Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 807: Summoner

   Chapter 807

  Chen Xuan looked at the star **** jade pendant in his hand.

  This thing condensed power in his hands, and the light that radiated from Chen Xuan's hands also released such a message.

   "Seek help...then try it first!"

  At the beginning, the black bear spirit gave this thing to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan knew that this star **** jade pendant was definitely not easy.

  Since you can communicate, then maybe there is a connection in this realm of comprehension.

  So after Chen Xuan sensed it, he was immediately excited.

  "Communicate the power in it with divine mind, and teleport me over!"

  Chen Xuan put his spiritual power into this star **** jade pendant a little bit, and Chen Xuan himself had already announced that he was practicing in this retreat.


  In an instant, a huge energy was released from this star **** jade pendant, like a huge energy giant net, directly enveloping Chen Xuan.


  Chen Xuan was caught in it.


  In the next second, Chen Xuan disappeared in place, together with the missing piece, and the star **** jade pendant!

  The realm of comprehension.

  Bone Mountain.

   Smoky clouds spread out on the day like silk.

  The aura condensed around this place is impressively rich in spiritual power.

Before   Bone Bone Mountain was a prosperous sect in the world of cultivation, the Bone Sect.

  Now, the White Bone Sect has been invaded and controlled by the dark clan, and most of the dark monks are wandering around here.

  Bone Mountain.

  Several figures are flying away quickly.

   "This Summoning Stone is useless at all!"

  Among the three, a younger man in white immediately angered.

  What kind of summoning stone, the master is bragging, this thing is completely useless.

The other two are a male and a female, and they seem to be only twenty-five or sixteen years old, but in fact, they have been cultivating for decades, and their cultivation has reached the realm of the later stage of the out-of-aperture period. , In this cultivation world, this strength is also extremely good.

  Now the three of them are ordered to come here to spy on intelligence, and they are preparing to attack the White Bone Mountain recently. The battle between these dark monks and righteous monks has long been fierce.

   Spying on intelligence with each other, and then encountering opponents, it also happens from time to time. After all, there is basically no peaceful place in the world of comprehension.

  Sure enough, the three of them were discovered by the other party as soon as they landed here.

  There is no time to spy on any news, it is directly surrounded by these people, and finally broke the siege, but the opponent's distraction stage master is chasing, this is clearly a trap.

   "Two people in the early stage of distraction, and four in the late stage of emergence, there is no escape!"

  Two silhouettes landed in front of them, directly blocking the three of them.

  The other four people also quickly chased up from the back, and the seven people surrounded all three of them.

"It turns out to be a fellow of the Qingyang Sect. If a few fellows are interested in joining my White Bone Sect, they will have no problem to be an outer deacon with the talents of the three. From now on, this cultivation world will belong to our White Bone Sect. , Why not think about it now."

  A cultivator of the distraction stage, stood up and said slowly.

  In this cultivation world, the dark race has been living for tens of thousands of years, so this behavior is the same as this cultivation world, the only difference is the aggression of these dark races.

Now the flames of war between the two sides are spreading, but the sudden eruption of the dark race, like a locust crossing the border, has caused the true sect of the cultivation world to lose a lot of power, but now, several supreme lords are blocking the most powerful The enemy, but on the small battlefield below this, it is necessary for these sects to work hard.

  And the reaction between these sects is also very slow.

  Because the enemy hasn’t hit this door yet, all the things that are sluggish, even irrelevant, hang up high.

  When the enemy comes up, it’s too late.

  The distance between the Qingyang Sect and the White Bone Sect is only three thousand miles away. It took only half a day for Yujian to fly.

  That’s why Qingyang Sect sent his disciples to spy.

  Before leaving.

This righteous alliance has also released some Summoning Stones. As long as the Summoning is activated at this critical moment, then people in the alliance who can feel this and the Summoning Stone can quickly come to rescue, this kind of thing. It's also quite useful in the hand, but it also depends on luck.

   "What righteous alliance, bah, believe they are fools!"

  The only person who didn't speak was the woman.

  The woman held a black stone in her hand. This stone was in her hand. She had also sent the distress signal just now, but now it seems that there is no response.

   "I'm from the explosion, you guys get out."

