Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4056: Not quite right

  Chapter 4056 Not quite right

  Sure enough, Zhao Ziwen said frankly before long: "Brother, when I saw you, I already guessed it. You must be Chen Xuan in the unexplored realm."

"How did you know?"

Zhao Ziwen said immediately: "Although I didn't enter the unexplored secret realm due to an accident, I heard my brother mentioned you, and the aura that exudes from you is weak on the surface, but I can feel yours. The strength is very strong."

Zhao Ziwen has a very unique ability to perceive. Although Chen Xuan suppressed the aura in his body, he could still feel that although Chen Xuan's apparent cultivation was only at the first level of the Soul Realm, his true strength was definitely far more than he imagined. Even stronger.

   "I want to invite you to our school as an alchemist..." Zhao Ziwen said.

As soon as he said this, Chen Xuan calmed down. He originally thought that Zhao Ziwen was just asking him to help refine a few pills. He had a lot of calculations, but he didn't think that Zhao Ziwen wanted him to be the alchemy of their sect. division.

  Chen Xuan still has revenge now, how can he have so much time to go to a small sect as an alchemist.

  Most sects basically have departments dedicated to alchemy.

  According to Zhao Ziwen, their Sky Profound Sect is only a small school, and cannot be regarded as a decent school.

  Compared with some large sects, the Sky Profound Sect is simply not ranked.

   And an alchemist before the Sky Profound Sect was killed because of an accident, so that there is no alchemist in the current Sky Profound Sect.

  Each sect needs the existence of an alchemist, so that the strength of the disciples of this sect can be quickly improved.

  Chen Xuan was lost in thought.

   Now that the Sword Moon Sect has been destroyed, although he wants to reinvigorate the Sword Moon Sect, this can't be done in a short while.

  If you temporarily join the Sky Profound Sect and become an alchemist in this small sect, Chen Xuan can indeed save a lot of trouble.

  It’s just that Chen Xuan vaguely felt that if he entered the Sky Profound Sect, it would very likely bring danger to this school.

  The previous strong men must have learned about Chen Xuan, and this also includes Zhang Jiuming, who Chen Xuan met at the Chamber of Commerce auction today.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan didn’t say a word, Zhao Ziwen immediately asked, “Brother Chen Xuan, if you can agree to my request, we will provide you with income of 10 million ordinary spirit stones every month from the Sky Profound Sect in the future...”

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan learned the method of refining a large number of pills from Liu Yuanjian before.

  And the Sky Profound Sect is just a small sect. The pill they need is basically some low-level Chen Xuan who can refine all these pill in a very short time.

  So Chen Xuan did hesitate a bit.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, I know that you are very strong, and you might as well find a home..." Zhao Ziwen said.

  Now there are rumors that Chen Xuan is only a casual cultivator, not a disciple of any school, but there are also rumors that Chen Xuan is a disciple of Jianyuezong.

  But most people would not believe it, because the Sword Moon Sect had been destroyed, and no one could escape.

  Zhao Ziwen also believes that Chen Xuan is not a member of Jianyuezong. He thinks that Chen Xuan may be just a powerful casual cultivator.

  There are still many powerful monks in Yunxiao Mansion. They do not belong to any sect, or that there are some warriors who have separated from their own sect and wandered about.

  The number of these warriors is not many, but they can survive in Yunxiao Mansion, which shows that they must have proud skills.

  At first, Zhao Ziwen just wanted to ask Chen Xuan to do him a favor, but when he saw the pill that Chen Xuan took out, his heart was full of shock.

  The pill that Chen Xuan refined was stronger than most alchemy masters in terms of color and effect.

  Although Zhao Ziwen can't make alchemy, he can feel that Chen Xuan must have a deep understanding of alchemy, otherwise it would be impossible to refine an elixir with such a round color.

  He can even feel a shocking breath from the pill.

  This shows that Chen Xuan's alchemy level may be much stronger than some alchemy masters.

  "How are you thinking, you can give you 10 million middle-grade spirit stones every month, and your time is fixed..." Zhao Ziwen continued.

  The purpose of his coming out this time is to find alchemists.

   happened to meet Chen Xuan here, and Zhao Ziwen also thought it was an opportunity.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then said: "Well, it happens that I have nothing to do now, so I can come with you!"

  He has killed two strong men, and Chen Xuan's current strength is not enough to deal with Zhang Jiuming.

  He still has a long time to prepare.

  Zhang Jiuming is the top 20 strongest in Yunxiao Mansion. Even in this ranking, his strength is definitely not weak.

  During this period, Chen Xuan had nowhere to go, except to return to Lu Yucheng, or to return to Tianlong City.

  Many enemies are chasing him, and Chen Xuan does not want Sky Dragon City to be destroyed because of him.

  Yu Wenqiu and Dugulun were both staying in Sky Dragon City, and both of them were also cultivating. With them in Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan was relieved for the time being.

