Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 858: Elder guard

  Chapter 858 Mountain Guard Elder

   Chen Xuan saw these people in front of them all ready to go, as if they were facing a big enemy, but he didn't care.

  In the crowd, he immediately locked in the money he had just taken away.

  The person who doesn’t work.

  One finger.

  "Return the money to me, and give me these ten azure flowers. Otherwise, I will make you regret taking my money!"

   Chen Xuan said lightly.

  However, the person who got the money smiled coldly.

   handed the money bag in his hand to the elder of the mountain guard beside him.

  "Elder, this is the stolen money seized from the culprit. Ten thousand high-grade spirit stones, please count the elders!"

  When Elder Nahushan heard this number, he also slammed in his heart.

   Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones, this is a hundred thousand middle-grade spiritual stones.

  Even if he is the elder of the mountain guard.

  I have been working for more than ten years, but I can’t save so much money.

  Now the money is seized privately, and with a little manipulation at that time, the money can be swallowed directly.

   "The thief is full of nonsense, and he is setting up a sword formation, take this person down!"

  At the moment, the elder of the mountain guard roared directly, and with an order, the monks around here also directly screamed.

The flying sword in   's hand was like a stream of light that swept directly towards Chen Xuan.

  This flying sword sword formation is often the most commonly used method when fighting in groups between cultivators.

  Under this sword formation, it can be very obvious to compare the basics and equipment between the two disciples.

  If this strength is insufficient, it is difficult to resist.

   Even if there is a lack of this equipment, it is very easy to be defeated by the opponent.

  This is the simplest and most comprehensive display of strength.

  Now this sword formation strikes like a dragon with flying swords.

  "Not only hacking my money, but also people who want to kill me, looking for death!"

  Chen Xuan let out a cold snort, facing the flying sword sword formation that rushed forward, he instantly vacated his hand and slammed his fist forward.


  In an instant, these hundreds of flying swords flew around like an ant nest that had been washed out.

  These flying swords are like shattered pieces of paper, directly flying upside down, and many pieces of paper even directly fall on the bodies of these Wulingzong disciples.

   Before even the body protector's qi was released, it was directly penetrated through the body.

Puff puff!

  The reflected strength is surprisingly large, and many of the disciples were directly injured.

"so smart!?"

The elder of the mountain guard also never expected that Chen Xuan's strength was so powerful. When he shot this, he already knew how strong Chen Xuan's strength was, and could be defeated with this punch. The flying sword sword formation of these hundreds of disciples.

  For any elder to come, if you can do it, it will definitely not be so easy.


  This Chen Xuan's figure flickered, and instantly rushed to the person who had taken Chen Xuan's purse earlier.

   "You, what do you want to do!"

The person was shocked when he saw Chen Xuan approaching. There are still so many masters here. Just kill them directly like this. Isn’t that too shameless? By the side of the Wuling pharmacy staff, this As a monk in the fit period, the elder protecting the mountain also exploded in momentum at this time.

   "Ice Soul Curse!"

   Suddenly moved Fa Jue in his hand. Chen Xuan was so arrogant and wanted to kill people in front of him. How could he allow you to be so arrogant.

  So this ice spirit curse came out.

  Chen Xuan looked over.

The Hanhaizhu in the body was also involuntarily released, a strong icy breath burst out, and it was swallowed by the Ice Soul Curse in an instant. After that, the Hanhaizhu was also swept out by a force of ice. , Instantly fell on the shoulders of this elder.


  This move instantly hit the arm of the mountain elder, and suddenly there was a strong ice force on this arm.



  This ice power spread out, and the keen elder guarding the mountain immediately slapped his arm with a palm, if he didn't break the arm in time.

  The power of the ice will quickly spread into the body of the elder of the mountain.

  It doesn’t take much time to directly become an ice sculpture.

  He has never encountered such an overbearing force of ice in the decades of cultivating.

   Turns out to be the Frozen True Essence that can be stronger than him.

   Just when he broke his arm with the elder of the mountain, he saw that Chen Xuan was already grabbing the throat of the person in the Wuling Pharmacy, and then lifted the whole person to the place.

   "Dare to hack my money?"

  Chen Xuan didn’t say a word, he also used direct force on this hand, constantly pinching this person’s neck tightly.

  At the same time, he saw the person’s eyeballs and the tongue constantly spitting out. After looking at this terrifying sight, one can clearly feel what kind of pain this person is suffering.

  A series of clicks came from the neck.

  After hearing it, the surrounding mountain guard elders never made any movements, and the surrounding disciples also watched this scene dumbfounded. It was almost a scene of execution, and I couldn't believe it.

  There are such cruel people in this world.

   "Okay, so cruel..."

   "It's so bloody, it turned out to choke a person to death!"

  This sword pierced the heart, killed the person, and slowly broke a person’s neck, and even the eyeballs and tongue were directly spit out.

  This kind of terrifying method of death has a very different nature in the eyes of many people. Although everyone kills, but you kill like this is extremely cruel and inhumane!

   "The devil is the devil, and murderers are so indifferent!"

   "If this person is not removed, it must be the difficulty of my righteous monks. This person must be removed, just because of my heavenly power!"

  These righteous disciples were also shouting loudly at this moment.

   seems to be a general reference.

   Chen Xuan couldn't help but button his ears when he heard this.

   "Damn me?"

  Throwing the corpse in this hand directly on a person's body, this person was shocked when he suddenly hugged the corpse, and quickly threw the corpse in this hand out.

