Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4046: Sword marks spread

   Chapter 4046 Sword Marks Spread

  Some warriors were directly swallowed by this sword aura, and they made screams.

  Many warriors of the Li family fled quickly, but they were surprised to find that this terrifying sword light was coming in the direction of their Li family.

  This terrifying sword light instantly slashed down.

   Li Gongfeng, who was running wild, felt that after the death of several martial artists in the Li family, Jianguang was behind him.


Seeing that there was no way to avoid the attack of this sword light, Li Gongfeng used his whole body's power to resist this terrifying attack.


  Li Zhufeng’s attack instantly shattered, and immediately after this sword light, he directly split Li Zhufeng in half.

  Seeing Li Gongfeng being split in half, the many martial artists of the Li family were very angry, but they did not dare to stay here.

  Because this sword light is too powerful, they feel that this terrifying sword light is like an attack by a strong man in the realm of spirits.

  Many warriors flee quickly.

  After killing Li Gongfeng, the sword spirit suddenly disappeared automatically.

   "Too strong, this kid is so strong?"

   "Even Li Gongfeng died under his sword and moon."

   "This mess, did he intentionally." Many warriors watched Chen Xuan above the main peak of Jianyue and whispered.

After   Sword Moon's Great Sword was swung, there was a deep sword mark on the main peak of Sword Moon.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils flickered, looking at the dead Li Gongfeng, then a smile appeared on his face.

   "It provokes me, ha ha, it's almost dead, you guys wait for me, after my strength improves, who else can stop me." Chen Xuan said to himself.

  At this moment, Lei Pojun and Wang Qiangyun were also very surprised, thinking that Chen Xuan had no way to control Jianyue Great Sword.

  The death of Li Zhuofeng was a big blow to the Li family.

   "Lord of the Dragon Gate, you just saw that this smasher is holding the sword moon giant sword, how about we jointly kill this smashing?" Clan Chief Li said in a deep voice.

  The main pupil of the dragon door flickered, and after a while, he said: "My dragon door does not care about this."

  Hearing the words of the dragon door master, Chief Li was very angry.

When the two people were talking, on the main peak of Sword Moon, the sword moon giant sword in Chen Xuan's hand suddenly changed. In a short moment, the ten meter long sword moon giant sword became One meter long.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan walked down from the main peak of Jianyue.

   Seeing Chen Xuan come down, many martial artists from the Li family surrounded Chen Xuan.

  Lei Pojun and Wang Qiangyun wanted to take action, but Chen Xuan motioned them to leave it alone.

   "Boy, you killed my Li family, do you want to give us an explanation?" The patriarch of the Li family lowered his voice and said.

   "Li Zhufeng was killed by my sword, what's wrong?" Chen Xuan said.

   "Boy, this is Jianyue Ancient City. Do you think you can fight against my Li family only by relying on you?" Clan Chief Li said coldly.

   "Li family, ha ha, if it were before, I might be afraid, but you are just a branch of the Li family, you can't get into my eyes." Chen Xuan whispered.

  "Provocate publicly, boy, you are looking for death." Chief Li was angry.

  "Do you want to explain?" Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words of Chief Li.

  "If you don’t give me an explanation from the Li family,"

  Chen Xuan shouted, and then a flame of Vermillion Bird radiated from his body, and his pupils were full of fierce killing intent.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to do it, all the strong guys in the Li family shot together.

   Seeing many martial artists from the Li family attack Chen Xuan, Lei Pojun and Wang Qiangyun were also angry.


  The two rushed directly into the Li family's crowd.

  Lei Pojun’s surroundings are full of fierce murderous intent.

  Every time he cuts a sword qi, the Li family will be killed.

  Wang Qiang is also a disciple of Jian Xiu sect after all, with very strong offensive power.

  In a short span of time, the Li family lost several people.

   Patriarch Li was even more angry, but he frowned, looking at the warrior who was full of fierce sword intent on the opposite side.


Chen Xuan instantly cut a sword aura towards the place where Chief Li was located. Above the sky, a Suzaku sword aura appeared. Under the control of Chen Xuan's sword soul, this sword aura instantly slammed towards Chief Li. .


   Patriarch Li resisted this Suzaku sword aura with all his strength, but still did not resist.

"How can it be?"

  It wasn't until this moment that Clan Chief Li realized that Chen Xuan's strength was too strong, and he could not resist it at all.

   Patriarch Li was hit by the Suzaku sword qi and flew out directly, hitting the ground directly with his body, and he could no longer stand up.

  Although he was sure to escape, many of the Li family’s disciples were about to die tragically before Chen Xuan’s sword.

   "Boy! Be merciful!"

   Chen Xuan stopped the attack when he heard the words of Chief Li.

   "If your Li family still wants to provoke me, and provoke me! You don't need to exist anymore," Chen Xuanhan said.

   Patriarch Li glanced at Chen Xuan, then turned and left with many martial artist disciples.

  His heart was full of anger, but now, he had no choice but to take Chen Xuan.

  Many warriors of the Li family quietly left.

  In an instant, only Chen Xuan and the others were left.

  Lei Pojun showed a smile on his face and looked at Chen Xuan and whispered: "Chen Xuan, you actually got the Sword Moon Giant Sword, you deserve to be an imperial genius."

   "Yes, Chen Xuan's strength has skyrocketed, even if he is the powerhouse of Yunxiao Mansion, he will not be afraid at all." Wang Qiangyun said.

