Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4002: Liu Ziquan

  Chapter 4002 Liu Ziquan

  Although Chen Xuan has agreed to a life-and-death battle, the two of them have yet to determine a time. That is to say, as long as Chen Xuan does not say to start the fight, Liu Ziquan cannot attack Chen Xuan.

  This is just a rule on the surface.

  Liu Ziquan naturally does not care about that much.

  Before it was time for a stick of incense, he directly swung his long sword, displayed the sword technique of the Wooden Sacred Sword School, and madly killed Chen Xuan.

  The opponent's sword aura was indeed very terrifying. After Chen Xuan's body stepped back slightly, he swung his long sword gently, and a fierce sword aura instantly emerged from the Liaoyuan Sword.

   Burning towards Liu Ziquan.


  The violent flames instantly swallowed Liu Ziquan's body. Among the surprised eyes of many warriors, Liu Ziquan fell directly on the ground, and then rolled on the ground several times before barely stopping.

   "No way, Liu Ziquan didn't even take advantage..."

   "Senior Brother Chen has been fighting the Monster Beast and the Wood Sacred Sword Sect for so long, he still has strength now."

   "It's really scary. It seems that his strength is more powerful than we thought."

   "I had known that I had defeated Brother Chen!"

   Liu Ziquan felt extremely humiliated. He believed that he was not defeated by Chen Xuan just now, but because he underestimated the enemy.

   "I thought that your aura has been consumed almost, but I didn't expect you to be able to perform such a domineering exercise. It's very good, it will be interesting now!" Liu Zi pretended to say.

  He even wanted to kill Chen Xuan with one blow, but he knew he had no chance.

  But superficial work still needs to be done. He wants to let the disciples of other schools know that the talents of their Wood Sacred Sword School are the strongest.

   "I heard your name is Chen Xuan, isn't it?"

  Chen Xuan did not answer.

   "Hahaha, since you didn't answer, you just acquiesced. I heard that you killed several warriors in the Black Cloud Gate before, but I didn't expect this to be true!"

   Chen Xuan thought to himself, if you want to fight, fight, there is so much nonsense.

  So he didn't say a word, and continuously waved the long sword in his hand, killing Liu Ziquan frantically.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan showed the power of the dragon pattern, and his whole body was covered with layers of red patterns.

  In the eyes of other warriors, there is even a vague dragon soul behind Chen Xuan.

   "No, Brother Chen actually cultivated the power of the dragon pattern. It seems that his identity is not as simple as we thought."

   "It's a terrible cultivation base. This is the first time I have seen someone who can perform such a terrible exercise."


The horrible breath instantly hit Liu Ziquan's body, causing Liu Ziquan to fall to the ground.

   "It seems that you are not my opponent. I am in a good mood this time. What do you think of spare your life?" Chen Xuan said sarcastically.

   Did not take advantage of it twice in a row, Liu Ziquan was also considered irritated, and he did not care about the honor of being a decent man, and directly killed Chen Xuan behind him.

   After feeling the breath coming from behind, Chen Xuan immediately turned around, and then violently swung the Liaoyuan sword, the expression on his face became savage.

  A fierce sword aura instantly cut Liu Ziquan’s neck, causing his body to fall directly on the ground, rolling on the ground several times in a row.

  Jing is followed by the burning of the Suzaku fire.

  Chen Xuan is not merciful at all.

  Two rounds later, Liu Ziquan had two more wounds on his body, one of which was chopped out by the Suzaku Sword Qi.

  Suzaku's fire faintly burned above this wound.

  Chen Xuan suddenly thought of the law, and a fierce flame immediately swallowed Liu Ziquan.

  Only a short period of time has passed, and Liu Ziquan’s body was burned in flames beyond recognition.

  He kept rolling on the ground, as if he wanted to put out the flames on his body, but the more he struggled, the more the flames burned.

   "Damn, this **** Chen Xuan, I must take revenge!" Liu Ziquan said hoarsely.

  His throat is already hoarse, but Chen Xuan is not ready to stop.

  "You asked for this. If it weren't for your trouble, I wouldn't kill you at all. I can only blame you for bad luck."

   Liu Zi all thought that Chen Xuan was already seriously injured, but his next few temptations were all easily resolved by Chen Xuan.

  Now Liu Ziquan can be killed by Chen Xuan casually.

  But Chen Xuan was not ready to kill Liu Ziquan so quickly. He wanted to kill the chickens and monkeys, and Chen Xuan wanted to ask from the opponent's mouth where the other disciples of the Mu Shengjian sent.

At this moment, Chen Xuan slowly walked towards Liu Ziquan. He put the Liaoyuan sword on Liu Ziquan’s neck, and then said softly, “I’ll ask you a question, and you can answer honestly. If your answer satisfies me, maybe I can. I spared you a little life."

  "If your answer makes me dissatisfied, maybe I will kill you with a single sword. It all depends on your answer that makes me dissatisfied."

