Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4028: Vs. Liu Qiangwu

  Chapter 4028 Battle against Liu Qiangwu

   Liu Qiangwu immediately roared angrily: "Smelly boy, I don't want to waste time here with you. Haven't you seen that the sky is getting darker and darker? What if there are other strong people here?"

   "I advise you to discuss with your **** demon pet..."

  Chen Xuan was unmoved, he just gently waved the long sword in his hand, and then another fierce breath spread from under his feet.

  After seeing the changes in Chen Xuan's body, he also knew Chen Xuan's answer.

"Boy, you and your little firebird, don't be nosy, this matter has nothing to do with you. If I know where the entrance to the ruins is, I will tell you too." Liu Qiangwu draws After returning to Long Sword, he also knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was very strong.

  If you stay with Chen Xuan here, there will be no end in a few hours.

  When many disciples looked at Chen Xuan, they said coldly.

   "This kid really doesn't know good or bad, he dare to mess with us!"

   "He's right, doesn't he know what level of martial art our Astronomy School is?"

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

   "I have also heard that your Astronomical Sect is one of the two-star sects of Yunxiao Palace anyway, but it is a bit different from what I imagined."

   "What do you mean? Are you slandering me?" Liu Qiangwu said very angrily.

  He also began to think in his heart, what kind of disciple Chen Xuan was, his eyes focused on the token on Chen Xuan's waist.

  But he has never seen this token.

Because the news that Jianyuezong was in danger had spread, Chen Xuan did not hang Jianyuezong’s token on his waist. The token he carried on his body was Chen Xuan who was casually taken by himself. I got it from the murdered disciple.

  So Liu Qiangwu naturally didn't know what school and school Chen Xuan came from.

  Only through Chen Xuan's practice, Liu Qiangwu can guess how much, Chen Xuan must still be a member of Yunxiao Mansion, not a warrior of the Demon Wind Empire.

Chen Xuan glanced at Liu Qiangwu, and then he continued: "Your Astronomy Sect is indeed a good school, but I did not expect that the cultivation level of the chief disciple of Miewenzong is also like this, not as strong as I thought. ."

   Hearing Chen Xuan's taunting voice, Liu Qiangwu's face suddenly darkened.

  The long sword in his hand suddenly changed into bursts of blood-red light, just like his pupils.

   "Okay, let me tell you, since you want to trouble me..."

  Chen Xuan laughed, and then said: "Really? Boy, it seems that you are very confident in your own strength."

  "Do you dare to call me a kid?" Liu Qiangwu was so angry that he wondered what kind of school the young man in front of him came from? Why is it so unbelievable.

  Although he appeared to be very tough on the surface, he was still wondering whether the young man in front of him was a disciple of the three-star sect?

  Thinking about it carefully, he thought it was impossible again.

  If Chen Xuan was really a disciple of the three-star sect, the token hanging on his waist would certainly not be so strange.

Liu Qiangwu has been cultivating in various sects for a long time. He is very familiar with the logos of various sects, but Chen Xuan has nothing to do with the various sects in the clothes he wears or the sect tokens that symbolize his identity relationship.

   "You kid, the origin is true and mysterious..." Liu Qiangwu frowned and looked at Chen Xuan coldly.

  He was still willing to believe that Chen Xuan was just a genius disciple from an unknown little sect. Although his cultivation level was stronger, he had no background at least.

  Even if Chen Xuan was killed, it would not have any impact on their sect, and it would not cause him to kill him.

  "Boy, I think you should have heard of my name. You can change your name or your surname. My name is Liu Qiangwu."

   "So you are Liu Qiangwu, I have indeed heard of your name, but..."

   "Since you know I am Liu Qiangwu, why do you dare to mess with me?"

"Hehehe, I think you should also know the methods of our sect, right? I advise you to think about it. There are only two roads before you. The first is not to block my way. Roll to wherever you go."

"As for this second way, it's very simple. Since you want to trouble me, let's take a few tricks. If your strength is really strong, I will be convinced if I lose to you, but if you are not mine Opponent, then you will die tragically under my sword!" Liu Qiangwu suddenly said loudly.

   Chen Xuan let out a cry, and finally said sarcastically, “You are so confident in your own strength. We two of us also played against each other just now. I want to win with your cultivation base. It’s not that simple?

   Liu Qiangwu frowned and said: "Damn bastard, I tell you today, if you dare to stop in front of me, I will smash you into pieces!"

"Oh, hey, you still want to smash me. At least your cultivation is stronger than me, but I think your strength is really not that good. I have killed a lot like you before. People!"

