Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3999: One million high-grade spirit stones

  Chapter 3999 One million high-grade spirit stones

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Chen Xuan's body exudes a fierce aura invisibly, the purpose is to let these people who want to trouble him, recognize their own strength, and also save Chen Xuan a lot. Trouble.

   "Okay, I'll help you prepare." The man took out his spatial ring as he spoke. After a while, he counted all the spiritual stones in the ring.

  "This son, all the top-grade spirit stones you need are in this ring, would you like to count it?" the man asked.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly. He didn't care too much. It is not that simple to count one million high-grade spirit stones.

  "This is my space ring. All the ordinary spirit stones in it are given to you."

  The man looked at the space ring that Chen Xuan handed him in surprise, and said with a smile on his last face: "Okay, son, you go slowly."

  He earned a lot of ordinary spirit stones from Chen Xuan.

  Want to redeem high-grade spirit stones in other places, according to the color and luster, at most only two hundred ordinary spirit stones would be enough, but his price was doubled.

  In spite of this, Chen Xuan really needed high-grade spirit stones to improve the little Firebird's strength, so he didn't care about that much either.

  In the end, Chen Xuan received one million high-grade spirit stones.

  "One million is indeed a lot..." Chen Xuan had previously obtained a lot of spirit stones from Liu Yuanjian, but those spirit stones did not improve his cultivation.

  With this million high-grade spirit stones, Chen Xuan wanted to see if he could improve his strength.

  Looking at the space ring in his hand, Chen Xuan lightly thought of the technique, and then the little firebird came out of the space ring.

   Hearing the little flamingo chirp twice, Chen Xuan said with a smile: “Okay, don’t complain now. These are all top-grade spirit stones. You can eat as much as you like.”

  After hearing the voice of the little firebird in his mind, Chen Xuan replied: "Stop flattering, hurry up and devour the high-grade spirit stone, if your strength improves, it will also be of great help to me."

  The little firebird plunged into the high-grade spirit stone, and finally opened its mouth, and began to continuously devour the high-grade spirit stone.

  To Chen Xuan's surprise, it was only half an hour's time that the little firebird had already swallowed 50,000 high-grade spirit stones.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help his heartache.

   "Swallowing so many things at once, this little Firebird has such a big appetite, is his stomach made of iron?" Chen Xuan cursed.

  At this moment, the little flamingo swallowed a lot of spirit stones, and a fiery red light burst out of his body unconsciously.

  Chen Xuan could see the red light on the little firebird's body, which flickered more frequently, and he could clearly perceive that the little firebird's power had increased a lot again.

   "Very good..."

The Little Firebird’s cultivation level had already reached the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm. After swallowing so many high-grade spirit stones, the Little Firebird’s strength can reach a higher level, reaching the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm. At that time, Chen Xuan would even have encountered it. The powerhouse in the early stage of the triple stage of the Divine Soul Realm might also have the power of the First World War.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the earth shaking in the distance. He showed a frightened expression, and then looked at the direction in the distance.

   "Why is there such a big movement, is there a monster coming to attack?"

   "Or is there two strong men at war?"

  Not only Chen Xuan was very surprised, many warriors here showed horrified expressions, and they all looked at the dust that swept away in the distance.

   "What a powerful aura, could it be said that another monster is coming over? What kind of monster is capable of exuding such terrible power..."

   "If I didn't guess wrong, this should be a giant blood-stripe tiger..."

   "No way, if it is really a giant bloodstained tiger, we can't deal with it at all."

  Chen Xuan immediately released the perception of the dragon pattern. He could feel a very terrifying breath, rushing crazy from a distance, and this power was constantly increasing.

   "What a terrible breath, is it really as they say, this is the power of a giant blood-stripe tiger?"

  Chen Xuan has heard of a legend in the Failed Secret Realm. The blood-stripe giant tiger had already survived in the Failed Secret Realm a thousand years ago.

  It is said that the blood-stripe giant tiger is a demon pet of the blood demon sect lord, but this is only a rumor, no one can confirm it.

  If it were before, Chen Xuan would definitely not believe it, but when he knew that this lost secret realm was the place of silence for the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect, he now believed in his heart that the blood-stripe giant tiger must be the opponent's demon pet.

  "This time it was terrible. If I didn't guess wrong, this blood-stripe giant tiger must be inextricably linked to the Blood Demon Sect..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  Red clouds were all over the sky, and the blood-stripe giant tiger let out a terrifying roar.

   There are several weak warriors who were directly swallowed by the blood pattern giant tiger who opened the blood basin.

  It didn't take long for many warriors to be killed by the blood-stripe giant tiger.

   "What a terrible power, we are not the opponent of this blood-stripe giant tiger at all, run!"

  There were still many martial artists gathered here, but in the blink of an eye.

