Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4058: Not a member of the Blood Demon Sect

  Chapter 4058 is not a person from the blood demon sect

   Just when everyone was silent, the Great Elder suddenly spoke.

  Naturally, he could also see that the exercises that Chen Xuan displayed had nothing to do with the blood demon sect. If Chen Xuan was really a martial artist of the blood demon sect, he would certainly not even know the blood demon sect.

  Moreover, the blood demon sect warrior would never practice the decent and decent techniques.

  How could he not know that Chen Xuan is a decent person?

   But then, what he said caused Chen Xuan to have a murderous intent in his heart.

   "Your kid is a jerk. You dare to hurt my son. Do you know that the reason why your uncle was able to achieve the position of Sovereign of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect was because I was the one who lifted him up?" the elder said loudly.

  This is true. At the beginning, the Sovereign of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect was not the strongest among all the candidates.

  If he weren't for the great help of the great elders, he would definitely not be able to serve as the suzerain.

   Although it was said that he later became the suzerain of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, his status was threatened.

Although the   Wood Sacred Sword Sect Sect Master was also fighting openly and secretly with the Great Elder, he never turned his face directly.

The   Wood Sacred Sword Sect Master knew very well that with his strength, it was impossible to be the opponent of the Great Elder at all.

  If he turns his face with the other party, he will definitely lose his position as the head, and even his nephew, Zhao Ziwen may be threatened.

  At the beginning, the Great Elder didn't expect that Zhao Ziwen would grow to this point, and he would directly reach the second stage of Divine Soul Realm at a young age.

  He originally wanted to use his son to let him take over as the head as soon as possible, but Zhao Ziwen won the approval of many disciples.

  According to the rules of the Sky Profound Sect, if a disciple has a strong cultivation base, he can directly become the master of the sect.

  Zhao Ziwen was very talented when he was young, far surpassing the warriors of the same age.

  Now Song Wenjie is more than a little bit worse than Zhao Ziwen.

  Song Wenjie is also desperately chasing, but Zhao Ziwen's talent is too strong.

  It took so many years to take so many panacea, but the strength of the two of them is still quite different.

  Song Wenjie was very humiliated. He went to find his father more than once, and wanted the elder to help him suppress Zhao Ziwen.

  This time the great elder finally found an opportunity. He must punish Chen Xuan and Zhao Ziwen who brought Chen Xuan over.

  It's a pity that although Chen Xuan can't be counted as a disciple of the Sky Profound Sect, if the opponent provokes him, he will definitely not give up.

   has Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, even if the Tianxuanzong is directly destroyed, it will not matter.

  Fortunately, the overlord spoke in time.

   "Alright, elder, since Zhao Ziwen said that this kid is very skilled in alchemy, let's take a look."

   "The exercises he showed just now are really not like those of the Blood Demon Sect. If his alchemy skills are really strong, it will only benefit our Sky Profound Sect!"

  The great elder was very upset.

  However, several elders nodded in agreement.

   "That's what he said. What this kid showed just now is a sword technique. It really doesn't look like someone from the Blood Demon Sect..."

   "People of the Blood Demon Sect definitely can't practice the well-known and decent exercises..."

  For the blood demon sect warriors, they don’t even bother to practice the decent and decent exercises, because they think the blood demon sect’s exercises are the strongest.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to do it, but when he heard the Sect Master of Xuanzong say so, he immediately took the long sword back.

   "Okay!" The elder stared at Chen Xuan fiercely. He thought that even if he couldn't directly manipulate Chen Xuan, he could find fault with the pill that Chen Xuan refined later.

  His main purpose is to drive Chen Xuan away, and by the way teach Zhao Ziwen again.

  If the pill that Chen Xuan refined did not meet his inner thoughts, he would have the opportunity to take the initiative to Zhao Ziwen.

At this moment, the great elder suddenly said: "Okay, the swordsmanship you showed just now does not resemble those of the Blood Demon Sect, but I am very curious. Zhao Ziwen praises your alchemy skills so much. If you refine it If the medicine doesn't work, don't blame me later, you're welcome!"

   Chen Xuan thought to himself, he just came here to apply for the position of an alchemist. As a result, the great elder used words to mock him three to five times.

  According to his tone of voice, if the pill that Chen Xuan refines does not work, he is likely to act on Chen Xuan.

  So Chen Xuan was also very popular. He directly said: "What do you mean? I came here to apply for the position of alchemist, not here to get angry!"

   "Boy, if you don't want to be the alchemist of our Sky Profound Sect, you can get out at any time, we didn't beg you to come over!" the elder said loudly.

  Song Wenjie’s face has always been very gloomy. He felt that he was defeated by Zhao Ziwen. Before, he had always existed like a star holding the moon in the Sky Profound Sect, and no one had a cultivation base that surpassed him.

  Since Zhao Ziwen showed his extraordinary talent, he has been suppressing him. Just now, he and Zhao Ziwen simply slapped him. From then on, he found that Zhao Ziwen's strength had once again improved, and he was not Zhao Ziwen's opponent at all.

