Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4000: Bloodstripe Giant Tiger

  Chapter 4000 Blood-printed giant tiger

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan shook his head in disappointment. He didn't expect that the union of these disciples would be so fragile. After being broken by the blood-stripe giant tiger, they are now running to various places like a dog in the family.

  If they unite, they can definitely kill the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  As a result, they have run away now. With Chen Xuan's strength alone, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the blood-stripe giant tiger, and Chen Xuan will not help them desperately.

  So he did his part to not let him escape.

  Seeing these warriors suddenly fled, how could the blood-stripe giant tiger let go of this opportunity?

  Only heard a roar from the blood-stripe giant tiger, the bodies of the two warriors were immediately pierced through the back of the blood-stripe giant tiger’s claws, and then blood continued to flow out.

  The blood-stripe giant tiger greedily swallowed their blood. It didn't take long for the two warriors to absorb their souls by the blood-stripe giant tiger, and the blood instantly solidified.

  Seeing this horrible scene, the warrior who was about to escape, stopped once again.

  They knew that they couldn't run the blood-stripe giant tiger at all. As monsters, their physical strength was far stronger than those martial artists who practiced in the martial arts, and their speed was much faster than them.

   "What should we do now? The blood-stripe giant tiger is chasing us, but with our strength, it is impossible to deal with this blood-stripe giant..."

   "We are dead this time. I didn't expect us to be so unlucky. I heard that the blood-stripe giant tiger is the mount of the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect. It seems that this should be a vain name..."

   "It's not that scary, is it? I can meet a giant blood-stripe tiger here. I have lost my blood mold for eight lifetimes. The heavens won't help me."

  As they were hesitating, Chen Xuan's body was suspended in the air, and he gently tossed the Liaoyuan sword away.

  At this time, the Liaoyuan Sword was continuously rotating around Chen Xuan's body. It was only about a quarter of an hour before Chen Xuan's body was filled with an extremely terrifying energy.

   Seeing the changes in Chen Xuan's body, this warrior suddenly started talking in surprise.

   "Look at that person. He seemed to have a blood-stripe giant tiger for a while."

   "Is his strength really that strong? If he helps, maybe we can really kill the blood-stripe giant tiger."

   "The strength of this blood-stripe giant tiger is terrifying, but as long as we join hands, we still have a certain chance of winning."

   Before they could answer, Chen Xuan cut out a blood-red sword aura directly in the direction of the blood-patterned giant tiger, a sharp sword-aura, and instantly hit the blood-patterned giant tiger's body.


  The blood-stripe giant tiger was directly knocked back a few meters, and then Chen Xuan's body gently fell to the ground.

  He directly displayed the fifth stage of Suzaku Sword Art!

This sword technique has been cultivated to the realm of Dacheng by Chen Xuan. The power of a sword aura is very amazing, and Chen Xuan's own strength has far surpassed the power of the same realm. This is the cultivation given to him by the power of the dragon. For the promotion.

Nearly one hundred thousand catties of power were all vented to the body of the blood-stripe giant tiger. Even if the strength of the blood-stripe giant tiger was terrifying, even if the blood-stripe giant tiger was stronger than Chen Xuan, it was being attacked by Chen Xuan. When it arrived, there was still a scream.

  They watched as Chen Xuan pulled out a wound on the body of the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  Many warriors are all happy.

   "Okay, it seems that his strength is very strong. If we can join hands with him, we can definitely kill this blood-stripe giant tiger!"

"Well said!"

  A total of twenty-seven warriors gathered in an instant, and then they continued to swing their swords and launched a fierce attack towards the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  There are more and more wounds on the body of the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  After an hour passed, the blood-stripe giant tiger already had twenty-five wounds on his body, most of which were left by Chen Xuan.

  If it weren't for sharp swords, these martial artists would not be able to break the defenses of the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  The skin of the blood-stripe giant tiger is very strong, even if it is a sharp weapon of the tier, it can only leave a scratch on the body of the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  As for the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hands, not to mention, after his transformation, plus there are many strong sword souls in the Liaoyuan sword.

Although Long Tianpo would not help Chen Xuan improve his strength, the presence of this old predecessor in the Liaoyuan Sword invisibly increased the power of the Liaoyuan Sword.

   Therefore, every sword aura of the Liaoyuan Sword can leave scars on the blood-stripe giant tiger's body. After about half an hour passed, the blood-stripe giant tiger wailed, and then lay softly on the ground.

  All the warriors cheered.

  But after seeing the blood-stripe giant tiger lying on the ground, the first thought in their minds was not to thank Chen Xuan, but to think about how to take this blood-stripe giant tiger into possession.