  In addition to Chen Xuan, there are forty-five warriors.

  These forty-five people looked at the blood-stripe giant tiger running towards them, and they all showed shocked expressions.

   "Ah, no, it's really a giant bloodstained tiger."

   "The size of this blood-stripe giant tiger is really too big..."

  I have to say that the height of the blood-stripe giant tiger has almost reached several tens of meters. Standing in front of the blood-stripe giant tiger, Chen Xuan looked very small.

"It seems that it must be the people of the Blood Demon Sect who made this bloodmarked giant tiger come over and launch an attack. I definitely can't let this bloodmarked giant tiger continue to devour those sect disciples, otherwise the blood demon sect's sect master is likely to be resurrected. "Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  Chen Xuan had no ordinary spirit stones on his body, so he took out a few high-grade spirit stones, and then began to set up an array around him.

  According to Chen Xuan's calculation, this blood-stripe giant tiger's cultivation reached the early stage of the triple stage of the Divine Soul Realm. As a demon pet, its strength was already very powerful.

  At least among the martial artists in this area, no one can achieve the triple level of Divine Soul Realm. It is precisely because of this that only 30 people will be able to fight in the end because of the deaths and injuries of these people.

  At this moment, these people all gathered together and began to resist the attack of the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  If they don’t work together, I’m afraid they will all be swallowed by the bloodstripe giant tiger.

  More than 30 warriors worked together to display a series of swordsmanship, constantly rushing to kill the body of the blood-stripe giant tiger.

   However, the strength of the blood-stripe giant tiger is really too strong, facing their attack, the blood-stripe giant tiger is not afraid at all, just a charge directly disintegrated their formation.

   "My God, let's run quickly, and it won't end well if we are right with this bloodstained giant tiger."

   "The strength of the blood-stripe giant tiger is really terrifying. We are not the opponent of this blood-stripe giant tiger at all. Hurry up and think of a way to retreat."

  All the warriors retreated, and they felt extremely terrifying pressure from the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's formation had been set, and a red light suddenly flickered, and then the blood-stripe giant tiger was trapped in the middle.

  Seeing this scene, several martial artists of the sect revealed a puzzled look. Chen Xuan, who had been silent just now, actually trapped the blood-stripe giant tiger.

   "Hey, look at it? The blood-stripe giant tiger seems to be trapped by that person..."

   "He won't be that strong, right? Even the blood-stripe giant tiger can be trapped. Could it be said that his cultivation has reached the third level of the realm of spirits?"

   "It should be impossible. In this lost secret, the strongest cultivation base is Li Longbao, but his cultivation level is only the second major perfection of the Divine Soul Realm, and his strength is absolutely impossible to be stronger than Li Longbao."

   "But how come I have never seen him, it seems like a new face, who is this person?"

The disciples of several sects began to talk to each other. They seemed to have forgotten the current enemy. Although this blood-stripe giant tiger was trapped by Chen Xuan, only Chen Xuan knew that he could only trap the blood-stripe giant tiger for a period of time. time.

   "What are you looking at there? Hurry up and kill the blood-stripe giant tiger, and attack together!" Chen Xuan said with a throat.

  Several warriors immediately swung their long swords, and then launched a continuous attack towards the blood-stripe giant tiger.

   No matter how strong the defensive power of the blood-stripe giant tiger is, it is constantly being cut by the sword aura of these warriors, leaving a trail of blood on its body.

   "No way, his strength is much stronger than we thought. The blood-stripe giant tiger has been trapped by him for two quarters of an hour. Can he keep on going..."

   "Don't worry about that much, quickly kill the blood-stripe giant tiger, otherwise none of us can go out from here."

   "He's right, quickly kill the blood-stripe giant tiger!"

When these warriors launched their attacks, the blood-stripe giant tiger suddenly emitted a more terrifying light, which directly enveloped the entire sky. Everyone could not escape the blood-stripe giant tiger’s attack, even Chen Xuan was no exception. .


   Chen Xuan's body was directly flew out, and he rolled on the ground several times before reluctantly stood up.

  I have to say that the power of the blood-stripe giant tiger is indeed very terrifying, even if it is placed in the monster beast, it has already made it difficult for many monsters to reach.

  He was hit by this blood-stripe giant tiger. Chen Xuan felt his head groggy. He immediately took out the pill from the space ring, and then quickly swallowed it.

After taking the pill, Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness had improved a lot.

  But the blood-stripe giant tiger has completely broken through the shackles of the Vermillion Bird formation and rushed towards Chen Xuan and others frantically.

  The disciples of several sects were already frightened and desperate. They no longer dared to organize a strong resistance and attacked the blood-stripe giant tiger together, but ran away in a hurry.

  (End of this chapter)

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