   "Damn boy, I must let you die..." Song Wenjie thought viciously in his heart.

  At this moment, several disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect headed by Lin Shixian also followed Chen Xuan closely, and Zhao Ziwen came to the land of the Tianxuan Sect.

  These disciples began to talk quietly.

   "This kid has actually returned to Xuanzong..."

   "I don't know what he wants to do!"

   "Shall we do it?"? Lin Shixian snorted coldly and said: "These two boys must have been in collusion. To deal with our Wood Sacred Sword Sect, you should report the news as soon as possible, and a small Heavenly Profound Sect also dared to provoke us. It's almost unconscious!

   "So this time we must give them a little color, let them know that our Wood Sacred Sword Sect is not easy to mess with!"

"Hahaha, the cultivation of these disciples of the Profound Sky Sect is nothing at all. We can kill them without any effort. We have been waiting here for a period of time in the last few days. When we meet a person from Profound Sky Sect, we just go straight Kill them..."

   While these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect were waiting here, in the main hall of the Profound Sky Sect, Chen Xuan looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him, and then he let out a breath.

  Suzaku's fire suddenly began to burn under the alchemy furnace.

  In a moment, all the disciples of the Sky Profound Sect opened their eyes wide.

   "My God, is it possible that this is his alchemy furnace?"

   "Unexpectedly, he could bring out such a precious alchemy furnace. If I guessed correctly, it must be the Nine Dragons alchemy furnace!"

   "Moreover, it's the Nine-Dragon Stove. What is his identity?"

  Even the Great Elder looked dumbfounded, he stared at Chen Xuan in disbelief, and he was also thinking about it in his heart.

  He is very knowledgeable, and he must know that the alchemy furnace Chen Xuan took out is very precious.

  Before, Master Wang once brought a very precious alchemy furnace, but compared with the one that Chen Xuan just took out, it was just a drop in the bucket.

   "Unless he is an alchemy master?"

"That's right, can it be said that he is really an alchemy master, if it is true, our Sky Xuanzong can make a lot of money!" This disciple shouted loudly, and all these words passed into Chen Xuan's ears .

  He is concentrating on alchemy.

  Chen Xuan was a little unhappy, but at least he had to do Zhao Ziwen a favor, so he couldn't give up halfway.

  At this time, Chen Xuan started to think of formulas constantly in his mouth.

  Not long after, he took out a spiritual grass from the space ring and put it into the alchemy furnace.

  Next, Chen Xuan took out several more herbs, which merged with the spirit grass that had been burnt down before.

  About half an hour passed, Chen Xuan slowly exhaled.

  He really carefully refined the pill just now.

   is just an ordinary Huiyuan Pill. After Chen Xuan's refining, this pill exudes aura that is hundreds of thousands of times stronger than that produced by ordinary alchemists.

   "What a terrible breath..." a warrior exclaimed.

  The great elder is even a person who knows the goods. He knows that Chen Xuan can refine this level of pill, indicating that he is also an alchemy master at least.

  But how is this possible?

  Why did an alchemy master come to their Sky Profound Sect?

  If you are the master of alchemy in Yunxiao Mansion, even in a small chamber of commerce, the amount of money for refining pills each year can already reach hundreds of millions of spirit stones.

  What is the origin of Chen Xuan...

  The great elder is not clear about what happened in the unexplored secret realm. It was the first time he heard the name Chen Xuan, but he was very surprised that Chen Xuan could actually refine such a precious spirit pill.

  It shows that his identity is definitely not simple...

   Song Wenjie, who was still looking for trouble with Chen Xuan, has now remained silent.

   Among the crowd, only the Sect Master of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect’s expression eased a bit, he knew that his nephew had done a great job.

  If Chen Xuan could really refine the pill in their Sky Profound Sect, it would definitely improve the cultivation of their Sky Profound Sect disciples a lot.

   "Okay, Zhao Ziwen, where did he find him..." The Sect Master of the Sky Profound Sect said secretly in his heart.

  The corners of Zhao Ziwen's mouth also raised: "Brother Chen, it won't be made by you, the aura is really strong!"

  While speaking, he walked toward the alchemy furnace, and then put his nose on the pill that Chen Xuan had refined.

"Oh my God, it's just an ordinary Yuan Yuan Pill, I thought it was a nine-tier pill, look!" He directly gathered the pill in his hand, and then deliberately stayed in front of Song Wenjie for several seconds. .

  Song Wenjie’s face was almost dark, he knew that Zhao Ziwen was deliberately mocking himself.

  At the beginning, he suspected that Chen Xuan was just an unknown alchemy apprentice, and he also said that Chen Xuan was a warrior of the Blood Demon Sect.

  Now his face is slapped loudly.

  The pill that Chen Xuan has just refined, whether it is breath or level, has far exceeded his imagination.

   is definitely a pill that can be refined by an alchemy master.

  (End of this chapter)

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