Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4023: Black dragon

  Chapter 4023 Black Dragon

  Zhang Jianyun thought he had heard it wrong: "Boy, you still know to thank you, I thought you didn’t have the word thank you in your dictionary!"

   "It's not, you did do me a favor just now..." It's not that Chen Xuan couldn't break free from the frost of the black dragon, but because he hadn't expected that there would be a dragon here.

  Moreover, this black dragon already has two claws, indicating that this dragon has been cultivating for at least a thousand years.

  If it breaks through the sky level again, this flood dragon is likely to break through further.

  The cultivation of the black dragon has reached the mid-level triple stage of the Divine Soul Realm, but Chen Xuan felt that the dragon seemed to be seriously injured, and it seemed that he was not in a state of complete victory.

  The reason why he ambushed Chen Xuan here is probably to recover his injuries.

   "He actually wants to kill me, haha, it's so funny!" Zhang Jianyun suddenly said loudly.

  His real body is a nine-foot gold worm, and in terms of its preciousness, even if it is compared to the dragon family, it is not much.

  I have to say that the nine-legged golden worm is also a very precious race among the monsters, and Chen Xuan has also heard of it before.

  The nine-foot golden worm is very powerful on Yaozu Island.

  Chen Xuan didn’t understand one thing, why Zhang Jianyun had to travel all the way to the land of mankind.

  At the beginning, he even made a name for himself in Yunxiao Mansion in the name of a human being, which made Chen Xuan feel very puzzled.

  But when he asked Zhang Jianyun, the old boy didn't say much, and he was surprisingly able to keep the secret. Whenever Chen Xuan thought he could pry out his news, Zhang Jianyun suddenly remained silent.

  After a long time, Chen Xuan didn't bother to inquire about it. No matter what reason Zhang Jianyun came to the human domain, in short, he could really do Chen Xuan a lot now.

  Long Tianpo can also help Chen Xuan under certain circumstances, but after all, he only has a ray of remnant soul left. If he helps Chen Xuan too much, it is very likely that he will be dispelled.

  And the enemies he can deal with are really limited.

But Zhang Jianyun is different. He has maintained his true body anyway. Although he is far inferior to Long Tianpo in terms of his original strength, Zhang Jianyun can help Chen Xuan to deal with some strong people when Chen Xuan is facing some powerful people. .

  At this time, the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand suddenly burst into flames, and then slew towards the black dragon.


  The long sword suddenly slammed into the body of the dragon, but it did not cause much damage to the dragon.

  Dragon scales are very strong, not only can be used to refine pill, but also can be used to build armor.

  Especially the black dragon in front of Chen Xuan, and his defensive power is obviously very terrifying, even Zhang Jianyun's attack did not directly break the black dragon's defense.

   "Think of a way to find out the weakness of this black dragon." Chen Xuan said.

  Zhang Jianyun gave a ghostly smile, and then replied: "It is not easy to find the weakness of this black dragon. I tell you, fight the dragon and fight the seven inches."

   "It's not a snake to fight seven inches?"

   "You don't know anymore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with listening to me!" Zhang Jianyun said with a smile on his face.

   Chen Xuan nodded immediately after hearing it, his gaze aimed at the black dragon, and then roared, a raging sword aura flew towards the black dragon.


   Sword Qi fell above the black dragon's seven inches, and then the black dragon let out a scream, and its body fell directly on the ground.

  Chen Xuan did not expect the effect, but he was so outstanding.

   "You knew you could defeat his weakness, why didn't you tell me before?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "You didn't ask me before!" Zhang Jianyun's answer was very annoying.

Chen Xuan wanted to deal with this black dragon, and it was not his business alone. If he did not kill the black dragon, Zhang Jianyun would probably not be the opponent of the black dragon alone. Although he had restored his cultivation base when he swallowed the pill before, but It was not at all the opponent of the black dragon in front of him.

   "Okay, okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore..."

  Chen Xuan felt very speechless.

  Since the black dragon has been seriously injured, the next battle is much simpler.

  He alone can kill this black dragon.

  The black dragon kept tumbling on the ground, but Chen Xuan’s weakness had already been hit by Chen Xuan. Even though the Flood Dragon desperately resisted, it was still directly blocked by Chen Xuan’s sword aura.


  Suzaku's fire began to burn desperately, and as the dragon screamed continuously, Chen Xuan felt more excited.

  As long as this dragon is killed, he can get all the magic weapons on the opponent.

  Any part of a dragon's body is a very precious treasure.

  Whether it is dragon scales or dragon tendons, they can be used to create treasures.

  It didn't take long for the black dragon to die with a scream.

  In order to ensure that the scales of the black dragon were not completely burned out, Chen Xuan deliberately operated the soul of the Vermillion Bird, only attacking the soul of the black dragon, without harming the skin of the black dragon.

