Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 827: Stiff end

   Chapter 827

Such a lineup, coupled with a powerful Nether Clan Third Prince, on this Fengyun Continent, no matter where you go, there is no problem, of course, the premise is that you don’t go to the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island, or In places like the peacock secret realm, there is basically no problem.

  When I saw these meta-infant stage masters finally appeared.

   Mingtian and others on the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island below couldn't help it either.

  At this moment.

  The eight masters from Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island, including Huaiyuan and Huairou, were all soaring into the sky, rushing to the sky in an instant, standing behind Chen Xuan.

  This obviously means that we are here to support Master Chen Xuan.

  When the Third Prince of the Nether Clan saw Ming Tian and the others rush out, his pupils obviously shrank.

  "A member of the Bailong tribe?"

  The strength of this Mingtian alone was enough to make them look like a big enemy, so they also had to get nervous.

  If it was only this Chen Xuan before.

  There are some more methods, it is not too difficult to destroy Chen Xuan, after all, it is just a human city in this small area, and where it can go arrogantly.

  But now the appearance of Ming Tian and others has already made these three princes a little surprised. The intervention of the White Dragon clan will make things more complicated.

  After all, with the power of the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Island, the Three Princes are not planning to directly face each other. If they are against each other, then there will be a lot of trouble. Of course, if you really want to break, then there is nothing to fear.

  "Bailong clan? This muddy water, even if the Bailong clan is here, it is not easy to go, Mingtian, give this king a face, and leave now."

  The Third Prince of the Nether Race said slowly.

   seems to be using his own identity to negotiate with this Mingtian. The state of this negotiation also puts his identity in the same position as this Mingtian.

  However, Ming Tian shrugged helplessly.

  "White Dragons, seal and lock all the roads, no one is allowed to let go!"

   Mingtian gave an order, and all the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage behind him suddenly exploded with a terrifying aura, and then soared to the sky, sealing all directions.

   "True Chen Xuan, please."

  Mingtian arched his hand at Chen Xuan, and now he is showing good intentions, which is nothing to Mingtian.

  If it weren’t for the existence of Chen Xuan, this Bailong clan would have been driven to extinction long ago.

  The surviving white dragon masters can be said to be the elites of the white dragon family. In addition, there are some people who have not yet appeared. Even Ming Tian does not know whether these people are dead or alive.

   "Why, the Bailong clan will also be used by others?"

  Seeing this scene, the three princes of the Nether Clan were also quite surprised. They unexpectedly encountered such a thing. This little Beishui City Chen Xuan had such a great ability to summon people.

  And let the people of the White Dragon tribe obey his orders.

   "You are also stiff mouth now, you will regret it later."

  Mingtian also sighed helplessly.

For the arrogant people in front of Chen Xuan, Ming Tian can also be said to have seen a lot, but the fate of these people, Ming Tian can also be said to be very sympathetic to those people, so even if you have been out for a long time. , Don’t just pretend to be in front of others.

   Even if you want to pretend to be coercion, you need to understand it before you come to pretend to be coercive.

  If you don’t know anything and just turn on the pretender mode, the end will be very miserable.

   "Oh? I regret it, hehe, I want to see it!"

   Just when the Nether King’s voice fell, he saw that Chen Xuan had already grabbed the eagle-headed warlord again, and then pulled his head directly.

  The head of the eagle-headed warrior was placed next to his body.

  Although they have a strong cultivation base, they are not cultivators.

   So there is no such advantage of second life.

  This is a method belonging to cultivators, and it is difficult for ordinary people to achieve it.

  So after the head is pulled off, it is equivalent to dead directly.

"kill him!"

  The third prince of the Nether Clan gave a low roar, and the five royal guards beside him also whistled and swooped down towards Chen Xuan below.


  The terrifying air wave that flew by, rolled up a gust of wind behind him, and everyone's hearts were shocked when they saw this scene.


Chen Xuan also gave a rare roar, stamped his feet, and flew out. In the blink of an eye, he fell into the surrounding of these five people. The fists and feet were added together, and the fists between each other were also very fast and violent. Out.

  Boom boom boom!

  The domineering power on this fist made these people feel terrible.

  However, the strength of these royal guards is also very difficult. When this momentum rushes out, there are often some fierce fists falling on Chen Xuan, and even some swords and the like are constantly piercing out.


   Chen Xuan also left few scars on his body.

   Chen Xuan's style of play is completely a state of venting.

A fist leaped into the air, instantly blasting the heads of the people in front of him, and the two eyeballs flew out directly from the back of the head, as if two rocks were flying on the ground. Two holes were exploded in the ground.

  The rest of the people also attacked Chen Xuan when they saw it.

   Four people came and besieged Chen Xuan directly, and no one outside could see what kind of tragic battle had taken place inside.

  Chen Xuan directly put the person on the ground.

  Some hands, feet, limbs, etc., were flying in the sky in the next moment.

   Whoosh! Puff, puff!

  These five royal guards, in front of Chen Xuan, could not hold on for a few minutes.

  "Not cool enough! Come again!"

A fierce light burst into Chen Xuan's eyes.

  Obviously, I felt that this face was not **** enough. Only with blood could the anger in my heart calm down a little. Even the strength of these people did not form any pressure for Chen Xuan.

  Up to now, Chen Xuan has not displayed anything, and he has already blown all these people up.

   finally fixed his eyes on the Third Prince of the Nether Race.

  After seeing that these last guards were all dead.

  The third prince of the Nether Clan also gave a thud in his heart.

  What kind of strength is this guy, how can he kill all of them?

  This...what should I do in this situation.

   "Help, yes, help, this guy is totally a lunatic, a lunatic who likes to kill!"

  The Third Prince of the Nether Clan was also extremely nervous, and wanted to leave here soon.

  But the Bailong clan has already sealed and locked all the escape routes here.

  Now the Third Prince of the Nether Clan really understands what Ming Tian said just now.

  (End of this chapter)

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