  Two hours later, Chen Xuan and Zhao Ziwen appeared under a mountain range.

  Zhao Ziwen pointed to the mountains in the distance, and still said contentedly: "Look, this is the foundation of our Sky Profound Sect. Come and have a look first."

  While talking, he took Chen Xuan and rushed towards the top of the mountain range.

  At this time, Chen Xuan looked at the mountain range.

  Sky Xuanzong is a one-star sect after all, and it can’t be regarded as the top sect in the one-star sect.

  Although Zhao Ziwen helped him, Chen Xuan couldn't help but wonder why he had the courage to provoke the Wooden Sage Sect.

   "By the way, where is your suzerain?" Chen Xuan asked.

  On this road, he is also clear.

  Zhao Ziwen is a top disciple in Xuanzong, even the elders of the sect are not as good as him.

  For the Sky Profound Sect, Zhao Ziwen is very important.

  He has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child. The most important thing is that Zhao Ziwen is still the uncle of the lord, otherwise he would not stay in this sect forever.

  Although the Sky Profound Sect is only a small sect, Zhao Ziwen's cultivation is comparable to the top disciples of the Second Star Sect, but Zhao Ziwen is still relatively modest, and he will not tout that his strength is better than other disciples.

  Along the way, many disciples of the Sky Profound Sect were greeting them.

  Zhao Ziwen also nodded and said, and then they rushed all the way towards the huge hall above the mountain.

  In the hall at this time, a middle-aged man in a gray robe said to everyone: "Master Wang has been severely injured suddenly in the past two days. I suspect that this is probably done by someone from the Blood Demon Sect."

  Several elders suddenly started talking.

   "Why do these people from the Blood Demon Sect kill Master Wang's disciple?"

   "No one can tell. I heard that when the Secret Realm was opened some time ago, many people from the Blood Demon Sect were hidden in it. We must be careful recently!" An elder said.

  At this moment, the Sect Master of the Sky Profound Sect gently touched the stubble on his face, his heart felt melancholy.

  In the past few days, many people in the Sky Profound Sect have disappeared inexplicably.

  According to his inference, these missing people were basically killed by the people of the Blood Demon Sect, but he couldn't say why the blood demon Sect's warriors would act on their Sky Profound Sect.

  This incident must not be spoken out, otherwise it is likely to bring huge danger to their Sky Profound Sect.

   "Sovereign Lord, shall we ask for help from other schools?" An elder said.

   "It's absolutely not right now. If someone spreads the news, these people will definitely fall into trouble, and then they will definitely take action against our Sky Profound Sect."

   "Master Wang is already in a dying condition now. I am afraid he will die soon too..." a warrior said.

  Hearing this, the high-level Tianxuanzong in the entire hall became silent one after another. They knew that this disciple was right.

  As the original alchemist of Xuanzong, Master Wang's cultivation is not strong. He has been in Xuanzong for a long time. Although he is not the elder of Xuanzong, he has many connections with Xuanzong.

  Tian Xuanzong did not want to give up Master Wang.

   Just when the hall was silent, a young man's voice suddenly heard outside the door.

   "Uncle, I found a replacement for Master Wang!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan followed Zhao Ziwen and walked quickly into the hall.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and scanned the many high-levels in the hall.

  Even the strongest person, the cultivation level is only a major consummation in the Divine Soul Realm, which means that Zhao Ziwen's strength is now regarded as the top existence in the Sky Profound Sect.

  I am afraid that even the Sect Master of Xuanzong is not his opponent...

  It is no wonder that Zhao Ziwen had so much confidence to speak to the people of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect just now.

Although the chief disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect has been killed by Chen Xuan, the Sacred Wooden Sword Sect is a two-star sect after all. The strength of the Sacred Sword Sect Master is not weak, and several top disciples have been killed, which did not bring much loss to the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect.

   Against the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, it would not do any good to the Sky Profound Sect.

  Just now, Zhao Ziwen helped Chen Xuan deal with a few disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, and Chen Xuan saw it all.

  A man asked immediately: "Zhao Ziwen, who is this person? What did you bring him here for?"

  The black-haired man who was speaking had a bad relationship with Zhao Ziwen, and he went to search for alchemists like Zhao Ziwen, but he didn't gain anything along the way.

   Seeing that Zhao Ziwen had brought an alchemist, the black-haired man was naturally very upset.

"Zhao Ziwen, I have already told you, don't bring anyone to our Sky Profound Sect. Although our Sky Profound Sect is only a one-star sect, we are a sect, some people..." This elder still Before finishing talking, Zhao Ziwen immediately retorted.

"You don't know. His name is Chen Xuan, and his strength is very strong. I have witnessed the pill that he refines before. Not only is the color very delicious, but the spiritual energy contained in it is more than I have seen before. The pills refined by the masters of alchemy are dozens of times more powerful!" Zhao Ziwen praised Chen Xuan without hesitation.

  (End of this chapter)

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