Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 826: Vent anger

   Chapter 826

   Chen Xuan is also full of anger in this body, but it has not had time to release it until now.

  Returning to this North Water City all at once, it was also very aggrieved for Chen Xuan.

That **** old white-haired man killed someone who was protecting him in front of Chen Xuan. Although Chen Xuan did not need her protection, they did give their lives for this and did not hesitate to block him. Before, use this to protect yourself.

  This matter is endless.

  In Chen Xuan's heart, he had already written down this matter a few times, and when he returned to this cultivation world again, he would definitely kill the old white-haired monster!

   But that was something later, and now Chen Xuan, that is still full of anger!

   At exactly this time, Chen Xuan also saw this strange thing flying towards him.

  How can Chen Xuan be polite.

Even this Immortal Cauldron has never used any weapons. It flew out directly and rushed towards this eagle-headed warrior. This eagle-headed warrior is under the hands of this Nether King, and the strength is enough to enter the front. Among the three, however, the eagle-headed warlord is best at using this figure to whistle.

  In this form, that is not something ordinary people can capture.

  The eagle-headed warrior himself has already reached the realm of a half-step super **** level.

  When displayed in such a realm, that great power is also shocking.


  Yingtou warrior went and fisted, directly exploding where Chen Xuan was!

Not far away, Chu Xiu was very distressed when he saw this scene. The location where Chen Xuan is located is also a place that his City Lord’s Mansion has spent a lot of energy to build. It would have gradually formed a landmark building, but now it is It was blown by a punch.

  After this was blown up, Chu Xiu could not say any reason. These battle damages could only make this City Lord Mansion pay for it out of his own pocket.


   "I think I hid it."

Above the fist of the eagle-headed warrior, terrifying power erupted. At this time, the building was smashed with a punch, but he did not leave. Under the slight shaking of the wings behind him, he also stopped his body in the midair. During this, suddenly, the eagle-headed warrior only felt that there was something on his back.

   When he turned his head to look, he saw a figure, stepping on his own wings.


When the Eagle Head saw this, his heart was also very frightened. At the moment, the wings shook and he wanted to lift the person behind him away, but Chen Xuan had stretched out his hand in advance and grabbed it on the wing. Then before the eagle-headed warlord struggled, there was already a clatter.

   directly tore the wings off.

   Suddenly a **** picture emerged. After people saw it, they also had a shocking feeling. This scene was really terrifying.


  The Eagle Head warlord suddenly roared in pain. The wings were removed in half, which also caused the body to lose balance, and then the body was also falling rapidly.


  However, the drop was only a few meters away, and the figure of the head-on warrior stopped again, seeming to be stopped in this mid-air.

  The eagle-headed general looked up, and it turned out that Chen Xuan had already grabbed his other wing.

"Do not!"

  Chen Xuan did not even use any sword power, but relying on his own strength, he directly tore off the other wing of the eagle-headed warrior.


  Blood swept across the sky, as if it were a fountain.

  The eagle-headed warrior only felt that the pain of his body almost caused the eagle-headed warrior to faint in pain.

  This feeling of separation of flesh and blood turned out to be so deep, even in this nether world, I have never tried this kind of pain.

  Chen Xuan took off the wings of the eagle-headed warrior.

   Hearing a scream from behind, the tiger head warlord once again slammed.

  The terrifying momentum flashing above the fist whistling, it feels as if there is a kind of power descending on this face, and the air pressure in front of him is also quite strong.

  The cultivation base of this tiger-headed warrior is about to reach the realm of this super **** level.

He even touched such an edge, but Chen Xuan’s cultivation base fell here. That cultivation base had already surpassed this tiger-headed warrior too much. If he wanted to kill him, then It's all in minutes.

  This momentum is nothing to Chen Xuan.

   Facing this punch, Chen Xuan also greeted him with his own fist.

  This seemingly ordinary punch, but it is the power of terror in it.


When General Tiger Head saw Chen Xuan punching, he was already snickering in his heart, just like this thin body, how much power can he have.

  I am a dignified warrior, the first warrior under the throne of the netherworld, it is impossible to beat you as a human being.

  However, when this fist hit Chen Xuan's fist, it was already very regrettable.

The fist of the tiger head warrior was shattered at this moment. Although the skin and flesh on the outside looked intact, the bones under the flesh had already become a pile of fragments. These fragments were caused by the wrapping of the flesh. Still remaining in this body.

   "Roar!! My hand!!!"

The tiger head warlord looked up to the sky. With a roar, the pain made the tiger head warlord unbearable, ten fingers connected to the heart, and now the five fingers of this hand have been directly broken, and the tiger head warlord tore it. Heart-crack-like pain.

  But Chen Xuan didn't just forget about his body shape. He appeared in front of the tiger-headed warrior and stretched out his hand.

This hand was directly inserted into the chest of the tiger-headed warrior. For Chen Xuan, the armor he was wearing had no defensive effect, so Chen Xuan's hand broke through the tiger-headed warrior's chest. .

   directly grabbed the heart of the tiger-headed warrior.

  Until the heart appeared in Chen Xuan's hands, it was still beating.

  "Do you like killing people? Then give it to me."

  Chen Xuan directly squeezed the heart of the tiger-headed warrior into his own mouth.

   Eat your own heart.

  This is simply a great means of humiliation and pain.

  The Nether King above the sky couldn't help but get up.

  The seven kings in the nether world, he is the third king among the nether kings.

He himself came out of the boundless refining domain. What kind of scene has not been seen before, but when he saw that his two right-hand men were directly beheaded and decisively killed, the three princes of the Nether Realm also slowed down. Get up slowly.

   "Kill my warlord, this king wants to see how much you can do!"

  After the Third Prince of the Nether Clan got up, the sky behind him also changed drastically.

  Behind the three princes, five shadows emerged.

  These five people are called royal messengers.

  The mission they were born with was to protect the royal family.

  Everyone is in the realm of super **** level!

  The master of the meta-infant period!

  (End of this chapter)

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