Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4001: The intent of the disciple of the Mu Sacred Sword School

  Chapter 4001 The secret calculation of the disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect

  His sword aura is full of lethal power, but in Chen Xuan's eyes it seems a little pediatric. He just gently waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, directly blocking the sword aura of this warrior.


  Everyone was bounced out by a horrible sword aura, but when they reacted, they realized that the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand had penetrated the head of this Wood Sacred Sword Sect disciple.

   "Impossible, how could his strength be so terrifying, he can't support the opponent's round at all."

   "What a terrifying cultivation base, Brother Chen's strength far exceeds our imagination..."

  A warrior suddenly recognized Chen Xuan, and he knew that Chen Xuan was the strong man who killed the two Blood Demon Sect elders.

   "What did you say? Is his surname Chen?"

   "Yes, I only know his last name is Chen, but I don't know what his name is. I heard them all say he is Brother Chen."

   "What kind of disciple is he? Why is his strength so powerful? I have never seen his swordsmanship. Could it be that he is a sect of the Demon Wind Empire?"

   "That's what I said, it should be possible..."

  Several warriors began to talk quietly.

  The location where the Secret Realm was opened is very close to the Demon Wind Empire after all, so several sects in the eastern part of the Demon Wind Empire also entered the Secret Realm.

  And these sects naturally include the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.

  But most of the sects who entered the unexplored secret realm were from Yunxiao Mansion.

  They don’t understand the sect of the Demon Wind Empire, so they now regard Chen Xuan as a member of the Demon Wind Empire, which has nothing to do with Yunxiao Mansion.

  No wonder they think wrong.

  The sword technique displayed by Chen Xuan does not have any connection with Jian Yuezong. This is his own creation of the Suzaku sword technique.

  The power of this sword technique is stronger than that of Jian Yuezong's sword art, so Chen Xuan naturally does not need to learn the sword of Jian Yuezong.

  Of course, the reason why Jianyuezong was called the three-star sect a hundred years ago, and the first sword-cultivation sect of Yunxiao Mansion, is not only because of the powerful swordsmanship.

  Sword Moon Sect paid great attention to tempering the sword intent. Chen Xuan had been practicing in Sword Moon Sect for a few months, and the strength of the sword soul had already increased by two small realms.

  Other swordsmanship sects paid great attention to the power of swordsmanship, but only Jian Yuezong grasped it from the root.

There is no need for disciples of the Sword Moon Sect to learn the swordsmanship of this sect. As long as the power of the sword soul increases, no matter what swordsmanship he learns, his power will be very powerful.

  This is the difference between the Sword Moon School and the Wooden Sacred Sword School.

  To be honest, the swordsmanship displayed by the Wood Sacred Sword Sect was completely inaccessible to Chen Xuan's eyes. In today's world, there are only thousands of swordsmanships that Chen Xuan can praise.

  The power of this swordsmanship is real.

   Chen Xuan, who has learned thousands of swordsmanship, and coupled with his own Suzaku sword aura, there is no need to learn other swordsmanship at all.

  At this time, Chen Xuan let out a soft roar, a fierce aura immediately circulated from his body, and then began to spread into the air.

  Seeing this scene, a few disciples who still wanted to kill the corpse of the blood-stripe giant tiger were afraid to speak now. They all looked at Chen Xuan dumbfounded and grew their mouths.

   "What a powerful strength, didn't he have been seriously injured just now? Why has he recovered now and killed all the three disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword faction."

  "Fortunately, I didn't have the idea of ​​hitting the corpse of the blood-stripe giant tiger, otherwise we were killed by him."

   "His strength is really too strong, we can't be his opponent at all."

  Chen Xuan directly beheaded all the three disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect with thunder-like means, and shocked all martial artists of the sect.

After   , no warrior dared to fight the blood-stripe giant tiger. They all came up and praised.

   "Brother Chen's strength is indeed unparalleled in the world. It is simply the strongest I have ever seen. I am afraid that even Li Longbao is not your opponent."

   "That's right, the Li Longbao of the Li family can only bully the weak, and the gap between him and Senior Brother Chen is simply not that big."

   "If Brother Chen makes a move, he can definitely kill Li Longbao instantly."

   Hearing the three words Li Longbao, Chen Xuan was still a little angry. He heard that Li Longbao had participated in the battle against Jianyuezong.

  "Don't worry about so much for now, get the blood-stripe giant tiger's inner alchemy as soon as possible, and leave here as soon as possible."

  At this moment, a white robe man suddenly appeared on the mountain.

  When he saw the corpse of the blood-stripe giant tiger, his face showed a greedy look, and then he noticed that three disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect had been beheaded on the ground.

   "Junior Brother Liu, Junior Brother Lei, you all were..." His tone was a little choked.

  Chen Xuan also heard that this person must also be a disciple of the Mu Sage Sword Sect.

   "Boy, did you kill my three junior brothers? You are looking for death!"

  "Do you know what consequences will be brought to you if you provoke our Wood Sacred Sword Sect?"

