Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4031: Injury of the Devil's Blood Bird

  Chapter 4031 Devil Blood Bird's Injury

  At this time, Chen Xuan was wondering how to recover all the injuries of these Devil Blood Birds.

   Chen Xuan saw a demon blood bird, and suddenly flew in its direction.

  The demon blood bird fell on his shoulder, and then chirped at him several times.

  Chen Xuan also knew that this demon blood bird must express his gratitude to him.

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and then he said, “You don’t need to thank me. The one you need to thank most is Little Firebird.”

  Little Firebird seemed very pleased. This time they will get a comprehensive victory. The warriors of the big sect are all ready to retreat.

  Chen Xuan still hasn't found it yet, how can I get in the entrance of the ruins?

  At this time, Chen Xuan gave an instruction to the little Firebird in his mind, and then the little Firebird chirped several times to the group of demon blood birds.

  The disciples of these sects who were watching by the side also watched carefully, but they were not in a hurry to come over, because they also knew that Chen Xuan was very strong.

  In the battle just now, they all saw clearly that these Astronomical Sect disciples were instantly killed by Chen Xuan, and there was no chance to resist.

   Therefore, they also know how much their strength is. If they provoke Chen Xuan, they will not get the chance to enter the ruins in the end, and they will even be killed because of it.

  "Brother Chen, did you ask from the mouths of these demon blood birds where the entrance to the ruins is?"

  They didn't dare to ask too obvious, they just asked Chen Xuan quietly.

  Chen Xuan did not answer what they said. He suddenly turned around, and finally looked at the demon blood birds and said, “If you know where the entrance to the ruins is, you can tell me.”

  As he was preparing to ask a question, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a sound of wind coming from behind him.

  He had killed many disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect before, so when Chen Xuan felt this breath, she also showed a surprised expression on her face.

   "It shouldn't be him!" The Mu Sacred Sword Sect would certainly not have the guts to come over, and Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  It is reasonable to say that the reputation of the Wood Sacred Sword School is already very stinky, and they dare not risk such a big risk to come here to find the magic weapon of the ruins.

  Chen Xuan looked into the distance. At this moment, he saw a man in a black long coat, looking at him coldly in the distance.

  From the black-clothed man, Chen Xuan felt a terrifying aura, and the opponent's cultivation base had at least reached the second stage of the realm of spirit and soul.

   "Who is this? Why do you stand so far to look at me? Could it be that he is also a disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword School?" Chen Xuan frowned tightly, his heart filled with puzzlement.

   "Hehe, even if he wants to trouble me, he has to weigh his own strength!"

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan twisted his body directly, and then he continued to say to Little Firebird: "Hurry up and ask them to see where they are."

   Just as Chen Xuan was speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of Long Tianpo coming from his mind.

  Long Tianpo seemed to be very interested in these demon blood birds, so he asked: "Chen Xuan, I feel that these demon blood birds have a power that makes me feel very familiar..."

"how do you know?"

   "If I didn't guess wrong, these demon blood birds should be from the group of Shenlie Mountain, but, it has been many years, I am afraid these demon blood birds don't recognize me." Long Tianpo said.

   Chen Xuan felt very puzzled. His heart was like Long Tianpo. Why did he know these Devil Blood Birds?

  Isn’t this a very common demonic and beast group?

  Although he didn't understand in his heart, Long Tianpo actually said that, and Chen Xuan still had to ask a question.

  At this moment, Long Tianpo suddenly said to Chen Xuan: "Boy, you take out the kamikaze scroll in your space ring, these devil blood birds should know."

  "Let me take out the Kamikaze scroll?" Chen Xuan felt confused. He felt a little confused. Why did Long Tianpo tell him to take the Kamikaze scroll out? Does it have anything to do with the Devil Blood Bird?

   "Long Tianpo, I have to look for the ruins now, how can I have so much time." Chen Xuan said a little impatiently.

   "You kid, do what I said, as long as you take out the kamikaze scroll, these devil blood birds should know how to do it." Long Tianpo continued.

  Although Chen Xuan felt very puzzled, since Long Tianpo said that, he could only take it out and give it a try.

  So Chen Xuan took out the kamikaze scroll from his space ring.

  When he got the Kamikaze scroll, he was still in an ancient space.

  Although Chen Xuan does not know the people in the Kamikaze scroll, what is the relationship with Long Tianpo? But he only knew that this picture scroll must be the magic weapon of God Lieshan, and it was also very precious.

  Since Chen Xuan got the kamikaze scroll, he has not understood how the kamikaze scroll is used.

  This kamikaze scroll seems to be able to record the history of the time and at the same time create an independent space.

  Chen Xuan also didn't understand why the aura in the kamikaze scroll could last so long.

  At this time, the Kamikaze picture scroll emitted a golden light. When this breath appeared, several disciples of the martial arts were onlookers who opened their eyes and showed horrified expressions.

