen..."

   "The blood demon sect's exercises are really weird, and we can't use our thoughts to infer it at all. I didn't expect Song Wenzhen to be resurrected..."

   "Senior Brother Chen Xuan, did you kill him this time? He won't be resurrected again?"

  Seeing these disciples’ panic, Chen Xuan felt very upset. If it hadn’t been because he had blocked Song Wenzhen, these people would have to stare aside, and they would not be able to help.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan's temper has improved a lot now. If it were to be kept in the past, he would definitely knock all these people out.

  Thinking about it carefully, Chen Xuan didn't need to kill all these people.

  Since these disciples can be used, Chen Xuan will not let go of the opportunity...

  As long as they can use it for themselves, then Chen Xuan's revenge for the Sword Yuezong disciple will be much easier.

  Of course, this also has a premise, that is, these people will not rebel against him.

  Chen Xuan was very clear in his heart. Although he had saved these disciples now, as long as they knew that Chen Xuan was a member of Jianyue Sect, these disciples might soon turn their faces and deny them.

The disciples of the various sects of the entire Yunxiao Mansion have basically known about the siege of Jianyuezong by the three sects.

   against the three big sects, they don’t have the guts.

  The three two-star sects are the most powerful sects besides the three-star sects of Yunxiao Mansion.

   Few people dare to provoke them.

Although the Li family was one of them, Chen Xuan also knew that with his current strength, there was definitely no way to fight the entire Li family.

  He must find a way to divide the power of these sects.

  It would be best if they let them bite the dog. If they want to resist, Chen Xuan doesn't mind killing them all.

  It’s no use keeping these people’s lives anyway.

  (End of this chapter)

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