Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4047: Wasting man

  Chapter 4047 Thin man

  After the thin man heard it, breaths appeared around him.

  Prepare to attack Chen Xuan.

   But at this moment, an extremely disturbing breath emerged directly from Chen Xuan's body.


  He didn't dare to provoke Chen Xuan.

  But respectfully stepped aside.

  Seeing this scene, many warriors wondered why the thin man gave way to Chen Xuan directly.

   "Why would you let him go?" A warrior asked in a puzzled way.

   "His cultivation base... is really terrible." The thin man felt scared for a while. If he had just chosen to shoot, he might be killed directly by Chen Xuan.

  Hearing the words of the thin man, many warriors around looked at Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan was surrounded by a turbulent atmosphere.

  On the next road, most of the warriors avoided directly, not daring to stop Chen Xuan at all.

  In this way, it didn't take long for Chen Xuan to finally meet a warrior who was blocking. This warrior was one of the peak powers of Yunxiao Mansion, and his cultivation reached the Shenluo realm double perfection.

   "Boy, this is the lake outside the main hall. You must not be rampant. Moreover, this is the place where Elder Li practices. You must dare to move forward and be careful that I kill you." This warrior thinks that Chen Xuan is not his opponent.

  Chen Xuan squinted at this warrior, and then he said, "Looking for death."

   Seeing the confident look on Chen Xuan's face, this warrior became even more angry. With his strength, almost no one in the new generation of Yunxiao Mansion dared to say such things to him.

  Chen Xuan clearly provokes him in this way.

   "Boy, do you want to die?" The warrior said with a sneer.

  For Chen Xuan, there is no need for her to do this rubbish.

  Chen Xuan is not willing to waste time.

   "In that case..."

  Chen Xuan blasted him down the lake outside the hall.


  He was directly hit by Chen Xuan and flew to the ground, and there was no aura from all over his body.

   This scene shocked the warriors outside the entire hall, and their pupils were full of horror.

  "How is it possible? A sword flew him, how powerful is it?"

   "His strength is at least above the second level of the Divine Soul Realm. Could it be that he came from the main city of Yunxiao Mansion?"

   "It must be... his cultivation is too strong, let's not provoke him."

  In an instant, on the lake outside the hall, many warriors gave way one after another.

  At this time, there are two Li family disciples in the Zitan Hall. They exude a terrifying aura and are powerful.


  Chen Xuan came to the door of the Zitan Hall.

  "This is the Zitan Hall, who are you." said a Li family disciple.

   "I'm here to find Li Jiuyuan." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "Sir Li Jiuyuan, you can call him? No one sees his old man." Another Li family disciple said coldly.

   "He will meet me."

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, two Li family disciples suddenly held their heads and rolled on the ground.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan stepped directly into it.

   Above the lake outside the main hall, the faces of many warriors were full of horror.

   "There is going to be something big."

   "Why is this kid so powerful? Even the disciples of the Li family dare to fight?"

   "This kid has a lot of background, maybe he is a new generation of some big power in Yunxiao City."

  "The Zitan Hall is actually the place where Li Jiuyuan lives, and Li Jiuyuan will never let him go." Many warriors talked and looked inside the Zitan Hall.

   After Chen Xuan entered the Purple Tan Hall, he asked for a little bit, and then he knew the location of Li Jiuyuan.

  When Chen Xuan came to the inside of the hall, he saw Li Jiuyuan chatting with a warrior, and Chen Xuan walked step by step into the main hall in the middle of the hall before being discovered by Li Jiuyuan.

   "Who are you? Who let you in?" Li Jiuyuan shouted sharply.

  Chen Xuan ignored Li Jiuyuan’s shout and continued to walk until he entered the main hall. He looked at Li Jiuyuan and said, "Hello."

   "What? Who are you?" Li Jiuyuan said angrily.

   At this moment, Lu Yunguang stood up and squinted his eyes, looking at Chen Xuan, and then he said, "This kid has killing intent on his body."

   Hearing what Lu Yunguang said, Li Jiuyuan instantly said with a cold face: "Boy, who are you?"

   "You don't need to know anymore, as long as you know that I am the one who killed you, it is enough." Chen Xuan did not have any fear on his face.

   "Hahaha, you are too naive, you are the first one who dares to kill me in my Purple Tan Hall." Li Jiuyuan let out a joking laugh.

  Even Lu Yunguang gave a faint smile, but his smile was full of mockery.


  Liaoyuan sword appeared in Chen Xuan's hand.

   Seeing Chen Xuan take out the weapon, Li Jiuyuan's face became completely gloomy.

  Li Jiuyuan let out a low voice, and a fierce aura emerged instantly.

   then gathered directly on the long sword and bombarded Chen Xuan.

  At this time, Li Jiuyuan did not pose any threat to Chen Xuan.

   Seeing Li Jiuyuan's attack, Chen Xuan's surrounding aura surged, and the next moment a monstrous sword intent directly enveloped the entire main hall.


   Perceiving this terrifying sword intent, Lu Yunguang's face finally became heavy. He was naturally knowledgeable, and instantly noticed Chen Xuan's power.

   "Brother Li, be careful."

  Lu Yunguang roared, his body flashed instantly, and he immediately grabbed Li Jiuyuan's body.

  But the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand instantly cut the main hall directly under his control, slashed out with a sword, and instantly smashed Li Jiuyuan's body.


  Lu Yunguang arrived in time and rescued Li Jiuyuan, but one of Li Jiuyuan’s arms was severed.


