Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4027: Little Firebird and Devil Blood Bird

  Chapter 4027 Little Firebird and Demon Blood Bird

  At this moment, bursts of terrifying light burst out around Liu Qiangwu's body.

  Then this breath burrowed into the sky and moved towards the little Firebird to besiege.

  The red halo in the air instantly burned, and in an instant, the body of the little Firebird dived towards Liu Qiangwu.

  Little Firebird's speed was getting faster and faster, and Liu Qiangwu immediately swung his long sword. A powerful force instantly spread from his body.

   "You want to attack me, you are so funny!"

  He also knows that this little firebird is of extraordinary level. If he can kill the little firebird to get the opponent's inner alchemy, it will also improve his cultivation.

  "You brought this to the door yourself, don't blame me!" He didn't know that Little Firebird was Chen Xuan's favorite.

The scene was very messy. He didn't even see where the little flamingo came from. He just thought that this little flamingo with the smell of red flame must be the leader of these demon-blooded birds, otherwise the little fire Birds will never come to attack him.

  At this time, Liu Qiangwu, under the continuous swing of the long sword in his hand, a series of more terrifying forces immediately gathered, and then madly slew the little Firebird.

  Something unexpected for Chen Xuan, the little Firebird roared, and then a ray of light red burst out of his body.

"No way!"

  Little Firebird's claws stretched forward to resist Liu Qiangwu's attack.

  This made Chen Xuan unexpected.

   Although Little Firebird's current cultivation base has entered the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, there is still a realm gap with Liu Qiangwu.

Little Firebird only reached the double peak, but Liu Qiangwu has reached the second major completion, and his sword soul is also very terrifying. Under the attack of Liu Qiangwu, the Little Firebird could not fall. Feng, all of this went far beyond Chen Xuan's expectations. The group of Demon Blood Birds were full of excitement when they saw the little flamingo that appeared suddenly, and finally they continued to chirp towards the little flamingo, seeming to be grateful to the little flamingo for helping them withstand Liu Qiangwu's attack.

  After hearing the calls of these friends, the little Firebird also turned his head and screamed at them a few times.

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of shock: "Could it be that these Demon Blood Birds are also companions of Little Fire Birds, it should be impossible."

  "Why does the little Firebird want to help these Devil Blood Birds?"

  Several question marks popped up in Chen Xuan's mind. He had encountered many bird-shaped monsters before, but Little Firebird had never chosen to help each other.

  As a result, when these Demon Blood Birds were beheaded by Liu Qiangwu, Little Firebird was actually prepared to take action and rescued all these Demon Blood Birds.

  This is really abnormal.

   is completely different from Chen Xuan’s previous assumptions.

  Under careful observation, he did feel that the Little Firebird was somewhat similar to the Demon Blood Bird in certain characteristics.

  But the little Firebird is an Eudemons after all.

   is very rare as an Eudemons, but the number of Demon Blood Birds is very large, which shows that the Little Firebird and these Demon Blood Birds are definitely not the same race.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to ask Little Firebird the reason in his mind, but the other party did not tell him.

  The current Little Firebird is obviously dealing with Liu Qiangwu wholeheartedly, and there is no time to answer Chen Xuan’s question.

  Little Firebird resisted Liu Qiangwu's attack, making Liu Qiangwu angry.

   Liu Qiangwu's expression was extremely hideous. He didn't think that he could not even deal with a monster beast.

  Since he entered the unexplored realm, basically any monster he encountered was not Liu Qiangwu’s opponent.

  Except for those lord-level monsters that have survived for thousands of years in the unexplored secret realm, Liu Qiangwu can't deal with it, but these little demon blood birds have caused Liu Qiangwu to delay so long.

  He feels very angry.

   "Damn beast, he has delayed me close to five hours..." Seeing the sky suddenly dimmed, Liu Qiangwu felt very regretful.

  He missed the best opportunity to enter the frustrated realm and find the treasure of inheritance.

  The longer the time is delayed, more disciples will come nearby, and his chances of finding the treasure of inheritance will be lower and lower.

  In case a few strong people rushed over, he spent such a long time dealing with these devil blood birds, but in the end he wanted to make the fisherman profit?

  There is no such reason!

   Liu Bei roared, he was not going to continue to delay with Little Firebird anymore, just when Liu Qiangwu was about to explode and kill Little Firebird with all his strength.

  Suddenly bursts of terrifying red flames gathered in the sky, and Chen Xuan was not prepared to wait any longer.

  The longer and longer the time is, I am not a good thing for them.

  Chen Xuan appeared in front of Liu Qiangwu.

  At this time, Liu Qiangwu was full of doubts. He looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Boy, what do you mean? Do you still want to **** this little firebird from me?"

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly: "I'm not that free."