Chen Xuan was the one who was able to kill this blood-stripe giant tiger, because the blood-stripe giant tiger had nearly half of the wounds on his body, all of which were left by him, plus if it wasn’t for Chen Xuan to display it. After the Suzaku formation, the blood-stripe giant tiger was besieged in the middle of the formation, I am afraid that many martial artists of the sect will be killed.

  Chen Xuan began to gasp for breath, killing this bloodstained giant tiger indeed consumed a lot of his aura, but he could also feel that there would be a battle in the near future.

Sure enough, several martial artists of the martial arts looked at Chen Xuan coldly, and then they approached step by step.

  All of them are people of the same sect.

  If Chen Xuan didn't guess wrong, they should all be disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.

  Chen Xuan and the Mu Sage Sword faction had their own enemies, so when these disciples walked towards Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was already intent on murder.

   "What do you want to do?" Chen Xuan asked calmly.

  He has guessed it, these people must be trying to kill him, and then take away the treasure from the blood-stripe giant tiger.

   "I don't know what your name is?" the warrior said.

  Chen Xuan could feel the murderous aura on him, but it covered him well. It seemed that he was also not sure that he could deal with the injured Chen Xuan.

In this battle between    and the blood-stripe giant tiger, only Chen Xuan contributed the most, but these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword faction spent most of their time watching the excitement. They obviously wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

   "If you care about what my name is and what I do, you should take care of yourself." Chen Xuan said.

   "Hahaha, this brother, I really thank you just now. It seems that your cultivation level should be equivalent to the second peak of the Divine Soul Realm, right? Can it be said that it is the second major consummation?"

   "This senior is indeed very strong. Unfortunately, this senior is already injured. I don't know if the senior can let the blood-stripe giant tiger's body out. Several of us need to use the blood-stripe giant tiger's inner alchemy to practice."

  The blood-stripe giant tiger's inner alchemy is not an ordinary magic weapon.

  It can be said that if the inner alchemy of the empty leopard is one, the inner alchemy of the blood-stripe giant tiger is one hundred.

The   empty and silent spirit leopard is just a monster in the early stage of the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, but the blood-stripe giant tiger has reached the third stage of the Divine Soul realm. The most important thing is that the blood-stripe giant tiger itself is also the mount of the blood demon sect lord.

  Whether it is the purity of the inner alchemy in the body, or the rarity of itself, it far exceeds the emptiness of the leopard.

The   Empty and Silent Spirit Leopard is also very rare, but it cannot be compared with the blood-stripe giant tiger.

The   blood-stripe giant tiger has always been a nightmare for these martial artists in the unexplored realm, because they do not want to encounter the blood-stripe giant tiger, let alone offend the Blood Demon Sect.

  The blood-stripe giant tiger suddenly launched an attack, but it did cause heavy casualties to these martial artists.

  There were more than three hundred warriors in the lively gathering place, but now there are only about twenty people left.

  All the other monks were swallowed by the blood-stripe giant tiger.

  Chen Xuan was very worried about one thing. He was afraid that the inner pill in the body of the blood-stripe giant tiger could be connected to the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect.

If the blood-stripe giant tiger absorbs a large number of martial artists, it will resurrect the blood demon sect master. This is something Chen Xuan does not want to see. The disciples of these wood holy swords do not know so much, they will only Desperately for the petty profits in front of me.

  Chen Xuan was unwilling to explain, after all, the cultivation base of the three of them was only at the first level of Divine Soul Realm. It would not take much effort to kill them three.

   "You still want to **** my things, you guys are really reckless..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  But these three disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect didn't think so. They felt that Chen Xuan had been seriously injured now, and there was no way to resist their attack.

   "Ah, brother, if you dare to question my conditions, don't blame me for being cruel."

   "Hahaha, we have already given you a chance, if you don't take it well, no one will know if I kill you today!"

  There are a few warriors watching the excitement nearby, and they all began to curse the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

   "These people of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect are really nothing. If it hadn't been for the senior brother to help us block the blood-stripe giant tiger, we would have been killed now..."

   "That's right, the blood-stripe giant tiger is, after all, a powerful monster at the third level of the Soul Realm..."

  Although they are also very upset with the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, they are just sulking next to them because they can't get the bloodline giant tiger's inner pill.

  These people have also been seriously injured.

  Unlike the people of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, they were desperately fighting with the blood-stripe giant tiger just now. Only the three disciples of the Sacred Sword Sect had been watching the show, so they did not suffer any injuries.

Chen Xuan took out the long sword, and then he slowly stood up from the ground, looked at the three disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect and said: "You are really looking for your own death. The inner alchemy who wants the blood-stripe giant tiger is No? You can find it in hell."

   "Hahaha, don't blame us, this is what you asked for!" The disciple roared, then turned into a red light, and rushed towards Chen Xuan frantically.

The   Wood Sacred Sword School is also a school of swordsmanship.

  (End of this chapter)

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