Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4029: Liu Qiangwu's exercises

  Chapter 4029 Liu Qiangwu's exercises

  Every time he attacked, it seemed that Chen Xuan had expected all of them. When his long sword was only one step away from Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan could turn the danger into a bargain every time.

  And every time it went beyond Liu Qiangwu's expectations.

   "Where is this kid sacred? Why can he predict my attack? Could it be that..."

   Thinking of this, Liu Qiangwu suddenly looked at Chen Xuan's body secretly, and finally he began to silently read his mind.

  Chen Xuan still did not take Liu Qiangwu to heart.

   "Hehehe, your strength is really not very good, I thought you could bring me a little surprise, it seems it can only be my extravagant desire..."

  Chen Xuan just lifted his palm slightly, and a fierce aura suddenly burst out.

   "I don't believe it! Liu Qiangwu is still going to try it again. He straightened up the long sword in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan again.

   Just when the sword beam of the long sword was about to approach Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan suddenly stretched out his palm.

  A fiery red light directly enveloped Liu Qiangwu's body, and finally bounced his body away.

  Liu Qiangwu's body fell to the ground. He still wanted to pick up the long sword against Chen Xuan, but found that Chen Xuan directly held the hilt of his long sword, and then lifted the sword.

  "This sword is indeed quite good. It should be considered a celestial weapon. I don't know where you found it?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile on his face.

  Liu Qiangwu can tell how much, Chen Xuan’s words are full of irony, and holding a sky sword weapon is not his opponent.

  If Chen Xuan wanted to kill Liu Qiangwu, he could do it long ago.

   "Why is your kid's cultivation so strong? Tell me honestly, what is your identity?"

  Then his heart is really starting to panic now. The strength that Chen Xuan has exploded just now is really terrifying. Even if he has displayed all his cultivation skills, he still can't see enough in front of Chen Xuan.

   "I have already told you, my name is Chen Xuan, don't you understand me?" Chen Xuan said with his eyes closed.

  At this moment, Liu Qiangwu swallowed, his heart filled with despair.

   Just now, if Chen Xuan wanted to kill him, he could do it in an instant.

  Liu Qiangwu finally knew that Chen Xuan was terrible. He knew that no matter how strong he was, he had broken through to the next small realm, and he had no hope of winning.


   Liu Qiangwu was almost speechless.

  Chen Xuanhan asked, "I ask you, these people are all the belongings of your Astronomy Sect?"

After hearing Chen Xuan's question, Liu Qiangwu was a little stunned: "What do you mean?"

   "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious, is there anyone else in your Astronomy Sect?" Chen Xuan said softly.

  Liu Qiangwu seemed to feel something bad. Suddenly, he began to search for news about Chen Xuan in his mind.

  He had been fighting just now, and now Liu Qiangwu was completely defeated by Chen Xuan, and he realized who Liu Qiangwu was.

   "How is it possible, I just heard you say that I am..."

  Chen Xuan curled his mouth and said, “I’ve said it more than once, will your ears be deaf?”

   "What? This is absolutely impossible, can it be said that you are really... you... are Chen Xuan?" Liu Qiangwu realized that there was news about Chen Xuan.

  He only knew Chen Xuan, who had defeated several masters of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "It seems you should have thought of something, right?" Chen Xuan said with a slight smile.

   "I..." Liu Qiangwu was speechless. He said in surprise, "I didn't expect you to be Chen Xuan."

  When he saw the young man in front of him, he didn't even think of the mysterious person who defeated the master of the Blood Demon Sect.

   Chen Xuan's reputation spread in this unexplored secret realm.

  Basically, few people have never heard of this name, but some people don’t know what Chen Xuan looks like.

Liu Qiangwu must know the name of Chen Xuan.

  Of course he had heard that Chen Xuan defeated several masters of the Blood Demon Sect with his own power.

  Recently, the news about Chen Xuan fell through the secret realm. Basically, all warriors knew about it.

  And most of the disciples believed that Chen Xuan's cultivation level had reached the top among the younger generation.

  It is said that Chen Xuan's strength can even compete with Li Longbao.

  You must know that Li Longbao is the strongest of the younger generation in the Li family, and his cultivation has reached the realm of Divine Soul and invincibility.

  Among the younger generation, basically no one is his opponent.

  As for Liu Qiangwu, although he is considered the chief disciple in the Astronomy Sect, there is still a clear gap with Li Longbao.

  Li Longbao is also a sword repairer, and he is the veritable first place among sword repairs.

  Even in the ranking of Yunxiao Mansion, Li Longbao is definitely one of the few, or at least tied for first place.

  Some people now say that Chen Xuan's cultivation is not much different from Li Longbao, which shows that they have agreed with Chen Xuan's strength.

  And this can only explain one problem. Chen Xuan must be a disciple from a certain big sect, otherwise he would not have such a terrifying cultivation base at a young age.