   "Brother Chen, Brother Chen, Grandpa Chen..." Liu Ziquan's voice no longer resembles himself, and his whole body is trembling.

   Hearing the other party calling himself Grandpa Chen, Chen Xuanfeidan did not let go, but instead left a slight blood mark on Liu Ziquan’s neck with his palm.

"I warn you, don't give me a little abacus. If you want to attack me, you'd better look at the sword on your neck. It only takes a few cents, and I can kill you." Chen Xuan anger Said.

"I absolutely dare not. What question do you want to ask me? As long as I know it, I will definitely tell you. I dare not tell a lie." Liu Ziquan is really panicking now, he knows Chen Xuan is definitely not joking with himself.

   "Did you take part in the battle to besiege Jianyuezong?" Chen Xuan said.

Hearing this, Liu Ziquan immediately shook his head and said, "Grandpa, I don't even know where Jianyuezong is, what are you talking about?"

  He really didn’t know that Jianyuezong was a school of Yunxiao Mansion.

  It's just a pity that Chen Xuan's killing intent has been decided, so Liu Ziquan must not be kept.

  He didn’t know whether Liu Ziquan was deceiving himself, or he really didn’t know.

  So Chen Xuan was going to try again to see if Liu Ziquan knew about the Sword Moon Sect.

  It has been so long, many disciples of Jianyuezong have been killed, but Chen Xuan still did not find a living disciple of Jianyuezong.

  He believed that there were still some disciples of Jianyuezong who escaped and were not killed by the people of the Three Sects.

  Chen Xuan must ask them what happened to Jian Yuezong.

  Since Chen Xuan came to the Demon Wind Empire, he has not had time to return to Yunxiao Mansion, and naturally he does not know what crisis Jianyuezong has encountered.

  He just heard something from the mouths of a few disciples of the sect in the Lost Secret Realm.

When the disciples who survived from Jianyuezong came to the border of Yunxiao Mansion, they were besieged by the chief disciples of the three martial arts.

  The last group of disciples who survived were all injured.

  In order to take revenge, Chen Xuan would not let Liu Ziquan leave here alive.

  The price he paid for Liu Ziquan was very high.

  In other words, Chen Xuan had 10,000 ways to torture Liu Ziquan, so that he could not die, but there was no way to escape the feeling of Chen Xuan's palm.

  Liu Ziquan’s spirit was about to collapse, when the power of Vermillion Bird continued to burn on his body.

  His soul even felt trembling, and I have to say that the power of Suzaku's fire is so powerful that this flame can't be extinguished at all.

  The disciples of the sects onlookers around are about to look stupid, do they think this is still a human?

   Liu Ziquan, who was completely subdued by Chen Xuan, can only crawl on the ground in pain.

  Suddenly Chen Xuan took the Liaoyuan sword in his hand and directly inserted it into Liu Ziquan’s palm.


   Liu Ziquan let out a miserable cry.

   "If Chen Xuan has the ability, kill me. Don't torture me anymore. I beg you to kill me."

Chen Xuan said with a smile: "I advise you to tell me what happened in the first place, otherwise I will continue to torture you. If you don't tell me, I have ten thousand ways to make you die, and it is still the most Terrible way to die."

   "I said, I said, I will tell you everything..." Liu Ziquan was already about to cry. He thought to himself why he wanted to take advantage of that, wanting to get the blood-stripe giant tiger's inner alchemy, and also provoke Chen Xuan.

  Now not only loses his life, but also sells his sect.

  But he can't stand the pain anymore.

  The feeling of being burned by the Suzaku fire was like being bitten by ten thousand ants. His will simply couldn't bear this kind of pain.

   "Hurry up and tell me honestly, I don't have so much time to delay with you." Chen Xuan said.

"I'll tell you everything. I did not participate in the battle against Jianyuezong. It was organized by my two senior brothers. At that time, I had brought people to the vicinity of the Secret Realm. I didn't know much about other things... …" Liu Ziquan said hurriedly.

   "Okay." Chen Xuan was not prepared to ask too much. The long sword in his hand cut directly to Liu Ziquan's head, and a stream of blood spurted out.


   Liu Ziquan then died, and there was no breath coming out of his whole body.

  After seeing Chen Xuan killing Liu Ziquan so cleanly and neatly, other disciples of the sect did not dare to look directly into Chen Xuan's eyes.

   "What a great strength, he actually killed Liu Ziquan in a second."

  "What should we do now? Just now we thought that Liu Ziquan would win. This brother Chen won't come to us."

   "I think Brother Chen shouldn't be able to..."

   "We all thought that Liu Ziquan would win, but now Brother Chen won. Isn't the bet we just placed a loss of money..."

  These warriors shook their heads and shook their heads, and their hearts were in pain.

  The high-grade spirit stones that were finally earned in the Secret Realm of Missing, now all have to be handed over.

  (End of this chapter)

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