Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4030: Kill him

  Chapter 4030 Kill him

  He didn’t know why Chen Xuan wanted to let him go.

  It stands to reason that this battle between him and Chen Xuan was fairly fair. Chen Xuan could kill him and then take away the treasures from him.

  Although Liu Qiangwu felt very confused about why Chen Xuan didn't kill himself, he didn't think too much.

   "Chen Xuan, this time I owe you a life!"

  Liu Qiangwu glanced at Chen Xuan, then turned and left.

After a while, all the disciples of Mie Wenzong followed Liu Qiangwu, and they retreated after a short time.

  Chen Xuan turned his head to look at the many Demon Blood Birds, and then slowly sighed and said: "Very well, they have retreated now, otherwise you are safe."

  As soon as these words came out, these Demon Blood Birds whispered and then swarmed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan looked at the devil blood birds flying next to him with great satisfaction, and he slowly nodded and said.

  "Very well, with the help of these demon blood birds, I can definitely find where the entrance to the demon blood remains..."

  The entrance to the Demon Blood Ruins is very hidden.

  At this time, several disciples of sects were watching from a distance. Chen Xuan and the others were not disciples of the Astronomical Sect, but people of other sects.

  Now that all the members of the Astronomical Sect have retired, but the disciples of these sects are watching the excitement from a distance, and they also hope that Chen Xuan can find a way to enter the devil blood ruins through the devil blood bird.

  At the same time, in a beautiful jungle not far away, several men in black robes were full of hideous murderous faces.

   "This Chen Xuan is simply bullying!"

   "Unexpectedly, even Lin Yunqiong was killed by him. His cultivation is really terrifying!"

   "If Lin Yunqiong is really killed by him, we must discuss it carefully. I am afraid that no one in the Secret Realm is his opponent now!"

"You’re right, but I’m very curious. Chen Xuan’s cultivation level will definitely not be that strong. The reason why he was able to kill Lin Yunqiong must be due to an accident. I don’t believe that his cultivation level can reach the soul. Above the four levels of realm..."

The one headed by   , wearing a white robe, looked very holy, but could not conceal the murderous aura in him.

  This person is Chen Yungui.

  All the people beside him were disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, but there were also a few people who wore different clothes.

  All of these people participated in the battle to besiege Jianyuezong, but now, they have already sensed Chen Xuan's purpose.

   "Maybe this kid is really the remnant of a Sword Moon Sect. As for why his cultivation level has improved so quickly, no one can tell..."

"He can't be stronger than Lin Yunqiong. Lin Yunqiong is the blood demon of the Blood Demon Sect. Are you still not sure about his cultivation? How could a master at the four levels of the Soul Realm be able to deal with it? I think this is certain There is an accident!"

   "That's right, he definitely can't deal with Lin Yunqiong, something unexpected must have happened in the middle, so that he will kill Lin Yunqiong..."

  "Brother, what shall we do now, now our Wooden Sage Sword Sect has been forced to a desperate situation. These sect members are hunting our disciples of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect. I am afraid that if we continue to drag on..."

   "Hurry up and let me know that all the other disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect will hide. Don't show your head!" Chen Yungui said loudly.

  He also knows that the situation is very anxious now.

  On the one hand, Chen Xuan hunted and killed their disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, on the other hand, the Li Family also completely broke with their Wooden Sage Sword Sect.

  Now their Wood Sacred Sword Sect can be described as a lonely hand, and there are only a few sects willing to unite with them. These are the sects targeted by Chen Xuan.

  "Have you investigated the news about Chen Xuan?"

   "I don't know what his identity is, anyway, his strength is very strong, far stronger than we thought!"

  "Are you nonsense? Although I suspect Lin Yunqiong was not killed by him, I am afraid that Elder Su was really killed by Chen Xuan. The conservative estimate of this kid's cultivation level has reached the dual invincibility of the realm of Divine Soul!"

  "Doesn’t it mean that even Li Longbao is not his opponent?"

   "Of course, neither Li Longbao nor me can be his opponent now, but we now know too little about Chen Xuan. The few eyeliners that we released before have disappeared somehow."

  Since Chen Xuan began to search for the Mu Sage Sword Sect disciples, Chen Yungui has released several eyeliners, hoping to find news about Chen Xuan.

  As a result, these people were killed inexplicably.

  Although part of the reason was that the monster beast killed them, there was also part of the reason that Chen Xuan killed them.

  Chen Xuan's perception of dragon patterns is already very powerful, he can feel everything fifty kilometers around him.

  When these Wood Sacred Sword sent disciples approached him, Chen Xuan could immediately feel their breath, and then pulled them out and killed them.

   "A person inquired about Chen Xuan's news before, but he was still killed by Chen Xuan."

   "Is there any news?"

   "I very much suspect that Chen Xuan is a disciple of Jianyuezong. It is said that his appearance is no different from ordinary people."