   "They are as arrogant as you!"

   "I have one more thing I want to tell you, these devil blood birds, I Chen Xuan Baoding, today you absolutely can not kill them under my nose." Chen Xuan lowered his voice and said.

  After hearing Chen Xuan’s voice, Liu Qiangwu felt unforgivable, and his hands were constantly trembling.

"Good boy, this is the first time that I have seen you such a stubborn crap. I want to find death, right? I have a hundred ways to let you die. If you have anything to say, go to the ground and see the King of Hades! "At this time, Liu Qiangwu can no longer take care of that much.

   Chen Xuan's heart was also very upset, after all, he saw that many Devil Blood Birds died tragically in Liu Qiangwu's hands.

  If these Demon Blood Birds were killed before, Chen Xuan would definitely not feel distressed yet.

  But now the Little Firebird has already subdued all these Demon Blood Birds, that is to say, these Demon Blood Birds are one of Chen Xuan's powers.

  Liu Qiangwu killed so many Devil Blood Birds, Chen Xuan felt a little pain.

   "This **** Liu Qiangwu, if I knew I would take it soon..."

  Chen Xuan was angry inside.

  Although the power of the Demon Blood Bird is not particularly strong, there are almost dozens of Demon Blood Birds gathered together, which is enough to organize a powerful resistance.

  Even if it is a powerful person of Liu Qiangwu's level, there is no way to kill all the Devil Blood Birds instantly.

   "It seems, alas, your kid wants to teach me a lot."

   "That's right, I'm very curious how strong your cultivation is!" Chen Xuan flipped the long sword in his hand, and then he stared at Liu Qiangwu coldly.

"Hahaha, good boy, you can't even cry without seeing the coffin. Today I will let you know how great the difference between the cultivation bases of the two of us is!" Liu Qiangwu held a long sword in his hand, and suddenly a line shot out of his pupils. The red light instantly burned towards Chen Xuan's direction.

  Chen Xuan just lifted his wrist slightly and easily resolved his attack.

   "Don't use this kind of pediatric exercises. This is what I have left." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

After hearing what he said, Liu Qiangwu said gloomily: "You kid, not only arrogant, but you haven't seen the world yet. Do you really think this is over?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan immediately looked at his palm, and he found a cyan flame burning desperately.

  Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly: "If you want to play fire with me, I am afraid you are not qualified."

  Press his palm down, and a fierce breath permeated directly, and these cyan flames burning on his palm disappeared without a trace.

  Seeing this scene, Liu Qiangwu was a little surprised.

   "Ah, no, is his cultivation really that strong?"

  In Chen Xuan's eyes, although Liu Qiangwu had a strong cultivation base, he was not afraid of it at all.

   Even the powerhouses of the Blood Demon Sect who have reached the triple level of the Divine Soul Realm, Chen Xuan can win, let alone Liu Qiangwu in this area.

   Now with Chen Xuan's strength alone, Liu Qiangwu can also be easily killed.

  If the disciples of the Astronomical Sect next to Liu Qiangwu came to besiege Chen Xuan, there would be Zhang Jianyun behind him, the little firebird, and these demon blood birds.

  Whether it is a heads-up or group fight, Chen Xuan will not be afraid.

   "Oh, it seems you want to die."

  Chen Xuan roared, and then the long sword in his hand burst out crazily blood-red rays, and then quickly fell on Liu Qiangwu's body.

   Liu Qiangwu's body was directly repelled a few steps, and then he looked at Chen Xuan dumbfounded, only two words popped out of the corner of his mouth.

   "So strong!" He obviously didn't expect Chen Xuan to burst out such a terrifying sword aura.

  But Liu Qiangwu obviously wouldn't just surrender. The long sword in his hand suddenly showed fierce auras, which immediately surrounded his body.

   Immediately after this breath, the energy in Liu Qiangwu's body began to continuously increase. In an instant, Liu Qiangwu's body was filled with layers of cyan flames, which immediately entangled the long sword in his hand.

  He stabbed directly at Chen Xuan.

   Just when Liu Qiangwu thought he could hit Chen Xuan, the long sword in his hand suddenly changed direction.

   "Ah, how is this possible!"

   With a shocked look on his face, he watched the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand burst out with a more terrifying light, and finally this breath directly bounced his body away.


  This sword contains Liu Qiangwu’s most powerful technique.

  It’s just a pity that Chen Xuan had already anticipated his attack, and he was already prepared.

   Liu Qiangwu was completely unexpected.

  (End of this chapter)

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