Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4045: The Li Family and the Dragon Door

  Chapter 4045 The Li Family and the Dragon Door

  The disciples of the Li family were full of bloodthirsty killing intent, and they immediately fought with the disciples of Longshanmen.

  At this moment, the blood-red light around their bodies quickly faded.

   "Let's go, don't look, we still have very important things now." Chen Xuan said.

  Lei Pojun didn't think much, and then followed Chen Xuan quickly.

  Chen Xuan quickly went to the main peak of Jianyue.

  When Chen Xuan was about to continue walking, suddenly, a disciple of Longshanmen cut out a sword gas towards the disciple of the Li family.

  He didn't see behind him, a sword aura hit Chen Xuan directly.


  The disciple’s sword energy hit Chen Xuan, and he bounced out.

  Looking for death!

   Chen Xuan got angry and directly swung his long sword, cutting a sword aura at the disciple.

  He didn't even want to kill the opponent.


  He was knocked out immediately.

The disciple of   Longshanmen had originally had a stomach of resentment, but now they saw Chen Xuan hitting his junior disciple flying, they were all angry at this moment.

   "Boy, are your eyes blind?" The dragon door disciple looked at Chen Xuandao.

  Chen Xuan and the others ignored the Longshanmen disciples and continued to walk.

  I was ignored, and the disciple of Longshanmen was very upset in his heart.

   "Looking for death."

  The disciple of the dragon door roared, and directly launched a fierce attack on Chen Xuan.


  Walking, Chen Xuan noticed a strong vigor coming from behind, and a killing intent flashed through his pupils, then turned around, and the long sword slashed out instantly.


  The disciple of the dragon door was instantly knocked into the air by Chen Xuan's sword, and he was directly knocked to the ground, and his breath was also dissipated bit by bit.


  The two sides who were fighting both showed surprised expressions, and then stopped fighting.

When the disciple of Longshanmen turned around and looked at Chen Xuan, his pupils were full of murderousness and said, "Boy, do you dare to do something against my disciple of Longshanmen?"

  In an instant, all eyes on the road were focused on Chen Xuan.

   "What can you do if you shoot at the dragon door?" Chen Xuan roared angrily.

  This Longshanmen disciple believed that Chen Xuan and the others were just ordinary disciples.

  As a result, I now dare to speak to him like this.

   "Boy, don't make me angry, believe it or not, I will kill you directly later." Lei Pojun's eyes were blood red, and he roared.

  He directly shook the disciple of Longshanmen.

  All the warriors showed shocked expressions. In the current Jianyue Ancient City, someone would dare to speak to the disciple of Longshanmen like this?

   "Go." Chen Xuan whispered.

  After that, Chen Xuan and the others continued to walk, and they didn't even care about this disciple.

  At this time, the disciple of Longshanmen reacted, and a man groaned and said, "Boy, dare to mess with us! I'm going to kill you."

As he spoke, he launched a fierce attack on Chen Xuan, but before his attack touched Chen Xuan, his body was hit by a fierce fire.


  The disciple of the dragon door fell to the ground.

  Seeing this disciple of the Dragon Door who had lost his breath of life, even the disciples of the Li family were shocked.

  "Can you kill him with a single sword?" A storm surged in the hearts of all the warriors, and they felt very shocked.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the disciple of Longshanmen, then turned and left here.

  Looking at the backs of several warriors leaving, the disciple of Longshanmen could not say a word.

   is too strong!

  After a while, the disciple of Longshanmen quickly disappeared with the body of the dead disciple.

   "This kid's cultivation base is so strong! Hurry back and report to the higher level, saying that a strong man has appeared in Jianyue Ancient City, and his cultivation may have entered the realm of Divine Soul." The Li family's disciple said with a heavy face.

  Time is fast, and the moon is high.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan and the others came before the main peak of Jianyue.

  When they saw the main peak of Jianyue, Chen Xuan's pupils were also full of killing intent.

After the sword moon sect was destroyed, a giant sword was inserted on the main peak of the sword moon.

  At this time, not far below the main peak of Sword Moon, there are many warriors watching here.

  While watching Jianyue Great Sword, they were talking in a low voice.

   "It is said that the sword moon sword is the killer of the sword moon sect. After the sword moon sect was destroyed, it has been guarding the sword moon sect."

   "The mysterious powerhouse at the time directly caused Jianyuezong to be destroyed. It's terrifying."

   "I can't guess who it is, but he is definitely not an ordinary person."

   "I heard that the disciples of Jian Yuezong who survived seemed to have been destroyed. The Jian Yuezong is really unlucky. It is not easy to provoke them."

  Many warriors talked a lot, and when Chen Xuan, who was not far away, heard these voices, he held the long sword in his hand, feeling very upset in his heart.

  The six powerhouses?

Who is   ?

  Chen Xuan believes that one day, he will avenge this sword moon sect!

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan entered the main peak of Sword Moon under the gaze of many warriors.

   "Look, someone has entered the main peak of Sword Moon, what is he going to do? Is he going to enter the main peak of Sword Moon?"

   Seeing Chen Xuan walk into the main peak of Jianyue, many warriors felt very shocked, even Wang Qiangyun and Lei Pojun looked surprised.

After the formation of the sword moon giant sword, a layer of formation was enveloped nearby.

  With their cultivation base, there was no way to walk into the main peak of Jianyue, but Chen Xuan walked in easily.

  At this time, after entering the main peak of Jianyue, Chen Xuan began to look around him.

