Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 808: Coming to the realm of comprehension

  Chapter 808 Coming to the realm of comprehension

   Suddenly one of the four rushed out. The big white bone stick in his hand was smashed directly in front of Chen Xuan's head.



  This bone stick saw the terrifying light fall when he whizzed through the air.

  If this bone stick hits someone, it will probably smash this person into a pool of meat sauce, without any hesitation.

  Zi Qiong was the first to see this person making a move, and suddenly yelled to be careful.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he turned his head. At this time, Chen Xuan's mood was completely immersed in the stone of summoning. Although he knew there was someone behind it, he didn't pay attention to it. Even if it was someone, it could still be me. The opponent failed.


The bone stick fell suddenly, and Zi Qiong immediately turned her head over, not daring to watch the following scenes. If Chen Xuan was directly smashed into meat sauce, it would be really pitiful. .

Also, why is the stone given by the Righteous Path Alliance only capable of summoning such a monk in the early stage of the out-of-aperture period? In such a situation, it is necessary to send a conjugation period. Only the monks in the fit period can come.

  You send this guy to die, so where does it take so much trouble.

  So when Zi Qiong saw this Chen Xuan, she was happy and disappointed in her heart.


A strong wave of air permeated, Zi Qiong opened his eyes and looked forward, feeling the wave of air sweeping over her body, knowing in her heart that this is over, that guy will undoubtedly die. After all, it looks like that. It's so big, and this cultivation realm is there, even if it survives, it won't...


When Zi Qiong opened her eyes and looked back, she saw Chen Xuan holding the other's big bone stick, because the big bone stick was too big and blocked Chen Xuan's realization, so Chen Xuan general He went out a little sideways and looked at the other party.

   "I am talking here, why are you attacking me!"

   Chen Xuan asked.

  The Bone Sect cultivator was also startled when he saw it. He actually caught the big bone stick I used with all my strength with one hand. How could it be possible that this guy’s body was made of steel.

How can    be so powerful!

After seeing it, I couldn't believe it at all.

   " unexpectedly, you unexpectedly..."

  And Chen Xuanke didn't have time to listen to you stammering here, so he stretched out his hand and threw it out.

   There was a loud bang.

   Chen Xuan's fist hit the big bone stick, and the big bone stick started to shatter from the middle in an instant.

   Click! Click!

This series of shattered sounds made the Bone Sect cultivator almost feel like a broken heart after listening to it. This is a magic weapon that he has cultivated through hard work, and he has followed his own practice nearly. Eighty years have passed, but under Chen Xuan's fist, it was directly blasted to pieces.

  Such an end is too terrible.

However, this is not over yet. Chen Xuan came to the front of the Bone Sect monk, and he reached out to grab the person in front of him. With this force, the Bone Sect monk was caught by Chen Xuan. He pinched his throat, and left his feet off the ground, pedaling indiscriminately.

   "Tianyi Bone Curse, the bones are all open!"

Although the Bone Sect monk was choked on his neck, his hands were still condensing the curse imprint. It seemed that he knew that if he didn't make a move, he would definitely die. Therefore, the Bone Sect monk also gave his unique secret book. Show it.

  Suddenly he was seen on the monk's body, and the bones penetrated his body and came out.

  It's like pressing a spider, the original bone has become two pieces.

After    burst out suddenly, every bone pierced Chen Xuan like a sickle.

   "Be careful!" Zi Qiong couldn't help but yelled again.

However, the next moment Chen Xuan slapped his hand and threw the attacking Bone Sect monk to the ground, then lifted his foot and kicked it down, and suddenly heard a click, most of the bones. It was directly broken here and on the ground.

  The bones that finally gathered were all trampled under the feet by Chen Xuan at this time.

   Click, click.

  Once the monk grew a bone, Chen Xuan stepped on it with one foot, and it was very neat and clean. The bone was also shattered and looked miserable.


Every time he stepped on a foot, the monk had to shout, because the process was too painful. In the end, all the bones of this white bone monk were crushed by Chen Xuan, including the bones on his head. , Was also given a kick by Chen Xuan, chopped into a pile of bone meal.