  The woman raised her head and said, in her opinion, the distress signal was sent out, but no one came to rescue her, and she insisted on this mission because her mother was taken away by these Bone Sect monks.

  She wants to save her mother.

  Now the three of them are all caught in this predicament. If there is no doubt that they will die, then they would rather send the other two out.

  "Ziqiong, this is not your fault. Since I am waiting to choose to help you, it is the choice I am waiting for, Tan Qing, you are still young and the hope of the Zongmen in the future, you go first!"

  The older man took a deep breath and said, obviously preparing to stand on the same line as Zi Qiong.

  The man’s words made this Michelle also very moved.

  That Tan Qing also gritted his teeth fiercely.

   "I won't leave. Senior brothers and sisters treat me like parents. I won't leave. I, Tan Qing, is not a thief, greedy and fearful of death!"

  Speaking of this, Tan Qing also gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. Although the enemy facing him is caught in this life-and-death crisis, if he can't get out of the trap, there is only a dead end.

   But if you look at the situation today, it should be dead.

   "Hehe, don't be so entangled, I will send you to **** together later."

  The four late-stage cultivators who came up behind him also said grimly.

   "Brothers, I think this woman is in good shape. Why don't you grab it and dedicate it to Lord Earth Demon?"

   "It makes sense, it makes sense, eh, look, is this woman a bit similar to that woman, can't they be mother and daughter?"

  "Mother and daughter, how are you mother and daughter, Lord Earth Demon loves the mother and daughter series the most!"

  The words of these dark people are simply unbearable.

   Saying these words also has its own purpose, and it is also the method that these people are accustomed to, and that is to irritate these people.

   will have some effect to some extent, these monks and the like, the most important thing is their own reputation, this is simply a very interesting weakness in the eyes of these dark people.

   "Looking for death!" Zi Qiong heard the words, her entire face turned green, which is simply a great insult, she must tear the person in front of her to pieces, and must kill the incomparable **** just now.

   Suddenly, Zi Qiong suddenly had a long sword in her hand. The long sword circulated in her hand, and then pierced directly forward.


Under the    sword qi, it instantly turned into a tens of feet of sword qi essence, forcing it toward the front!


  However, this sword did not have any good effect. When the opponent raised his hand, it was resisted.


  All power is shattered.

   "Kill them!"

  The two masters of the distraction stage did not make a move, but just stared at the front, blocking the surrounding retreat, waiting for these people to be defeated in the battle under their own hands.

   "Green Sun Sword Art!"

   "Azure and White Day!"

  "Sanyang Kaitai!"

Suddenly the three of them used this sword technique at the same time, and the terrifying power burst out instantly, like this mountain torrent roaring and the dragon tossing, and this terrifying power and effect are also formed here, and they are coming out, smashing the people ahead. .

However, what is surprising is that these four people stood in place, as if they were four stone pillars through the sky. They were sitting in this place, motionless, and letting the countless flood roar in front of me, I stood still and stood there. Land, quite at ease.

  Obviously, the power of the sword tactics of these three people did not bring any influence on these people.

   "It seems that your swordsmanship has not yet been cultivated to the top level. At such a level, you dare to make trouble in the White Bone Sect!"

   Suddenly, under the flood of infuriating anger, a white bone suddenly came out of it, and it fell down like this soaring giant stick.


  The bones fell to the ground, and the three of them flew out in an instant.

   also left deep marks on these three people at the same time.

The power of attachment on this body is also turned into some white bugs at this moment. It seems that they want to penetrate into their own skin and penetrate into the body. Seeing this, the three of them also quickly turned up, right here. To meditate.

  Even if they are out of the orifice stage, it will take some time to expel these white bone worms out of their bodies.

   "Hehe, cut off their heads."

   said one person slowly, and then he saw these four people take out their own bone sticks, and they were about to smash the heads of Tan Qing and others, directly smashing the heads.

  However, at this time, a wave of fluctuation suddenly came from that high altitude.

  Several people raised their heads one after another and looked at the sky.


  I saw a fireball falling from the sky, as if it had fallen from outside that day.


   "Come to us, spread out!"

