Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4024: Black Dragon Seal

  Chapter 4024 Black Dragon Seal

   Chen Xuan didn’t think about it, so he didn’t think about it anymore. The top priority was to leave here as soon as possible. Several hours had passed, and he could not tell whether the disciple of the Astronomy Sect had killed the Devil Blood Bird.

  If they found the ruins and got the inheritance inside, there would be no regret medicine for Chen Xuan to take.

  At this time, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped. He moved his gaze to a wall, and then Chen Xuan whispered: "I feel that there should be a way to leave this illusion."

   "How do you feel?"

"Don't worry about so much, there should be nothing wrong." Chen Xuan's palm quietly touched the wall, and then a red breath emerged, but this power was fleeting in the blink of an eye and disappeared quickly. It's gone.

   "You think too much." Zhang Jianyun said with a smile.

   Seeing the mocking smile on his face, Chen Xuan suddenly pinched his waist and said, “It seems you know how to get out of here, don’t you?”

   "Of course I know. If you have the ability, please beg me. If you beg me, I'll tell you!"

  Chen Xuan clenched his fists, he really wanted to beat Zhang Jianyun.

   "I tell you, if you really know how to get out of here, and you don't tell me, you will be finished next!" Chen Xuan's face was full of anger.

  Zhang Jianyun said very helplessly: "Boy, you walked in by yourself. As for how to get out of here is your business, I can't help you!"

   Chen Xuan did not expect that this Jianyun would actually speak to him in this tone.

  Looking at the expression on his face, it seemed that he knew how to leave here, but he deliberately didn't tell him how to get out from here.

   "You..." Chen Xuan didn't fight at all. If he could kill someone, he would definitely have killed Zhang Jianyun by now.

  And Chen Xuan has seen a rascal, he has never seen such a rascal.

   "Okay, okay, what conditions do you want, can't I promise you?" Chen Xuan said.

  "I want the blood of Brother Bird!" Zhang Jianyun said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan already knew that the other party had this idea.

  Little Firebird’s essence and blood are limited after all. Two days ago, he had just asked Little Firebird to give Zhang Jianyun a drop of essence and blood, and he also gave Zhang Jianyun a pill.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt very regretful. He had known that he would not give the medicine to Zhang Jianyun.

  This guy is so irritating...

   "Okay, I'll find it myself, I believe I can definitely find a way to get out of here." Chen Xuan once again displayed the dragon pattern perception.

Zhang Jianyun hurriedly followed and said, "You kid too stingy, I don't want your blood, I want the blood of Brother Bird, I'm talking, you want to find a way out from here. , I’m afraid it’s not that easy, don’t you want to delay too long because of this?”

  Chen Xuan directly replied: "I am willing!"

  The next moment, he immediately set off to the front, and then looked left and right, and tried to get out from here.

  Chen Xuan originally thought this was an independent space, but when he saw the breath radiating from the front, he realized that it might not be a space.

   and Chen Xuan thought exactly the same, here was just the illusion set up to trap the dragon.

  Chen Xuan had previous experience in breaking illusions.

  So he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and then meditated in his mind silently, before long he opened his eyes.

  Looking at the familiar scenes around, Chen Xuan smiled lightly and said, “Even if you don’t tell me, I know how to leave there!”

  Zhang Jianyun smiled bitterly: "Good actually found the way to leave."

   Chen Xuan, who just opened his eyes, suddenly heard the sound of fighting from a distance.

   is obviously a disciple of the Astronomical Sect, and he is still at war with the Devil Blood Bird.

   "He has been playing for so long, and he has not yet decided the outcome..."

  Chen Xuan originally thought that the battle was over.

  Suddenly, he saw Liu Qiangwu's body burst into red light, and then he instantly chased and killed the Devil Blood Bird.

  The Demon Blood Bird saw Liu Qiangwu's powerful aura exploding, and the Demon Blood Bird's body was also filled with bursts of red light.

  But these Demon Blood Birds seemed to feel that Liu Qiangwu was not easy to provoke. Several Demon Blood Birds retreated instantly and began to prepare for formation.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression: "Unexpectedly, these Devil Blood Birds can actually organize and set up formations. The IQ of these Devil Blood Birds is probably not that simple. Maybe they have already opened up their wisdom."

  Zhang Jianyun also said: "The Devil Blood Bird itself is a very smart monster."

  Chen Xuan turned his head and said: "Since you are a member of the monster race, you will not feel heartache when you see these martial artists killing monsters?"

  Chen Xuan's unexpected reply came.

   "Boy, your head is not sick. If I kill those disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, will you be very uncomfortable?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head, and then said that he would not.

"That's it, I don't have any blood relationship with these demon blood birds. Why should I feel heartache? Okay kid, don't ask me these various questions, you can watch the battle well..." Zhang Jianyun is very impatient Said.