  Chen Xuan nodded gently and said: "Don't worry, this time, I will avenge Jianyuezong."

   Mentioned the three words Jianyuezong, several warriors fell silent for an instant.

  Although they desperately wanted to avenge Jianyuezong, Wang Qiangyun knew that with their current strength, there was no way to deal with those strong.

   "Senior Brother Wang Qiangyun is right, we can't let them know where we are." Lei Pojun nodded and said.

  Chen Xuan of course knew that it was not an opportunity for revenge, but it would not take long before he could avenge Jianyuezong.

   "Next, how do you plan? We still have to concentrate on practicing now, what do you think?" Chen Xuan looked at the two people and asked.

   "Senior Brother Wang Qiangyun and I want to practice as soon as possible, while looking for Elder Zhuge, then we will have a greater certainty and give them revenge." Lei Pojun said.

   "Well, you can't act rashly now." Chen Xuandao.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, where are you going?" Lei Pojun said.

  "First, investigate the truth about the destruction of Jianyuezong." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Chen Xuan was guessing the identity of the mysterious strong man, but no matter how they guessed, they couldn't guess it.

   Chen Xuan vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with the Blood Demon Sect, but he did not know who the mysterious powerhouse was.

  After that, Lei Pojun and Wang Qiangyun disappeared in Jianyue Ancient City.

  Chen Xuan also left Jianyue Ancient City soon.

  At this moment, when Chen Xuan was devoting himself to practicing.

   Yunxiao Mansion has set off one battle after another.

  Several blood demon remnants of Yunxiao Mansion jointly attacked the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, the Black Cloud Gate.

  Under the siege of many powerful blood demon warriors, these sects could not resist at all. After half a month, the major two-star sects were all destroyed.

  At this time, in a very hidden place in Yunxiao Mansion, there is a secret cave of demon blood.

  The magic blood secret cave is full of evil aura.

There are many warriors of the Blood Demon Sect in   .

The blood demon sect warrior headed by    is a black-robed man.

   "My elder, our people are also dead." Suddenly, a blood demon sect warrior whispered.


  Sun Xuewen’s long sword instantly hit the boulder in front of him, and the boulder was instantly shattered.

  "A bunch of waste..." Sun Xuewen said angrily.

  Sun Xuewen, in the battle that year was broken the Dantian Qihai, he escaped a catastrophe.

  Because his dantian Qihai was destroyed and his cultivation was completely useless, this powerful elder helped him heal his injuries.

  Finally, his injuries were basically recovered, and his cultivation level was restored to the third level of the Divine Soul Realm.

   "My elder, it is said that there is a martial artist named Chen Xuan in the Secret Realm of Loss that is very powerful." A blood demon sect warrior whispered.

  "Is there any news about Elder Xueheng?" Sun Xuewen asked in a deep voice.

  Several Blood Demon Sect warriors shook their heads.

   "I don't know, I haven't heard of..."

  Sun Xuewen's heart was full of killing intent towards Chen Xuan.

   "Okay, you trash, what news are you asking for! This martial artist named Chen Xuan will never get out." Sun Xuewen said.

  The entire Yunxiao Mansion is looking for where the blood demon sect warrior hides, and at this time Chen Xuan is on the way to the main city of Yunxiao Mansion.

  His purpose is to kill Li Jiuyuan.

  The current Chen Xuan's strength is comparable to the top Wuhou powerhouse of Yunxiao Mansion. It was too easy to kill Li Jiuyuan.

  A few days later, Chen Xuan inquired slightly, and he found that Li Jiuyuan was in Yunqiong City.

   "Yunqiong City?"

   Yunqiong City is very prosperous, Chen Xuan didn't think much, and went straight into Yunqiong City.

  Yunqiongcheng, Zitan Hall.

  Two warriors sat calmly inside, then talked with a smile.

   "Brother Li, this Purple Tan Hall is really a good place." The warrior said.

  He exudes pure aura, and Li Jiuyuan is also very polite when facing him.

   "Brother Lu, I built this myself." Li Jiuyuan said with a laugh.

  Lu Yunguang ranks among the Qi list of Yunxiao Mansion, and within Yunxiao Mansion, his position is also very strong.

   And Lu Yunguang came to Li Jiuyuan this time because he wanted Li Jiuyuan’s help.

   "Brother Li, what do I mean by coming here, you should also know?" Lu Yunguang said.

   "Of course I know that within half a month, I will definitely let Brother Lu Yunguang see the spirit patterns I drew." Li Jiuyuan said.

After hearing this, Lu Yunguang showed a smile on his face.

   "Brother Li, if you need help in the future, just tell me."

  At this time, Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and then stepped onto the lake outside the hall.

"who are you!?"

  Chen Xuan ignored them.

   "A rubbish, kill him directly." When many warriors saw Chen Xuan not speaking, they were very angry.

  Chen Xuan walked straight to the top of the mountain.

   Just when Chen Xuan hadn't taken a few steps, a man suddenly stopped Chen Xuan's path.

   "Boy, I'm talking to you, pretending not to hear it? Are you looking for death?" This thin man, who has reached the top level of the Divine Soul Realm in his cultivation, is regarded as the pinnacle power in the new generation.

   Seeing this thin man come forward, many warriors think that this kid will definitely be cleaned up by the thin man.

   "Looking for death?"

   Chen Xuan said in a cold voice.

  (End of this chapter)

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