   "Really, it's so rude."

  After speaking, Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and waved, he blew the pile of bones to stop.

  The three people not far away watched Chen Xuan use such a savage method to directly slay their partner to death.

   "It's interesting, it seems that a good opponent has come."

  One of the distracted cultivators couldn't help but said, obviously he was quite interested in this Chen Xuan.

"To be able to kill this guy with bare hands, this person should be a physical practitioner. The three of you, go together and chop his body into eighteen pieces for me. I want to see it. This is a pile of minced meat. Can't his body be so sloppy!"

   "Yes!" The distracted monk ordered, how could the rest of them not do it.

  These monks in the distraction stage are all people of the real dark race, and these three are all Bone Sect monks.

  "Be careful, real people, these three are good at being trapped in bone formations. They trap people in it at a bit, just like being buried in that sea of ​​bones, deep in it, and it will be difficult to get out!"

   Then Zi Qiong couldn't help but say.

  Chen Xuan frowned, but instead of paying attention to the three people rushing towards Chen Xuan, he looked at Zi Qiong and the two people who had just gotten up behind him.

   "I ask you, where is this place?"

   "Huh? What?" Zi Qiong was a little surprised and surprised, somewhat unexpected, what exactly did Chen Xuan mean by asking, but seeing that Chen Xuan also fell from that day just now, Zi Qiong also said hastily.

   "Here Baigushan, we are all disciples of Qingyang Sect."

   "Bone Bone Mountain, Qingyang Sect? Is this the realm of comprehension?"

   Chen Xuan asked.

At this moment, the three people behind him had already displayed the bone formation and threw it directly towards Chen Xuan. The bone formation turned into a white bone spirit ball and was thrown at Chen Xuan’s feet. If it were this stone When it comes out, once it is released, all those within this comfort will be swallowed up. There is no doubt about this.

  All within the coverage area are finished.

  At this time, Zi Qiong already wanted to escape very much, but it seemed that Chen Xuan was not slow here, and wanted to remind Chen Xuan that this danger had arrived.

   But Chen Xuan seems to have not seen it, and it is totally irrelevant.

  It seems that she must get her answer in general.

   "Yes, this is the realm of comprehension, you hurry up, once the big formation is opened, we will all die here!" Zi Qiong shouted suddenly.

At this moment, Zi Qiong’s cultivation was clearly stronger than Chen Xuan’s, but she completely forgot to take action. Instead, she put all her hopes on Chen Xuan’s body. She knew that even if she took action on her own, it was useless. Only by this Chen Xuan's move can these people be solved.

   can eliminate all this.

  All hope lies in this Chen Xuan.

   "It really is the realm of comprehension!"

  Chen Xuan’s eyes burned with light, but at this time, the bony ball of light had already fallen under the feet of Zi Qiong and Chen Xuan, and the three people who rushed over also laughed.

   "It's useless, you all have to die within the bones!"

   "Haha, make your strongest struggle, I love seeing people struggling and dying under the bones that I am waiting for!"

  The voice fell, and he saw Chen Xuan in front of him suddenly protruding a long sword from his hand.

   With a light wave of the long sword, there was a thud, and a bright sword light burst out from the sword.

  The sword aura that was released, it rushed out like a wave of ten thousand feet.


   directly turned the figures of the three people into nothingness in the waves of sword energy that spread out.

  Chen Xuan took back the sword in his hand.

There was also a hint of surprise in   's eyes.

   "Hey, this fairy sword is here, and it seems that its power has increased by several percent!"

  Chen Xuan was also surprised to find that the power of the sword sword here has grown stronger.

  Otherwise, with the sword just now, it would be impossible to kill these three people, and at the same time, it would wipe out the three cultivators in the late stage of the emergence period.

  The whole audience was silent.

  The bony ball of light wrapped around it, and it also rolled down under Chen Xuan's feet, but it never had a chance to bloom again.

  (End of this chapter)

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