Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4057: Zhao Ziwen

  Chapter 4057 Zhao Ziwen

  Chen Xuan nodded silently, he did not directly agree, after all, it seemed a bit too narcissistic for him.

   But when Chen Xuan was here, he burst into a breath of detachment.

Several elders of Xuanzong Tian also felt a terrifying pressure from Chen Xuan's body.

   "The strength of this kid seems to be really good..."

   "It's really good. I didn't expect his cultivation base to be so strong. If we invite a super powerful alchemist, it will probably not be good for our Sky Profound Sect..."

  The black-haired man's name is Song Wenjie. He is the son of the great elder. He has a good cultivation level. He has reached the initial stage of the second stage of the realm of spirits and souls.

  It is very rare for the two of them to have a cultivation base that can exceed the second level of the Divine Soul Realm in the First Star Sect.

  Most of the one-star sects, even the cultivation base of their sect master, is only above the first level of the Divine Soul Realm. If it is some top one-star sects, the cultivation base of their suzerain may reach the second level of the Divine Soul Realm.

  But few people can enter the triple realm.

  Chen Xuan’s cultivation level had obviously reached the realm of Divine Soul, which made several elders of the Sky Xuanzong feel uneasy. They were worried that Chen Xuan would touch their elder position.

  Especially the Great Elder.

  He had tried his best to train his son Song Wenjie, and wanted him to be in charge. As a result, Song Wenjie was unwilling to win, and his cultivation was never able to surpass Zhao Ziwen.

  In the sect, as long as there is one person's cultivation base, he can enter the third level of the Divine Soul Realm, and he will definitely be able to assume the position of the sect master at that time.

  In other words, Zhao Ziwen's current status is basically equivalent to the sovereign of the Sky Profound Sect.

  No one dares to look down upon him.

   But even so, there are still many disciples of Xuanzong standing on the side of the Great Elder, so they are all standing behind Song Wenjie now, and they start to blame Zhao Ziwen.

   "Brother, you brought an alchemy master, but we don't know his identity. We can't let anyone be the alchemist of our Sky Profound Sect..." a disciple said.

"That's right, if he is from the Blood Demon Sect, I saw a blood demon Sect warrior in Houshan two days ago. He was sneaky, and Master Wang was seriously injured. It must be blood. The people of the Demon Sect did it, this kid is probably the eyeliner sent by the Blood Demon Sect!" Another disciple said.

   Chen Xuan felt deep disdain, no wonder the Sky Profound Sect is only a one-star sect, and their vision is limited to this.

  If it weren't for this period of time that Chen Xuan still had to prepare to deal with Zhang Jiuming, he would definitely not come to Tianxuanzong as an alchemist.

  However, the conditions given by the Sky Profound Sect are indeed very rich.

  One month can give him 10 million middle-grade spirit stones. Basically, Chen Xuan only needs to spend a little time to refine the pill, and he does not need to spend a lot of his time on the Profound Sky Sect.

   Ten million Lingshi is a lot for a one-star sect. They are willing to pay such a big price for Chen Xuan to come here.

  As a result, he is now under the suspicion of others, thinking that he is a member of the Blood Demon Sect.

   Chen Xuan's mood immediately became unhappy, so he turned his face directly and said: "Since you think I am a member of the Blood Demon Sect, I won't waste time with you, I'm leaving."

  "Brother Chen, wait a minute!" Zhao Ziwen was in a panic. He finally invited Chen Xuan over. Now how can he let Chen Xuan leave.

He stood up and pinched his waist and said, "Zhao Ziwen, it's not that I don't want to help you, but that your Sky Profound Sect is not stable inside. I have seen what happened just now. If this is the case, let me help you refine it. Pills, you won’t know what will happen then."

  Zhao Ziwen also frowned, because he knew that Song Wenjie was deliberately sarcastic and also deliberately causing him trouble.

   "Song Wenjie, shall we take a step to speak?"

  Song Wenjie glanced at him and said: "Zhao Ziwen, there is nothing I can say here, and I have to talk more. I think it’s better to forget it, I think it’s pretty good to say it here."

  Zhao Ziwen coldly snorted and said, "Okay, you want me to say yes here, do you know who this Brother Chen is?"

"Who is he? What does it have to do with me? I think you should take care of yourself. Besides, you don't know the current situation. Our Sky Profound Sect is also in danger. If the Blood Demon Sect is a member A large-scale invasion, our one-star sect must not be able to resist!" Song Wenjie said very cheeky.

  As soon as these words came out, even the face of the Sect Master of the Sky Profound Sect became gloomy, and he was not sure where Chen Xuan came from.

  So he also remained silent.

  And he also wanted to see how Chen Xuan would reply.

"Okay, okay, now is not the time for the two of you to quarrel. The two corpses we found two days ago should be inspected carefully. If it is really done by the blood demon sect warrior, we It is necessary to report the news, otherwise, with the strength of our Sky Profound Sect alone, there is definitely no way to deal with the masters of the Blood Demon Sect!" An elder said.