  Zi Qiong and the others also saw this fireball light cluster, but within a few seconds, it fell on the ground with a bang, and the eruption of fluctuations instantly pushed out the mud on the ground.

  Boom! !

  Zi Qiong didn't have time to get up, they were directly covered by the tumbling mud.

  In that place, the fireball dispersed.

   Only one figure is standing here.

In the eyes of   , there seemed to be a trace of dazedness, but more curiosity and surprise.

   "Really, this is really true. The aura here is strong, at least thirty times that of Fengyun Continent!"

   Chen Xuan's heart couldn't help but get excited. At this moment, there is no language to describe his own excitement, and he travels to another space alive.

   Chen Xuan knew about the Star God token in this hand when he shuttled over here.

  If you want to summon this person directly from the Fengyun Continent, you first need to call from the person here. Only the person here triggers the link, so Chen Xuan can be sent over.

The **** dog is better than the black bear. He also said that he can travel freely. Free you are paralyzed. If Chen Xuan returns to Jishan that day, he must clean up the black bear. I really thought it would be good for you. Looking at his expression, he even dared to tease Chen Xuan.

  "Another one?"

   "It's just the early stage of the out-of-aperture period. This Qingyang Sect is too unmanned. It turned out that a person from the early stage of the out-of-aperture period was asked to rescue them?"

  This is too funny.

Even the dark monks in the late stage of the out-of-aperture period couldn’t help but froze when they saw Chen Xuan appearing. They thought there was something ambush in Chen Xuan’s body. Could it be that Chen Xuan was hidden? His own strength was not sufficient, but after careful observation, he discovered that Chen Xuan was a genuine cultivator in the early stage of the out-of-aperture period.

  It looked like a very poor monk. The clothes he was wearing turned out to be the same coarse linen clothes bought from the mortal world. This kind of clothes were generally used as rags.

  Of course, some cultivators who return to nature will occasionally wear these tatters to cultivate their sentiment, but Chen Xuan in front of him saw that it was not that kind of material, return to nature, how could this be possible.

  If you think about it, you know it’s wrong.

   "Is it your signal?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help asking, since this sending signal can't summon himself, then it must be necessary to find the principle of this, and see what it is, and only then can Chen Xuan be able to do it. The real comes and goes freely in this realm of comprehension.

   "Signal? What signal? Are you going in the wrong place?"

   Suddenly, a dark monk from the White Bone Sect said coldly.

The current situation of the White Bone Sect is already devoted to this dark monk. Even all the people have absorbed the power of darkness and increased their cultivation base. Although everyone knows how to increase the cultivation base like this, it must be There are disadvantages, but before the temptation of this powerful force, who can resist it.

  The dark clan will use various advantages to subdue these demon sects, and use people from the cultivation world to attack the forces in the cultivation world, so that they can consume each other. This is also a major strategy.

   "It's not you, who sent the signal?"

  Chen Xuan frowned. Did he come to the wrong place.

   At this moment, a head suddenly appeared from the mound in front of him.

  Zi Qiong stood up from the ground, and all the bone worms on her body had been expelled.

  When she first saw Chen Xuan fall, Zi Qiong couldn't believe it, but after seeing Chen Xuan asking several times on the spot, she finally understood that this person was summoned by herself.

   "It's me! My signal!" Zi Qiong picked up the summoning stone in her hand. Shown in front of Chen Xuan.

  In the next second, Chen Xuan's figure flickered and came to Zi Qiong's body and took the summoning stone.

   Although it is said that Chen Xuan was in the early stage of the out-of-aperture stage, this speed made Zi Qiong unclear and difficult to capture.

"So fast."

  Chen Xuan felt for a while and his eyes lit up.

   "Really, but you can only use this once, there is no energy in it."

  Chen Xuan casually threw the summoning stone in his hand.

   "Tell me, who else has such a stone."

  Zi Qiong blinked. Chen Xuan is okay. Why keep focusing on this stone? Isn't this stone issued by the Righteous Alliance? Why should I entangle with such a stone?

  And the person from the White Bone Sect also glanced at each other. This person who suddenly fell from the sky behaved strangely. It shouldn't have been the head he used when he landed just now, so he was stunned now.

   "Buried this kid, it's an eyesore to look at it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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