  They didn’t seem to think that Chen Xuan had such a precious treasure in his hands.

   "Look, this kid, what's the thing in his hand..."

   "I don't know, it seems to be the first time I saw it. It should be a very precious thing..."

  They only know that the kamikaze scroll with golden light must be a very precious magic weapon, but they can’t call it a name.

  If the kamikaze scroll does not emit this golden light, it still looks ordinary in appearance, just like an ordinary book.

  But in the Kamikaze picture scroll, not only a ray of golden light blooms, but there are also two golden dragons faintly wandering above it.

  Even these sect disciples have never seen a kamikaze scroll, but they can still understand in their hearts that this is definitely a divine tool.

   "Where is he sacred and why is there such a treasure?"

  "It won’t be the treasure of inheritance he found in the Secret Realm of Missing, right..."

"His luck is really good, having said that, the reason why he didn't have a reputation before, could it be because he only found treasures in the unexplored secret realm to increase his strength to the second level of the realm of spirits and souls? Invincible?"

   "What you said is really reasonable, otherwise I can't explain it. I haven't heard of his name before."

  The disciples of these sects do not think that Chen Xuan's strength has always been strong.

  Although they had heard a lot of rumors before, it was said that Chen Xuan's cultivation had reached the Divine Soul Realm Dual Invincibility, and the strength that Chen Xuan had just demonstrated had indeed reached this realm.

  But they thought that Chen Xuan just happened to get a magic weapon in the Lost Secret Realm because of good luck.

  If it weren’t for these magic weapons, how could his cultivation become so strong?

  It's a pity that Chen Xuan's strength has already reached the second level of Soul and Soul, and his cultivation level will soon be promoted to the next level.

  As long as he can break through to the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, even if he is the top powerhouse in the third stage of the realm, he may not have any advantage when he is fighting against Chen Xuan.

  At this moment, the Kamikaze scroll on Chen Xuan's hand, the golden light that burst out, suddenly shone on the ground, and finally imprinted on the eyes of all the Devil Blood Birds.

  At the moment when he saw the kamikaze scroll, these demon blood birds raised their heads to the sky and roared, making Chen Xuan very puzzled.

   "What's going on? Is it true that Long Tianpo is right, but why does he know the relationship between these Devil Blood Birds and Shen Lie Mountain..."

  Chen Xuan watched a demon blood bird crawling on the ground, and then showed a respectful expression.

   Just when Chen Xuan was talking with Long Tianpo in his mind, he suddenly heard a man in black in the distance and shouted at him with an open voice.

   "Boy, I didn't expect you to get this kind of treasure..." a disciple said suddenly.

  When they saw the kamikaze scroll that Chen Xuan was holding, all the disciples of the martial arts who were onlookers showed greedy expressions.

  This is a Kamikaze picture scroll!

  Even if they don’t know the use of the Kamikaze scroll, they think that Chen Xuan’s cultivation is comparable to that of Li Longbao, mostly because of the Kamikaze scroll in their hands.

   "It turns out that he is holding a kamikaze scroll!" said the black man.

  As soon as these words came out, all the disciples began to discuss about the Kamikaze scroll.

  Kamikaze scroll is just a legend in the Kamikaze Dynasty. Many disciples have never heard of Kamikaze scroll.

   "Do you know that as long as we get the kamikaze scroll, we are equivalent to controlling time, haha, this kamikaze scroll is a very precious treasure."

   "Should we join hands to grab the kamikaze scroll in his hand?"

   "This Chen Xuan's cultivation is indeed quite strong, but we can definitely kill it if we join hands!" said the two men in black.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what kind of disciple they were. In short, the two men in black seemed to have taken a fancy to Chen Xuan’s treasures, especially the Kamikaze scroll he was holding.

   "Boy, you'd better hand over the kamikaze scroll in your hand, or I will show it to you later!" said the black man.

  He hadn’t seen Chen Xuan defeating a strong man in the Astronomical Sect with a swift speed, so he can be considered confident now, obviously thinking that Chen Xuan is a threat to them.

  Chen Xuan looked at the black-clothed man in front of him plainly, and then said to him: "What did you say?"

   "I said you hurry up and bring out the kamikaze scroll in your hand, maybe I will spare your life if..."

   "What?" Chen Xuan said impatiently.

   "Hehehe, if you don't hand in the kamikaze picture scroll, don't blame me for being polite. I warn you, there is only one chance. You must seize the opportunity, because I have a bad temper!"

Chen Xuan gave a cry, and then calmly said to the two men in black: "It seems that you are very confident of your own strength, and you dare to come to me for trouble. Did you know that there were two disciples of the Astronomy Sect just now? Has been defeated by me?"

  As soon as these words came out, the two men in black directly took out a long knife. As for the other man, he held a long spear in his hand.

  (End of this chapter)

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