  After killing the black dragon, Zhang Jianyun rushed over, and then greedily swallowed the black dragon's blood.

  The little firebird also flickered a burst of light, then fluttered its wings and flew to the side of the black dragon, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and swallowed the black dragon directly.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan could not recover for a long time. He thought to himself that a dragon that he had finally killed was actually eaten by Little Firebird and Zhang Jianyun.

   "I..." Chen Xuan was very speechless. He swallowed all the curses in his heart, and finally could only helplessly look at the little Firebird and belch him.

   "Okay, okay, I really have a splitting headache." Chen Xuan protected his head.

  He now has to figure out how to get out of here.

  This illusion is a bit different from what Chen Xuan imagined. Time has passed bit by bit, but he still hasn't walked out from here.

   "It's really weird, why is there such a strange thing happening here? There seems to be some power around me suppressing the aura in my dantian, deliberately preventing me from going out."

  At this moment, these warriors of the Astronomical Sect were fighting with the Devil Blood Bird.

  This battle was protracted and lasted for several hours. Some weak disciples of Miewenzong were killed by these demon blood birds.

  Although these disciples have died, the Demon Blood Bird also suffered casualties.

  I have to say that the casualties of the Demon Blood Bird are still relatively small, after all, the strength of the Demon Blood Bird is indeed not weak.

  Ah, although many of the Astronomy Sect disciples have relatively strong cultivation bases, when faced with the attacks of these Demon Blood Birds, these Astronomy Sect disciples still feel that they are not able to do what they want.

  At this time, a disciple suddenly cut a sword aura towards a demon blood bird, but the demon blood bird evaded in an instant, and then a red light burst out of his body.

  The red light suddenly hit this Astronomy Sect disciple.


  The disciple's body was directly knocked out. Seeing this scene, Liu Qiangwu knew that he could not watch the excitement next to him.

   "You are really rubbish, you actually fought these Devil Blood Birds for so long..." Although many of his own sect disciples were injured, Liu Qiangwu still didn't do anything.

  He thinks that he will only kill these devil blood birds at the last moment.

The disciples of the Astronomical Sect were only injured, and there were not too many casualties.

  Moreover, the cultivation base of these disciples is not much different from that of the Demon Blood Bird.

   "The strength of these Devil Blood Birds is stronger than I thought."

   "That's right, Brother Liu, the Devil Blood Bird is much stronger than we imagined. If you don't make a move, it will be difficult for us to catch these Devil Blood Birds all at once."

  Finally, a Demon Blood Bird suddenly rushed towards Liu Qiangwu again.

  These demon blood birds also seem to know that Liu Qiangwu is the culprit, and they know that Liu Qiangwu is the strongest among these disciples.

  Liu Qiangwu's body was unmoved, he just stood there, letting the demon blood bird rush in his direction frantically.

   But when the Demon Blood Bird was still a step away from him, its body suddenly stopped moving.

  Liu Qiangwu just gently waved the long sword in his hand, and a hurricane of sword energy immediately swept the Devil Blood Bird. The crazy sword energy continuously cut the body of the Devil Blood Bird.

  In a short time, the Devil Blood Bird was killed directly.

Liu Qiangwu looked at the corpse of the Devil Blood Bird on the ground with a sneer. He said softly: "I don't know how to live or die. I didn't want to do it, but since you forced me to do it, don't blame me for being impolite! "

  Many disciples of the Astronomy School suddenly cheered, and after a fierce battle, they were all injured somewhat.

  Without Liu Qiangwu's shot, they still don't know when they want to fight this bunch of devil blood birds.

  Especially many disciples began to slap his flattery, which made Liu Qiangwu a little uncontrollable.

   "Brother Liu, if you don't do it, we are not the opponents of those Devil Blood Birds at all."

   "That's right, Senior Brother Liu has a very strong cultivation base. I am afraid that few people in the entire Lost Secret Realm are Senior Brother's opponents."

   "That's right, our senior brother Liu's cultivation base is probably stronger than that of Li Longbao."

  This is exactly what Liu Qiangwu wants to hear. When these disciples slapped him flattering, he immediately wanted to do it.

   "Okay, I will let you see what is true strength."

  The next moment, Liu Qiangwu's body was filled with layers of light red light, and this breath immediately rushed into the sky, suppressing several Devil Blood Birds.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan and Zhang Jianyun were still wandering in the illusion.

   "This place is also really strange, why we have been walking for so long and still haven't found the entrance? Do we have to find the front eye?" Chen Xuan said.

   "It should be, I felt weird here before, hey, your kid is really fine to look for trouble, why are you running to this place!"

  Chen Xuan was also not angry. At first, he thought that this place could lead to the ruins, but now it seems that this place is completely different from the ruins.

  It is very possible that the disc was only set up to seal the black dragon.

  But the cultivation base of this black dragon is not that strong...

  Why should a special disc be used to seal him?

  (End of this chapter)

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