  The big elder has a gray beard. He just sits on a chair, but his whole body exudes a terrifying aura.

  His cultivation base is actually stronger than the supreme master of the Profound Sky Sect, and his strength has reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm.

  Among all the elders, the strength of the Great Elder is beyond doubt, even the Sect Master must give him face.

   "If you don't need me, I can leave now." Chen Xuan said.

  As soon as these words came out, Song Wenjie happily walked towards Chen Xuan, and finally said with a contemptuous look: "I think Zhao Ziwen seemed to praise you just now. What is your identity?"

  Chen Xuan immediately replied: "What identity I am has nothing to do with you, you should take care of your own affairs."

   "Hahaha, boy, now you are going to be the alchemist of our Sky Profound Sect. Do you think this has nothing to do with me?"

  "And do you know who I am, how dare you speak to me in this tone?"

  He also knew that Chen Xuan would come to their sect as an alchemist, indicating that he was only a casual cultivator and definitely had no power behind him, so his tone was very arrogant.

   didn't lose face to Chen Xuan at all.

  Chen Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Ah, what did you just say? What identity are you?"

   "That's right, I am the son of the elder, your kid, don't speak to me in such an arrogant tone, be careful when I abolish your legs and let you crawl out of our Heavenly Profound Sect!" Song Wenjie said.

  Chen Xuan knew in his heart that Song Wenjie only wanted to deal with Zhao Ziwen, so he said this to him.

  It can be said that Chen Xuan is very innocent.

   But no matter who it is, he will inevitably get angry when he hears such disrespectful tone of the other party, and Chen Xuan is naturally no exception.

  So he lifted his palm slightly, and then he exuded a terrifying breath.

"Ouch, why do you kid still want to do something to me!" Song Wenjie laughed, and at last he immediately drew out the long sword and approached Chen Xuan with a grim look: "Zhao Ziwen, look at who you brought. , This kid actually wants to do something to me, who does he think he is?"

"Enough!" Zhao Ziwen said loudly: "Song Wenjie, can you stop us from causing trouble, you don't know the situation of Xuanzong now, this brother Chen is Chen Xuan who was famous in the secret world! "

  All the warriors were in a daze.

  Chen Xuan?

  Although they are one-star sects, they were also qualified to enter the unexplored secret realm at the beginning, so after hearing this sentence, many warriors let out a cry of exclamation.

  They only know that Chen Xuan killed two elders of the Blood Demon Sect in the Lost Secret Realm.

  The strength of the elders of the Blood Demon Sect does not need to be questioned. Basically, they have reached the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm. Chen Xuan has the ability to kill an elder of the Blood Demon Sect, indicating that his cultivation level has definitely entered the Divine Soul Realm 2nd major completion.

  This level of cultivation is already at the top even if it is placed in the Profound Sky Sect.

  Is he really Chen Xuan?

   "It's impossible, I don't think he looks like someone who can kill the elders of the Blood Demon Sect..."

   "He's not here to lie to us, maybe this kid is really the eyeliner of a Blood Demon Sect!"

   "That's right, he must be from the Blood Demon Sect, let me try it!"

  A disciple rushed towards Chen Xuan. After a burst of fiery red aura flashed, his body was shot out.

  Sky Xuanzong’s suzerain and Zhao Ziwen wanted to stop them, but it was too late.

   "Okay, this kid dared to do something to us, let's kill him together!"

   "Senior Brother Song Wenjie, you can easily kill it with your cultivation base!"

  Song Wenjie took out the long sword with a grim look, then screamed, rushing towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly, killing Song Wenjie is not too easy.

  A trifle from the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm, dare to come to trouble him?

  Chen Xuan didn't want to kill him. Since Song Wenjie wanted to kill him, Chen Xuan would definitely not sit still.


   Just when Song Wenjie rushed to Chen Xuan's side, Zhao Ziwen flew out directly, and then waved a palm in his direction.

  But Song Wenjie's strength is still weaker, and his body retreats several dozen steps before reluctantly stopped.

  Zhao Ziwen took a step forward and said with extraordinary momentum: "Song Wenjie, you are not my opponent."

   "Also, Brother Chen's strength has reached the second peak of the Divine Soul Realm, so relying on your cultivation base, do you still want to do something with him?"

   "I saved your life just now. I hope you are a little self-aware. Going back to the topic just now, Brother Chen is the alchemist I invited. He agreed to the conditions proposed by our Sky Profound Sect."

"As long as we can give him 10 million spiritual stones every month, he will help us refine the pill by the Profound Sky School unconditionally. Of course, the color and the aura storage of the pill that Brother Chen refines are all I haven't had before. I have seen it."

  "The most important point is that he is definitely not a member of the Blood Demon Sect. I think you are also aware that Brother Chen has already taken action just now. What he displayed is a respectable sword technique, not a blood demon technique."

  Bastard stuff!

  (End of this chapter)

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