  Chen Xuan walked towards one person.

  Just now, this person was also the one who was condemning himself, called the extremely ferocious one.

   "What do you want to do, Gui Yuan Jian Jue!"

   After the Guiyuan Sword Art was used, the true energy in the body suddenly condensed. Wanting to kill Chen Xuan with such a technique, a Guiyuan sword energy burst out from the opponent's palm.



   Facing this sword qi, Che Nu County also opened his mouth, and directly spit out the other party’s sword qi.

   "Fuck, it's so disgusting!"

The disciple saw that Chen Xuan was using a mouthful of phlegm, and he blew out his sword aura. While he was panicked, he felt deeply disgusted. At this moment, he also wished to avoid directly, but Chen body The shape flickered, fell in front of this person, grabbed the opponent's hand,

   "Your voice is very loud, it shouldn't be a problem to eat your own fist!"

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan also thrust his own fist into his mouth under the shocked gaze of the other party.

  The corners of his mouth were torn apart by the support of his fists.


  This hand was forcibly inserted into the mouth, and it also instantly caused the disciple to scream in pain, but there was no sound of this screaming, only a whining scream.

   "Dare to hurt my senior brother and look for death!" The surrounding and this person are the same senior brothers, and at this moment they also hurriedly killed Chen Xuan.



  Chen Xuan shattered the sword stabbed by the opponent with one finger, then stretched out his hand to probe, grabbed the flying broken sword, and then inserted it into the disciple's sky spirit cover.

   Then put a pick up.

   is directly to lift the person’s heavenly spirit cover.

  On this day, Linggai, most of his brain was lifted off, but the person is still alive, still panting in this place.

  "My head...My head..."

  The disciple touched his head, but he never made it. Chen Xuan's shot was so fierce that he directly picked up the half of his head.

  Chen Xuan killed two people in a row.

  The voices of these people gradually faded, but when they saw Chen Xuan, they still couldn't help but stir up a trace of fear in their hearts.

   "Kill my Wulingzong disciple, I will destroy you!"

  The arm of the mountain elder had already been cut off, but when he saw that his own disciple died in the hands of this person, and still used such cruel methods, how could this be tolerated.

  The momentum of the fit period spread out.

   shrouded towards Chen Xuan.

But the impact of this aura had no effect on Chen Xuan. A little bit of this foot, a flick of his finger, and A Jin directly broke the opponent's aura, and then stretched out his hand to attack a broken sword on the ground. .


  A sword slashed towards the opponent.

   "Broken! Zhen Ling Pagoda!"

  The elder of the mountain guard threw a treasure and fell towards Chen Xuan.

When    flew out of this hand, it was just a pagoda with the size of a small palm, but when it fell in front of him, it had already changed into a width of several tens of feet.


  The moment the spirit tower of this town fell, it was also the flying sword that ejected Chen Xuan to pieces.

  "The magic weapon of the elders is still powerful, so easily suppress this demon!"

   "That is, if it weren't for the elder's pagoda here, this demon wouldn't know how much it would harm the common people!"

   Seeing that Chen Xuan was pressed under the town's spirit tower, all the disciples were extremely excited.

   finally wiped out this demon.

"Although I broke a hand, with my cultivation base, within three months, I was able to reshape my body with that spiritual lotus root, but that’s not a big deal. I received this magic way today, my Wuling Sect. , Add another sum to this merit book!"

  The heart of the elder of the mountain protector is also happy.

  After listening to so many compliments, how can I be unhappy in my heart?

  It would be better to get rid of Chen Xuan directly.

   And just as the elder was triumphant, he was relieved, and even when he accepted the voice of congratulations and worship around him, the place suddenly shook.

  The roofs of some houses also collapsed directly by shaking.

  A crack appeared on the ground, and then the crack continued to expand and spread to this foot, which immediately shocked the elders.

"what happened!"

   "Elder, that town spirit tower..."

  A disciple quickly pointed to Zhen Lingta in front of him and said that when he saw the town’s spirit tower, even the elder of the mountain guard was shocked, his face was full of unbelievable expression.

"How can it be……"

  Looking at the town’s spirit tower unexpectedly began to sway constantly, and then with a bang, it was abruptly lifted up and caught in this hand.

  The huge Zhen Ling Pagoda was resisted by Chen Xuan on his shoulders.

   "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry!"

  Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and stopped talking nonsense, and lifted the huge Zhenling Pagoda towards the front.


  The town’s spirit tower suddenly smashed down.

  Many disciples were directly killed by the town’s spirit tower, as if they had shot a mosquito to death.

  Only some messed up blood remains on it, which makes people look at it quite helpless. It turned out that such a situation will occur.

   "Elder, quickly take back this town's spirit tower!"

  Many disciples kept shouting, yelling and fleeing.

  However, this mountain elder was shocked to find.

  There is no way to take back the spirit tower of this town.

   "If you want, I will return it to you."

  Chen Xuan threw the spirit town tower in his hand, and suddenly the huge town spirit tower fell towards the elder of the mountain guard.

   "What!" This elder of the mountain protector is inevitable.

   Just when the elder was about to be crushed to death by his own spirit tower.

   But he felt a few powerful auras bursting out.




  Three rays of sunlight descend from the sky, like three huge long ropes, binding the town’s spirit tower abruptly.

  At this time, the most advanced part of the town's spirit tower has already touched the top of the mountain elder.

  (End of this chapter)

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