   "What a terrible power, I actually provoked such a terrifying enemy..."

   Liu Qiangwu regrets very much in his heart now, and the power that Chen Xuan burst out just now directly suppressed him.

  Although he has reached the Divine Soul Realm Dual Consummation, Chen Xuan's cultivation has definitely entered the Dual Invincible Realm, and there is a small difference between them.

  Liu Qiangwu originally wanted to find the treasure of inheritance in the unexplored secret realm, so that the cultivation base can reach the second level of invincibility in the realm of spirits, and then he can step on Li Longbao's head.

  Now there is no need to be humiliated by Li Longbao.

  For a long time, Li Longbao has not been there, and he has seen Liu Qiangwu.

  After all, Liu Qiangwu's cultivation level is indeed not so good in front of Li Longbao.

  Li Longbao only used one round before directly defeating Liu Qiangwu.

  In other words, Liu Qiangwu did not even have the qualifications to give Li Longbao leather shoes. Although it was only a small difference, the disparity in this realm could not only be compensated by practice.

  Because Li Longbao's comprehension of swordsmanship is a lot higher than Liu Qiangwu, otherwise he would not defeat Liu Qiangwu so easily and become the first among the sword repair disciples.

  At this moment, Liu Qiangwu’s face is full of despair.

  When he heard Chen Xuan say his name, he still didn't believe it.

   But Chen Xuan's strength just broke out, he would never lie.

  This shows that Chen Xuan's cultivation level must have reached the level of Li Longbao.

  He was not an opponent when facing Li Longbao, and he was directly killed in seconds when facing Chen Xuan.

  Now Liu Qiangwu is very desperate.

  Now Liu Qiangwu believes that Chen Xuan's strength is far more than that.

   "What is the identity of Chen Xuan? Why is our brother not his opponent at all."

  "Didn't you hear about it just now? He is Chen Xuan?"

  "Could it be that you haven't heard of Chen Xuan's name?"

"Oh, my goodness, wouldn't it really be the same as the person I imagined? If it is really Chen Xuan, his cultivation must have reached the dual invincible realm of Divine Soul, fortunately I didn't provoke him! "

   "You said you didn't mess with him, didn't you still want to do something to him at the time!?"

  After hearing the discussion of several disciples around him, Liu Qiangwu felt very shameful, but he was defeated very thoroughly. Chen Xuan was still merciful and did not directly kill Liu Qiangwu.

  The Suzaku swordsmanship he just showed, has completely made Liu Qiangwu aware of his shortcomings.

  Suzaku swordsmanship is enough to deter Liu Qiangwu.

  Because Liu Qiangwu also mastered a fire technique, but his technique seemed very pediatric in front of Chen Xuan’s Suzaku Fire.

   "Now you should know the gap between the two of us, I have already given you a chance."

   "But. And I don't want to get my hands dirty now, so I can give you another chance now. If you are acquainted, just get out of here, before I get angry." Chen Xuan said coldly.

  It's not that Chen Xuan didn't want to kill him, but because he didn't think it was necessary.

  There was no Astronomy Sect in the sect that was besieging Jianyue Sect. So Chen Xuan didn't need to catch them all at once.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked into the distance.

   Then he whispered: "I have given you a chance. If you don't know how to cherish and don't hurry up, if I change my mind later, I might kill you!"

  After all, the Astronomical Sect is also one of the two-star sects. Although the Astronomical Sect cannot be regarded as the top existence in the two-star sect, their strength can not be considered weak. what

  Chen Xuan will certainly not provoke so many enemies, so he is unwilling to enmity Miewenzong.

  Otherwise it will only cause him more trouble.

  Now Chen Xuan has already made enemies with the Wooden Sage Sword Sect, and there is also a very powerful Chen Yungui in the Wooden Sage Sword Sect.

  Chen Yungui's cultivation is really good. Although Chen Xuan is confident that he can beat him, the number of Wood Sage Sword Sect is still very large.

  They are now hiding temporarily, and one day they will definitely gather again. At that time, with Chen Xuan's strength alone, there is definitely no way to deal with so many disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School.

  At this moment, Liu Qiangwu, who was lying on the ground, slowly raised his head and glanced at Chen Xuan. He was sure that Chen Xuan did not seem to be lying.

  Several disciples also kept silent one after another, they knew it was not the time to speak.

  After a long time passed, because the scene was very quiet, the disciples of these astronomical sects finally broke the scene.

   "Brother Liu, what shall we do now?" a disciple said.

  Liu Qiangwu slowly sighed. Although he felt very embarrassed, he still had his life back.

  Remaining that Qingshan is not afraid of not having firewood, he still wants to seek revenge from Li Longbao after his cultivation level has been improved.

   "Okay, let's go."

After   's voice fell, he immediately struggled to stand up from the ground.

  Liu Qiangwu’s deep eyes were full of puzzlement.

  (End of this chapter)

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