Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 825: The power of merging

  Chapter 825 The power of the integration period

On this flying sword, what is contained is not only the cultivation base of the ancestor Qingyang himself, but also on this flying sword, it also contains a trace of the power of heaven, and the power of this heaven is integrated into this. Among the sword moves.

The realm of the    conjugation period is not only to make one's divine mind and body become one, but also to make one's body and this heavenly way become one.

   Therefore, in the grasp of the power of this heavenly way, the powerhouses in the combined stage of cultivation will be even more terrifying.

  The power in that hand is also incredible.

   Therefore, after feeling the strength contained in the flying sword in front of him, Chen Xuan also clearly felt the terrible strength of the Qingyang ancestor.

  Just this sword is enough to kill the previous Bone Sect Master.


  The Day War God armor on Chen Xuan's body was activated instantly.

   directly flew Chen Xuan away.

  However, when Chen Xuan landed, his first gaze was not at the ancestor Qingyang, but at the girl Ziqiong who stood in front of him.

  There is also an extra blood hole in Zi Qiong's chest.

  The previous sword.

   directly penetrated Zi Qiong's body, and then stabbed at Chen Xuan's body.

  Because the power of this sword is too powerful.

  When this sword penetrated Zi Qiong's body, the power of the heavens above the flying sword had already shattered Zi Qiong's divine mind.

   Ordinary low-level monks, how can they withstand this master's move in the fit period.

  And this ancestor Qingyang himself is an old monster who has been cultivating for so many years, an old Taoist priest.

  At this moment.

  The ancestor Qingyang seemed to have killed this ziqiong by mistake, but in the eyes of the ancestor Qingyang, he didn't care about the death of ziqiong at all!


   Although Chen Xuan said that he could not be considered familiar with this Violet, the reason why he was able to come to this cultivation world was also because of Violet, so he could appear here.

  Now Zi Qiong was beheaded by her ancestor in order to protect herself, which made Chen Xuan also have a kind of anger.

  Nowhere to vent.

  Even Chen Xuan was a little stunned.

  Even if Chen Xuan has nothing to do with Zi Qiong, but the people I know Chen Xuan, if you want to kill you, don’t that not give me Chen Xuan face!

   "You killed her..."

  Chen Xuan pointed to the corpse of Zi Qiong and slowly said to the ancestor of Qingyang Sect.

  And this ancestor of the Qingyang Sect also took a surprised look at Chen Xuan's body armor, but did not expect that Chen Xuan's body would have such a treasure.

   "It's just a bitch. If you kill it, you will kill it. What's strange, but anyone who stands on this person's side is regarded as a traitor, and the ancestor will kill it on the spot!"

   Qingyang ancestor Zhensheng said.

  Listening to the ancestor's words, Tan Qing and the others were all full of spirits, and subconsciously moved this step to the ancestor's side.

  To know the name of this treason, it is a very serious crime.

  In this realm of comprehension, the teacher is extremely respectful, if you are carried on the name of this traitorous sect, it is not just you, and even the whole family behind you will be spurned by others!

  "Treason against the sect? Haha, since you are so confident in your sect, then I will destroy your sect!"

  Chen Xuan let out a cold snort, and the murderous aura on his body suddenly burst out!

  However, the power in Chen Xuan's hands has not been released yet.

  The energy above the star **** jade pendant on the waist suddenly disappeared quickly.

  At this time, Chen Xuan did not notice the change in the jade pendant. When he was about to kill the Qingyang ancestor, Chen Xuan's figure suddenly disappeared, and his whole person disappeared directly in place.

   is gone!

  The spirit of the ancestor Qingyang suddenly felt like a storm, sweeping over a hundred miles, but there was no movement.

   "Disappear? I see where you can hide! I see how long you can hide!"

  The ancestor Qingyang roared.

  People within a hundred miles of this area can clearly feel the anger of this ancestor.

  Finally, the ancestor Qingyang left.

  But ordered everyone to search in place.

At the same time, he also hung the corpse of Zi Qiong and hung it on the top of the tree. Although many disciples of the sect were very unbearable, but there was no way, this ancestor’s order, who Nor can I disobey.

   Tan Qing and Qin Tian looked at the hanged Zi Qiong from a distance, as if their hearts were being grabbed by something.

   "Bah, the betrayer, there is nothing worthy of sympathy, such a woman, even if she is beaten ten thousand soul-eaters, she can't calm her anger!"

  A sect disciple who surrounded Sun Taishan came to the front of Ziqiong and spit out, the people around him also spit on it.

   "These people are too much!"

   Tan Qing couldn't help getting angry, and even wanted to rush to argue with them. The dead person is the big one, everyone is dead, and he even came to insult.

  However, Qin Tian on the side grabbed the person and waved his hand.

   "If you want to save your senior sister, the only way is to become stronger, become stronger than the ancestor!"

   There was a trace of firmness in Qin Tian's eyes, which was undoubtedly a kind of weakness and incompetence. Even if he saw the person he loved dying in front of him, he was still powerless, and Qin Tian could only watch that Zi Qiong die.

   But there is no way.

  Even at this time, Zi Qiong's body was hung up. When he was insulted by these people, he couldn't say anything or do anything, just because he was not strong enough, and far from enough.

   "You must, you must become strong, Senior Chen Xuan, you must survive and avenge the senior sister!"

  Tan Qing couldn't help but said, at this moment, his eyes were also burning with angry light.

  But gradually, and slowly concealed, in this way, the anger in the heart was gradually suppressed.

  At this moment, Tan Qing was not impulsive, seeing the corpse of Zi Qiong, at this moment, the senior sister gave him a lesson viciously.

  When Chen Xuan rushed out.

   opened his eyes and saw that he had returned to this North Water City, he couldn't help but smash the wall with an angry punch.

   "Looking for death!"


  The overbearing power and terrifying murderous aura instantly rushed to the sky.

  At this moment, in the sky above the North Water City, there are two figures in the formation that are entangled with the black dragon.

The eagle-head warlord and the tiger-head warlord at the same time tore the black dragon in front of them to pieces, and just saw the city below, an aura broke out. From this momentum, it seemed that the strength of the person was really real Not bad.

  The two couldn't help but glance at each other, and the corners of their mouths also evoked a sneer.

  "Will you go or me?"

   "Please first, if this person's strength is too weak, then I don't have much interest." War Commander Tiger Head said slowly, his hands also inserted between his waist, and he looked at the situation below proudly.

  And the eagle-headed warlord also flicked his wings, that wing flicked for a while.

  The whole figure is swooping down, rushing towards the bottom.


  The eagle-headed warrior, took the initiative to kill Chen Xuan!

  (End of this chapter)

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