"So what do you mean? Why are you standing in front of me?" Liu Qiang Wu Leng also glanced at Chen Xuan. He felt an aura of horror from Chen Xuan's body, which showed Chen Xuan's cultivation. For sure it's not that simple.

  Maybe he is also a master of the realm of spirit and soul.

  But he couldn't see through Chen Xuan at a glance. He couldn't even tell which realm Chen Xuan reached. He only knew that Chen Xuan's strength was not weak.

  It’s just that Liu Qiangwu is still very confident now.

  Because the moment Chen Xuan appeared, Liu Qiangwu's sword aura had already gathered, and he believed that even if Chen Xuan's cultivation was no different from him, he could directly kill him.

  Even if Chen Xuanfu's fate was too great and he was not killed by him, he would definitely suffer serious injuries.

  It was only a matter of time before he was killed.

  At this moment, the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand suddenly shot out a light red light.

   Seeing this ray of light shining above the entire sky, the little firebird fluttered its wings, and then landed on Chen Xuan's shoulder.

   Then the little flamingo raised his neck and uttered a roar against the demon blood birds flying in the sky.

  These Devil Blood Birds immediately gathered behind Chen Xuan.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan turned his head, saw the demon blood birds behind him, and said with a smile on his face.

   "You are Liu Qiangwu, right?"

   Liu Qiangwu screamed and said, "Smelly boy, what do you mean?"

  Suddenly, the little firebird spit out a red light. After seeing this red light, the demon blood bird flew around the little firebird several times, obviously very excited.

   Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Xuan was also a little puzzled, but he knew that this must be some kind of signal from Little Firebird.

   "I think you can stop."

  "Are you talking in a dream, and do you know that we have to kill all these Devil Blood Birds before we can know where the entrance to the Lost Secret Realm is?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said: "Hehe, I can't do much about other things, but you should have seen it too. This little flamingo is my demon pet."

   "What did you say?" Liu Qiangwu frowned, staring at Chen Xuan murderously.

   "Since you say that, don't blame me!"

  The next moment, the long sword in Liu Qiangwu's hand suddenly burst out with a blood-red light, and this breath suddenly rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Seeing that this red light was about to rush in front of him, Chen Xuan's body took two steps backwards slightly.

   Chen Xuan saw Liu Qiangwu's move, and said in a low voice, "Do you have to force me to take it?"

  He didn't want to fight with Liu Qiangwu here at this time.

  Falling treasures in the secret realm is Chen Xuan's goal.

  Although these disciples of the Astronomy Sect did not impress Chen Xuan well, after all, their number was very large. If they gathered together, it would indeed cause him a lot of trouble.

  Chen Xuan divided the reality. Although Little Firebird wanted to protect these demon blood birds, the only group of demon blood birds he survived now is already safe.

  Chen Xuan would definitely not let Liu Qiangwu kill all these Devil Blood Birds.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan also believed in one thing, if these demon blood birds really knew where the entrance to the ruins was.

  He just saved all these Devil Blood Birds, and I will definitely be able to get the location of the entrance to the ruins from these Devil Blood Birds.

   "Hahaha, I see, your kid’s wishful thinking is really good, I think you must be looking for heritage treasures in the ruins alone, right?"

   "That's right, this person really has too many thoughts, and he wants to swallow the inheritance treasure by himself!"

   "Ha ha ha, it is a pity that we have seen through his plan!"

  Liu Qiangwu didn't care about Chen Xuan's plan at all. The long sword in his hand emitted bursts of blood-red light, and then instantly stabbed towards the little firebird hovering in the sky.

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly, he would never let Little Firebird be harmed.

  After seeing it, Chen Xuan's soles slammed on the ground, and then his figure flashed, and a brutal breath was immediately released.

  Chen Xuan directly urged the power of his whole body, his palm was filled with layers of red Suzaku fire, and he immediately grasped the long sword.


  A fierce aura suddenly spread to the surroundings. Several weak disciples hurriedly covered their eyes. When the aura became weaker and weaker, Chen Xuan's body slowly fell to the ground.

   "What a terrifying power, his cultivation level is already terrifying to this level."

   "What kind of disciple is he? Why does he have a demon pet with dual power and soul?"

   "I'm afraid his identity is not that simple."

   "I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore, my purpose is only one, let you stop and stop the killing of these demon blood birds." Chen Xuan said slowly.

  Liu Qiangwu didn’t put his words in his eyes at all: "Boy, you are really a Virgin. What does it have to do with you when I kill these devil blood birds?"

"And if your little demon pet wants to stop me, I must kill him. If you want to stop in front of me, you have to ask about the long sword in my hand. I won't give you face! "

   Chen Xuan was full of murderous anger, he looked at Liu Qiangwu, and then said: "Hehe, since you want to be boring..."

  (End of this chapter)

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