   "And there is no Sword Moon Sect token hanging around his waist, I think it's just him deliberately..."

   "You are right, he may be worried that he will be recognized as a member of the Sword Moon Sect, so he deliberately didn't hang the token!"

   While they were talking, a red light flashed in the air, and a sound transmission stone appeared in front of them.

   "Hurry up, there must be the latest news about Chen Xuan in this sound transmission stone!"

  Everyone pricked their ears.

  Suddenly, the red light in the sound transmission stone dissipated, and everyone heard the sound coming from it.

   "What, this Chen Xuan just defeated Liu Qiangwu?"

   "Liu Qiangwu's cultivation is not particularly strong, I can also defeat him!"

   "But it is said that Chen Xuan defeated Liu Qiangwu in just two rounds. His strength may have been close to the triple level of the Divine Soul Realm."

   "Ah, it's impossible, how could his strength be so terrifying?"

  When these warriors discussed the news about him, Chen Xuan knew nothing.

  At this time, Chen Xuanzheng was immersed in alchemy.

  Most of the Demon Blood Birds were seriously injured, and Chen Xuan must find a way to recover the injuries of these Demon Blood Birds.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly had more fairy grass in his hands, which he got when he killed Lin Yunqiong before.

  Lin Yunqiong's space ring contains a lot of spiritual grass, as well as a lot of fairy grass.

  So Chen Xuan is not distressed at all to refine the pill now.

  He can put as much fairy grass as he can.

  The price of a fairy grass is very expensive outside.

  Even the most common fairy grass, the price may reach 100,000 high-grade spirit stones.

   Immortal grass, whether it contains aura or in any respect, far exceeds ordinary spirit grass.

  The pill made from immortal grass can even double the efficacy of the medicine.

  There were bursts of red light in the alchemy furnace, and finally the breath suddenly dissipated, and bursts of fragrance finally emitted.

   Seeing the dozen or so aromatic pills in the alchemy furnace, Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

   "I have refined all the pill, Little Firebird, you call all those Devil Blood Birds over, let them eat the pill as soon as possible!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at the Demon Blood Birds behind him, and he found that the number of Demon Blood Birds was more than he thought.

  There are more than 60 Devil Blood Birds in total.

  These medicines were definitely not enough for so many Devil Blood Birds to swallow. Chen Xuan specially grinds all these medicines into powder, and then let these Devil Blood Birds eat them all.

  I have to say that the efficacy of the pills refined by Chen Xuan is several levels higher than that of ordinary alchemists!

  So after these demon-blood birds ate the pills refined by Chen Xuan, their physical injuries were almost recovered.

  At this moment, Zhang Jianyun also stared at the pill in Chen Xuan's hand eagerly, and finally he whispered: "Boy, I'm really curious, why the pill you refined has such a terrifying effect!"

  Chen Xuan was too lazy to answer Zhang Jianyun, he said directly: "What do you care about so much?"

   Zhang Jianyun said a little uncomfortable: "Why are you so stingy, didn't you just ask you a question? Are you still unwilling to answer me?"

   Chen Xuan said: "It's not that you don't want to answer you, but the question you asked is a bit mentally retarded. I don't want to talk nonsense to you!"

  So Zhang Jianyun is a monster martial artist, but whether it is a monster or a human, they will definitely refine alchemy.

  The reason why Zhang Jianyun asked this was because he definitely wanted Chen Xuan to help him refine the pill.

  How can Chen Xuan have such idle time to refine the pill for him?

  Furthermore, when Zhang Jianyun was in that empty secret realm, he still wanted to pit him.

  Chen Xuan will not be fooled.

  Even if it was a little Firebird refining the pill, Chen Xuan would not refining it for Zhang Jianyun, after all, this guy's face is really too thick.

  Faced with Zhang Jianyun's questioning, Chen Xuan's answer was still very simple.

  I want him to refine the pill, but there is no way!

  And now it's in the Secret Realm of Missing, it can be described as a race against time!

  Chen Xuan must seize every minute and every second of time to quickly find where the demon blood remains.

  He believes that there must be something he wants in the Demon Blood Ruins, and it would be best if he can make his own cultivation level break through.

  If you can't make a breakthrough in cultivation, you can raise the level of Little Firebird, which is also of great benefit to Chen Xuan.

   And now Chen Xuan also discovered some characteristics of the little flamingo, he didn’t know if it was because the little flamingo and these demon-blooded birds belonged to the same bird-like monster.

  But these magic blood birds still obeyed the little firebird's orders.

  All this happening now reminded Chen Xuan that he had seen Little Firebird order some monsters to serve him.

  This is not only a trait that an Eudemons can possess, some very powerful spirit beasts can also order other monsters with a cultivation base weaker than their own.

  This must be built on a very powerful basis. Although the Little Firebird is much stronger than these Demon Blood Birds, it is not too strong.

   is just a realm higher than their cultivation base.

  (End of this chapter)

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