  At the moment Chen Xuan entered the main peak of Sword Moon, the Great Sword of Sword Moon that was inserted on the main peak of Sword Moon, suddenly and constantly swayed, and the sound of the horrible sword sound resounded through the entire Sword Moon Ancient City.

"what is the problem?"

   "Could it be that kid caused it?"

   "Why is this kid only able to enter? Is there a secret hidden in him?"

  Many warriors felt very shocked.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was entering the main peak of Jianyue step by step. With every step he took, he would feel the aura in his body constantly rolling, which showed that the pressure from Jianyue Great Sword was getting heavier and heavier.

  But the invisible aura exuding around his body became more and more fierce.


  Sword Moon Great Sword above the main peak of Sword Moon, once again uttered a series of terrifying sword sounds.

  Chen Xuan entered the main peak of Jianyue step by step. When he entered the top of the main peak of Jianyue, he stood directly in front of Jianyue Great Sword.

  Chen Xuan stood under Jianyue's giant sword.

  At this time, Jianyue Great Sword stopped shaking, in the eyes of many warriors.

  Jianyue Giant Sword tilted in the direction where Chen Xuan was.

  As for Chen Xuan, the long sword slowly stretched out, as if to hold the Jianyue giant sword.

   "Does he want to get the Sword Moon Great Sword?" All the warriors were full of shock.


  About a quarter of an hour passed, the invisible aura around Chen Xuan's body surged to the extreme, and these invisible auras made Chen Xuan see that the Jianyue Great Sword was constantly shaking.

  At this moment, Jianyue Giant Sword flashed a terrifying red light.


  The red light flashed away, and it went directly into the sword moon giant sword.

  It was at this time that Chen Xuan directly held the Jianyue Giant Sword.

  A shocking sword light, instantly spread from Jianyue Giant Sword.

  Jianyue Ancient City, with dragon doors.

   "Sect Master, the Li Family doesn't pay attention to our dragon door at all." An elder said.

   "Yes, Sect Master, after the Li Family completely controls the Ancient City of Jianyue, our Dragon Door will be suppressed by the Li Family. In my opinion, we must unite the power of other sects." Another elder said.

   "What you said is not wrong, we can unite with all the powerhouses of Yunxiao Mansion to resist the Li family."

   "Now that the Sword Moon Sect is destroyed, the Li Family wants to fight for the Sword Moon Ancient City, this matter, the other sects of Yunxiao Mansion will never agree. They also don't want to see the Li Family here."

The sect master of   Dragon Door slowly smiled and said, “You’re right, the major sects of Yunxiao Mansion definitely don’t want to see the Li Family grow bigger and bigger, so we have to do something.”

  Furthermore, I am absolutely sure that our Dragon Gate will become the top two-star sect of Jianyue Ancient City.

  As soon as the voice of the lord of the dragon door fell, a thunder light appeared on his hand.

  The thunder light exudes a fierce aura.

  When many elders saw it, their faces were overjoyed.

   "Sect Master, have you reached the triple level of Divine Soul Realm?"

  Long Sect Sect Master heard it, nodded and said: "Don't worry, my Dragon Sect Sect can be upgraded to the top existence of the two-star sect!"

   "Hahaha, the lord has already thought about everything, I was too anxious." Many elders began to laugh.

   But at this moment, a trembling breath passed into the dragon door.

   "What is this?" The elders of the Longshan Door asked in confusion.

   "What a strong breath." The overlord of the dragon door also felt very shocked.

  After a while, Long opened the door to learn the news.

   "What? Someone has entered the main peak of Jianyue?" The elders at the dragon door were shocked, and then swept towards the main peak of Jianyue.

  At this time, there are more and more warriors under the main peak of Sword Moon.

  The time passed bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye many strong people from Jianyue Ancient City came.

  The sect master of the dragon door came under the main peak of Jianyue, and the martial artist of the Li family also came.

   "Who is it?" Patriarch Li whispered.

  At this time, behind the clan chief Li, standing Li Zongfeng.

  Li Zifeng’s eyes flashed red, and he was thinking about who it was?

  As the number of warriors increased, under the main peak of Sword Moon, countless powerful people gathered in the entire Sword Moon Ancient City.

  On the main peak of Sword Moon, Chen Xuan holds the Sword Moon Giant Sword.

  Sword Moon Giant Sword spreads a horrible atmosphere.


  Chen Xuan flipped his wrist, and a red sword light emitted from the sword moon giant sword.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly showed a turbulent killing intent, because he saw the Li Zongfeng of the Li family.

   "Li Zhufeng, it turned out to be you."

  Chen Xuan almost died at the hands of Li Gongfeng, and he vowed to take revenge at the beginning.

  Now, Chen Xuan's cultivation level has improved a lot.


  Chen Xuan stepped forward, standing on the main peak of Jianyue, looking down at the many warriors below the main peak, and finally his gaze stayed on Li Zhufeng's body.

  Chen Xuan let out an angry roar, the next moment the sword moon giant sword in his hand swung out towards the front in an instant.


   The fierce sword intent was instantly emitted from the sword moon giant sword, and the faces of many warriors under the main peak of the sword moon changed.

   "He can't seem to control it. Is this kid crazy?" A warrior shouted.

  At this moment, everyone in the Li family is backing away.

  When the sword energy emitted by the Sword Moon Great Sword slashed directly on the ground of the main peak of Sword Moon.

  A sword mark appeared directly on the ground, and this sword mark quickly spread under the mountain peak.

  (End of this chapter)

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