  Wood Sacred Sword Sect is divided into inner door and outer door.

  It was the inner disciple who killed Chen Xuan just now. Although their strength was very strong, the strength of the white-robed man in front of him had reached the second peak of the Divine Soul Realm.

  Chen Xuan squinted at the white-robed man and then said, "I killed them, so what can I do, these people want to kill me, can't I fight back?"

   "Damn boy, you are looking for death, dare you to fight with me? Let's fight here!"

   Chen Xuan wanted to laugh very much when he heard it. He had been fighting for a long time, and his injuries had not recovered.

  Although there is a chance of winning, Chen Xuan will definitely be injured, and he will not take such a big risk to fight the opponent.

   "Your head is sick." Chen Xuan said.

   "What are you talking about, you dare to say that my brain is sick, don't you guys want to live anymore?" The white-robed man was very upset.

   "I don't want to live anymore, I don't know, but I know you will definitely die." Chen Xuan said with his eyes closed.

   "Hahaha, your kid is really arrogant and ignorant, do you know who I am?"

   Chen Xuan thought, this white-robed man really likes to pretend to be garlic.

"who are you?"

   "To tell you the truth, I am Liu Ziquan. Haven't you heard of this name?"

   "Liu Ziquan? I really haven't heard of it." Chen Xuan didn't give him face at all, and directly said that he didn't know each other.

  Many disciples of sects have focused their attention on Chen Xuan and Liu Ziquan.

   "This is Liu Ziquan of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect. I heard that he ranks third in the inner sect of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect. His strength is obvious to all."

   "He actually wants to fight Chen Xuansheng to death..."

   "I don't know if Senior Brother Chen is his opponent."

   "Will Brother Chen agree?"

   "Senior Brother Chen has killed three disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, and he also dealt with the blood-stripe giant tiger just now. It must consume a lot of spiritual energy, I am afraid he will definitely not agree.

  Then they thought Chen Xuan would refuse directly, but the next scene surprised them all because Chen Xuan actually agreed.

   "I promise your challenge." Chen Xuan said.

   Liu Zi smiled back with anger: "Hahaha, okay, since you have the courage to agree to my life and death fight, let me see how your strength is..."

  As soon as these words came out, all martial artists of the sects showed shocked expressions, they did not expect Chen Xuan to actually dare to agree.

   "No way, Brother Chen continued to fight just now, and now his physical strength is definitely not as strong as his consummation state. I think he is really not necessarily Liu Ziquan's opponent."

   "If he didn't consume so much qi, I still believe Brother Chen would win, but now I don't think he can beat Liu Ziquan."

   "Liu Ziquan is also a master of the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, he is different from the previous Wood Sacred Sword Sect."

   "Who do you think will win?"

   "I think Brother Liu will win, or let's place a bet. You can see who will win."

   "Okay, I will press Brother Chen!"

  "I think Brother Chen is definitely not going to win, this time he is really bad luck, so I suppress Liu Ziquan to win!"

  "I also think that Liu Ziquan will win. Although Brother Chen saved our lives, he asked for it, so I can’t blame others!"

  The warrior began to place a bet.

   Chen Xuan did not expect that they would actually bet at this juncture, and many people thought that Chen Xuan would not win.

  No wonder they are.

  Chen Xuan also killed the bloodmarked giant tiger just now, and consumed a lot of true energy. If he still has the strength to kill Liu Ziquan now, it means that his strength has far exceeded the judgment of these disciples.

  They were just a joke, but Liu Ziquan took it seriously. He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, do you want to place a bet? I can just play with you."

   "I think I will win, and I am going to crush those 500,000 high-grade spirit stones."

  "Five hundred thousand, my God, Brother Liu is so rich..."

   "Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Liu would actually take out so many spirit stones at once. It seems that he has the confidence to kill Chen Xuan."

   "Chen Xuan will definitely not win. He has consumed a lot of true energy now. How could he be stronger than Senior Brother Liu?"

  "Let’s watch the fun. The life-and-death battle between the two of them has nothing to do with us. No matter who will win, it is not us who will benefit in the end."

   After taking out the 500,000 high-grade spirit stones, Liu Ziquan said sarcastically: "Did you see Chen Xuan? These people think you will not win."

  Chen Xuan glanced at his mouth: "If it wasn't because I consumed so much true energy, would you speak to me in such an arrogant tone now?"

  "You can't blame others for this. You just agreed to play with me. You can't go back!"

  Chen Xuan will never go back, and he will kill Liu Ziquan.

  But now he has to hold off for a while.

  I just ate two Yuan-Returning Pills, and the aura that Chen Xuan originally consumed was recovering bit by bit.

   "Chen Xuan, can you fight or not?" Liu Ziquan became a little impatient, although Chen Xuan agreed.

   But Chen Xuan's performance, although Liu Ziquan felt bad.

  Because Chen Xuan is too calm.

   "Chen Xuan, I will give you the most time to make incense. If you have not made a decision during this period, I will kill you directly..."

  (End of this chapter)

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