The   Liaoyuan sword slashed directly on the ground.


  A sword mark appeared on the ground instantly, and even the main hall was directly cut open, and the entire Zitan Hall was turned into ruins.

  At this time, many warriors on the lake outside the hall looked up and suddenly found that the Zitan hall was cut open by a sword.

   "Could it be that warrior just now?"

   "A sword split the Purple Tan Hall apart, is this too strong?"

   "The sword intent just now, even the earth was shaking, I don't know what happened to Li Jiuyuan."

  The terrifying sword light displayed by Chen Xuan directly cut open the Purple Tan Hall with a single sword.

  Many warriors were shocked.

Above the ruins, Li Jiuyuan almost fainted. He couldn't imagine why Chen Xuan wanted to kill him?

   "I, Li Jiuyuan...can't die here." Li Jiuyuan's eyes were blood red, and he shouted angrily: "Big Brother Lu Yunguang, help me kill him."

  Li Jiuyuan will not give up.

  Lu Yunguang stared at Chen Xuan, exuding a fierce aura.

  After hearing what Li Jiuyuan said, he finally spoke.

   "Boy, you hurt my friend, I will definitely not let you go." Lu Yun Guanghan said.

   "He is destined to be killed."

   Chen Xuan said indifferently, as if killing Li Jiuyuan was a very easy thing in his eyes.

   "Junior, you dare to be so arrogant in front of the old man, you are really looking for death." Lu Yunguang's face was gloomy, and then he said with a cold face.

  He Lu Yunguang was able to make the list of Yunxiao Mansion, and in Yunxiao Mansion, he was also a veritable genius.

  Lu Yunguang’s sword blade showed red auras, and these red auras contained a terrifying aura to the extreme.

  But Chen Xuan was not afraid of it, because when he fell into the secret realm, his strength had already surpassed Lu Yunguang.

   "Big Brother Lu Yunguang, kill him." Li Jiuyuan shouted hysterically.

   Hearing Li Jiuyuan’s shout, Lu Yunguang didn’t intend to waste time, he wanted to kill Chen Xuan.

  "Heavenly Light Sword Art."

  Following Lu Yunguang's roar, in an instant, turbulent auras appeared around Lu Yunguang. Under Lu Yunguang's control, these auras were drilled into Lu Yunguang's long sword.

   "You are lucky to die by my sword." Lu Yunguang's sword clenched tightly, and he slammed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

   "Suzaku sword technique." Chen Xuan whispered.

  The next moment, above the Liaoyuan Sword, a fierce and extreme aura was exuded.

  Even Li Jiuyuan on the side felt flustered.


  Lu Yunguang’s long sword slammed heavily on the Liaoyuan Sword, and Lu Yunguang’s face was full of ferocious smiles. In an instant, his face began to change and he screamed.

   Immediately afterwards, Lu Yunguang's body kept backing away.

  How could Chen Xuan miss the opportunity?

The   Liaoyuan sword swung out in an instant, and a fierce red sword light suddenly shot towards Lu Yunguang once again.

  At this time, Lu Yunguang was extremely shocked.

   "Even my sword tactics... can't resist it?" Lu Yunguang thought.


  The red sword light bombarded Lu Yunguang's body heavily. Lu Yunguang displayed the power of refining his body, so he was not seriously injured.

   But the Liaoyuan sword that followed closely, was exploded with full power by Chen Xuan.


The Liaoyuan sword pierced into Lu Yunguang's body instantly.

  Lu Yunguang fought back frantically. At the same time, Chen Xuan stretched out his palm, and a strand of Vermillion Bird's fire penetrated into Lu Yunguang's head.

   "Me, what is this."

  Lu Yunguang was directly swallowed by the flames. Even though he was powerful, he was instantly killed when he was hit by the Vermillion Bird Fire.

After a quarter of an hour, Lu Yunguang lost his breath of life, and Chen Xuan walked towards Li Jiuyuan step by step.

   "Who are you? Why are you killing me?" Li Jiuyuan kept backing away.

  Even Lu Yunguang was killed by this man, how could he not be afraid of Li Jiuyuan?

   But Li Jiuyuan has secretly knocked on the sound transmission jade pendant.

"It's you?"

  After seeing Chen Xuan's appearance, Li Jiuyuan seemed to be thinking about something, and he suddenly yelled.

   "How is it possible? How can you be so good?" Li Jiuyuan cried out in disbelief.

  The original Chen Xuan was like **** in front of him. How long has passed since then, Chen Xuan was able to easily slay the powerhouse of Yunxiao Mansion.

  "I and Zhao Ziming are friends, kid, you kill me, Zhao Ziming will not let you go." While talking, Li Jiuyuan was about to pass the news to Zhao Ziming.


  Liaoyuan sword waved, and one of his legs was instantly cut off.

   "How did you treat me back then? Do you know you are afraid?" Chen Xuanhan said.

  Hear Chen Xuan's voice.

  Li Jiuyuan’s heart is full of fear.

   "Chen Xuan, as long as you don't kill me, I can give you any baby, please, don't kill me." Li Jiuyuan cried out in horror.

  Chen Xuan stepped forward and came to Li Jiuyuan's side, raised the Liaoyuan sword, preparing to kill Li Jiuyuan.

  "Don't kill me, I can tell you one thing, about you Yuwentian..." Li Jiuyuan shouted loudly.

  (End of this chapter)

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