  At this moment, several Devil Blood Birds formed a circle, and their bodies gathered red halos, and these halos gathered together to form a more terrifying energy group.

   Liu Qiangwu was still preparing to attack, but when he saw the red energy in the air, he was also surprised by waves.

   "Okay, it seems that these Devil Blood Birds also know that I can't deal with it, I'm now united!"

  Under the leadership of a Demon Blood Bird, several other Demon Blood Birds also gathered together, watching Liu Qiangwu vigilantly, so that Liu Qiangwu did not dare to attack rashly.

  At this time, Liu Qiangwu glanced at the Devil Blood Birds coldly, and he was looking for the weakness of these Devil Blood Birds.

   Obviously, these Demon Blood Birds did not attack Liu Qiangwu. They must know how powerful Liu Qiangwu is.

  Because Liu Qiangwu's body exudes this breath, it is obviously a powerhouse with the top two levels of Divine Soul Realm that can reveal it.

  Even though Liu Qiangwu's cultivation base is very strong, to Chen Xuan's surprise, the Demon Blood Bird can actually support such a long time.

   "Unexpectedly, these Demon Blood Birds are really brave. They are definitely not Liu Qiangwu's opponents. If you continue to fight with Liu Qiangwu, these Demon Blood Birds will probably be killed."

Chen Xuan originally thought that the Demon Blood Birds would retreat, but under the organization of a Demon Blood Bird leader, none of the Demon Blood Birds retreated, and there were red lights on these Demon Blood Birds, which also showed that they were overdrawn. All the aura in the body.

   At that time, no matter if these Devil Blood Birds killed Liu Qiangwu or not, they would not survive.

   "It's really pitiful, these monsters want to protect their territory, but their territory is near the ruins, and these demon blood birds probably also know the specific location of the ruins." Chen Xuan whispered.

Zhang Jianyun walked over and looked at Chen Xuan and said, "You don't know anything, kid, I am also a member of the demon race, so I can understand what they say. The meaning of these devil blood birds is very simple. This area is their last Territory, and they must not allow this place to be occupied by humans."

  "Unfortunately, the strength of these Devil Blood Birds and Liu Qiangwu are destined to be different, and Liu Qiangwu will definitely kill them all.

"Hahaha, so these Demon Blood Birds are really pitiful. Even if they really give up their lives and fight Liu Qiangwu desperately, once they are invaded by human warriors, they will eventually lose their territory, I'm afraid There are their family members in the lair," Zhang Jianyun said.

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly, but he didn't take it to heart. He had seen this kind of thing a lot, so there was no wave in his heart.

   Suddenly, Liu Qiangwu said cruelly in his heart: "If you want to find death, I will let you see what it means to suppress cultivation..."

   Liu Qiangwu knew that the time had come to show off his cultivation, and several disciples from the sect were watching him. He was fascinated by the feeling of being worshiped by other disciples.

  Although Liu Qiangwu's cultivation base is top in the Astronomy Sect, there are still many people who are stronger than him in this unexplored secret realm.

  This makes Liu Qiangwu feel very unbalanced in his heart.

   Tangtang Liu Qiangwu, the number one master of Astronomy Sect...

   But Li Longbao's cultivation base is already better than him.

   Liu Qiangwu must find the treasure of inheritance in the ruins, so that his cultivation level can break through.

  Dare the Devil Blood Bird stand in front of him?

   Liu Qiangwu will kill all these monsters.

   "Dare to block me, no matter whether you are a monster or not, I will kill you without leaving a piece of armor, hahaha!" Liu Qiangwu let out a grin, and then madly attacked the Devil Blood Bird.

  One by one, the Devil Blood Birds emitting red light on their bodies roared, and then they also rushed towards Liu Qiangwu...

  For these Devil Blood Birds, their family members are behind them. They have to protect their companions to the death and resist the attacks of human warriors.

  Can't let these human warriors destroy their homeland.

  Tianhua Mansion’s Miewenzong is a very powerful force, and within the two-star sect, Miewenzong is also considered the top.

  There are few sects that can be compared with them.

  Also, the Astronomical Sect is also a school of Yunxiao Mansion, but Chen Xuan does not know much about the Astronomical Sect.

  When he saw Liu Qiangwu before, it was probably two years ago. At that time, Chen Xuan was just an unknown foreign disciple, so Liu Qiangwu would naturally not notice Chen Xuan.

  As for Chen Xuan, he certainly doesn't know who Liu Qiangwu is.

  At this time, Liu Qiangwu’s face is full of arrogance

"I, Liu Qiangwu, is currently ranked third in Jian Xiu. Except for two people whose cultivation bases are stronger than mine, the other people will not bring me danger at all. As long as I find the heritage treasures inside, my cultivation bases will follow. Can break through a realm."

   "At that time, neither of them will be my opponents, hahaha, the chief disciple of each sect, I am afraid no one can compare to me..."

  (End of this chapter)

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