Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 824: Qingyang ancestor

  Chapter 824 Qingyang Ancestor

  The realm of comprehension, outside the White Bone Sect.

  Chen Xuan also learned the origin of this summoning stone from Zi Qiong's mouth. Since it is such a usefulness, it should be summoned randomly. Chen Xuan found that he came here and solved Zi Qiong’s difficulties.

  There is a faint light on the top of his Star God jade pendant.

  When this light disappears, Chen Xuan will also be forcibly taken back by this star **** jade pendant.

And when Chen Xuan came here and was summoned by the summoning stone, the closer Chen Xuan’s Star God jade pendant was to the summoning stone, the stronger the power on the Star God jade pendant would be, and Chen Xuan would not Taken away by this star **** jade pendant.

  After figuring out the mystery of this, how could Chen Xuan always feel like he was being smashed by others.

   It seems that the black bear spirit is in this dark place, and has pitted himself.

   Feelings When the black bear spirit gave him this jade pendant, he didn't have any good intentions.

  In this way, as long as the star **** jade pendant senses the call of the summoning stone, it will bring Chen Xuan back.

   is equivalent to working for the Righteous Path Alliance for free. Of course, if Chen Xuan does not act, then the Summoning Stone will lose its brilliance, so Chen Xuan will not be able to stay in this cultivation world.

As for throwing away this star **** jade pendant, Chen Xuan hasn't thought about it now, because Chen Xuan still needs to return to this and Fengyun Continent. Although the cultivation world here is mysterious, Chen Xuan just wants to come here to find some. Baby, kill these people in the dark world at the same time.

Although Chen Xuan and these dark people did not have any substantive hatred, but these people of the dark people carried out such an invasion here, and that was to Chen Xuan and death. This hatred naturally ended. This Hatred can be said to be generated automatically.

Of course, Chen Xuan also found some usefulness, that is, after completing the things entrusted by the person of the summoning stone, this star **** jade pendant seems to be able to automatically absorb the power of the summoning stone. In this way, the summoning The stone is also considered a waste.

  But the energy accumulated in the Star God Jade Pendant allows Chen Xuan to continue to stay in this realm of comprehension.

  For example, now Chen Xuan, if he leaves Zi Qiong, Chen Xuan can still stay in this cultivation world for half an hour.

  Half an hour is enough for a master to do a lot of things.

  Instead of being like the last time, Chen Xuan left with his front foot, and was brought back by the star **** jade pendant in the next second.

  Only after listening to the explanation of Zi Qiong, there seemed to be a rainbow light flying across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a figure fell in front of Sun Taishan.

   "Who did it! He dared to hurt my Qingyang Sect disciple!"

The moment this white-haired old man appeared, his whole body was exploding with anger, and he saw Sun Taishan's forehead with the soul-suppressing cone. After this roar, he didn't hesitate, and his hands held the town tightly. The soul cone then operates its own true essence, divine mind, and blesses it.

   Slowly pulled out this thing.

  In the process of pulling out, Sun Taishan also endured more violent pain. In other words, the pain he suffered became clearer, and he was almost unhappy in this place.

  Wait until all the Soul Suppression Cone has left Sun Taishan’s forehead.

This Sun Taishan was also overwhelmed and fell to the ground, and this itself was also constantly twitching. Obviously, he felt very terrible for this power. After bearing this and the calming cone, even though this life is still there. , But if this spirit can finally remain normal, then I probably don’t know.

  At this time, Sun Taishan was also hugged by the white-haired old man. Such behavior seemed like an ordinary sect disciple who cared about him. This was not the same thing at all.

  Many people also suddenly realized it, and they felt it in their hearts.

   But I can’t say it casually. If this is said, it is estimated that the end will be worse than that of Sun Taishan. Now this Sun Taishan has entered a state of mental breakdown.

  Then this ancestor is naturally very angry.

   "Kill...Kill him...Kill him..."

  Sun Taishan had only time to chant these words. The white-haired old man listened and followed Sun Taishan’s gaze and saw Chen Xuan who was studying the star **** jade pendant.

  At the same time, the white-clothed old man fed Sun Taishan an elixir to help Sun Taishan fall asleep. Now let him fall asleep, that would be more beneficial.

  Now that the child’s problem is resolved, it is natural to take revenge.

   "Is it your killer?"

  The old man in white slowly got up, recruited two disciples, carried Sun Taishan down, and took good care of him.

  Chen Xuan naturally heard the words of the white-clothed old man.

  After all, everyone was not far apart, and the other party pulled out the soul-suppressing cone from that guy's head at once. Of course Chen Xuan would notice, but he didn't care too much.

  The guy couldn't survive anyway, even though the soul calmer had been pulled out, but the damage caused by it was not so easy to eliminate.

  In the future, Sun Taishan’s life, it is estimated that there is no way to take care of himself.

  Sometimes, this death is also a kind of forgiveness.

  So Chen Xuan did not kill Sun Taishan.


  Chen Xuan nodded and said.

  Looking at Chen Xuan's almost righteous appearance, this turned out to be a way of being praised for doing good deeds.

  People who didn’t know thought they were coming, thank you Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan's attitude also made the white-clothed old man startled. Is this guy looking down on him!

What does it mean.

  Could it be that there is a more terrible dependence behind this young man?

   However, no matter what the situation is, the white-clothed old man must be able to subdue Chen Xuan today. Otherwise, how can his grandfather Qingyang ancestor be able to convince the public. Even Sun Taishan is his illegitimate child. Although this is not a glorious thing, how can he let his son die like this as the ancestor of this dignified family?

  Although Chen Xuan's attitude is more arrogant, but this ancestor will not let it go easily.

   "Very well, since you voluntarily admitted that you killed my disciple, then even if I can kill you, your family can't say anything, die!"

   Qingyangzong ancestor said sharply.

  After finishing this, he spouted a flying sword from his mouth. Seeing this, Zi Qiong also quickly blocked Chen Xuan.

   "The ancestors calm down, this is a misunderstanding, Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan is here to help us, he killed the Bone Sect Master!"

   Zi Qiong said quickly, if the ancestors and Chen Xuan fight, then no matter who dies, it is not a good thing for Zi Qiong, it must be to prevent these things from happening.

  However, the ancestor of the Qingyang Sect had already decided to make a move, so no matter how he said he would stop when he stopped.

   Suddenly, a group of terrifying power burst out in this palm.

  This power directly wrapped the flying sword and rushed out.

   "What about killing the White Bone Sect Master, but with some magic weapons, let you know **** people, the real master of the monk!"

  The cultivation base of the ancestor of the Qingyang sect is also far above the white bone sect master. For him, the white bone sect master is nothing more than a puppet beast in the late stage of integration.

  What can be done even if this is the case.

  If his ancestor of the Qingyang sect wants to make a move, it will not be difficult to destroy this area of ​​the White Bone Sect.

  It's just this troubled autumn. If the strength is revealed in advance, it will definitely be targeted by others.

  At that time, the situation will become uncontrollable.

  That’s why the ancestor of the Qingyang Sect was hesitant to make a move.

   Killed the White Bone Sect Master, and thought that he could dominate the world!

  Today, the old man will teach you how to be a man!

  (End of this chapter)

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