Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 859: Three elders

  Chapter 859 The Three Elders

  Heavy Zhen Ling Pagoda is given by these three true essences.

   Then, under the control of these three true essences, the spirit tower of this town was slowly placed on the ground.

  The people all around saw the town’s spirit tower, and there were already three more figures.

  One person sits cross-legged on the spire of the tower.

   With a finger in his hand, he stared at Chen Xuan in front of him.

  The other two occupied the two towers separately, one holding a sword in his hand and one holding a golden wheel in his hand.

  "It is the Golden Wheel Elder and the Golden Sword Elder!"

   "There are still no elders!"

  The disciples of the Wulingzong were all surprised after seeing this scene.

   "It's saved!"

   "Great, kill this demon!"

  Chen Xuan raised his head and saw the three figures appearing in front of him. He also flicked hard at the moment. In the cuffs, a flying sword whistled out, killing all those who were yelling to kill Chen Xuan.


  Boom, boom!

  These Wulingzong disciples immediately exploded into a cloud of blood in this place.

Even when the flying sword whizzed, and the sword fairy slashed back and forth among so many disciples, it was just like stringing these people into a series of firecrackers, but everything that just spoke before was all in this place. It exploded instantly.



  The leader watched the brother Ma Wei, who was about to be promoted to a deacon, his body exploded in an instant, almost torn apart, turning into a pile of minced meat.

   Then when he saw the flying sword, he flew over his scalp with a whistling sound, and even the hair on his head was brought down by the sharp sword aura.

  At this moment, I felt the strong death threat.

  But this threat is also disappearing very quickly.

  In the blink of an eye, these disciples were all beheaded.

   Those who can stand in this place are also people who haven't spoken just now.

  The leader is one of them.

  This Immortal Slashing Sword finally rushed towards the elder of the mountain guard.

  In fact, these things only happened at that moment.

Chen Xuan was beheading so many people, and it only took less than a second to behead all these disciples. Since Chen Xuan has been insulted, he must be prepared to be avenged by Chen Xuan. .

  Also, Chen Xuan's speed of revenge was very fast, and he would not be muddled in the slightest.

  Under this attack.

  The three elders who had just swept up to this point were also relieved at this moment.

   Seeing that Chen Xuan still wanted to kill the elder of the mountain guard, the three of them also roared at this moment, and the elder Wuxu sitting in the middle took a button from his clothes and threw it towards Chen Xuan.

  While the buttons whizzed, they rushed to the elder of the mountain guard and finally turned into a human form.

   stood in front of this mountain elder.

  Zhan Xianjian shuttled this figure directly, and it exploded in an instant.

  Zhanxianjian also returned with a swish after completing the goal.

   hovering beside Chen Xuan, helping Chen Xuan stare ahead.

  See this scene appear.

  Chen Xuan was also slightly surprised. The people here did have some means, which they had never seen before.

  In Fengyun Continent, it must be a lifetime never seen such a method.

  This random removal of a button unexpectedly blocked the Sword Sword, and blinded Sword Sword, causing Sword Sword to abandon his goal and return to Chen Xuan's side again.


   "Golden sword, golden wheel, you two, quickly take off this son's head!"

  In this Wulingzong, it is divided into battle elders and alchemy elders.

  Alchemy elders, of course, focus on this alchemy.

However, this battle elder, of course, is good at this kind of battle, and among the battle elders, the two golden wheel elders and golden sword elders are definitely able to enter the top three existences, plus two people. The cultivation bases complement each other and cooperate with each other for a long time.

   Therefore, at the time of this fight, it must be able to exert even more powerful power.

After    got the order, the two elders also burst out with incomparable aura, gradually permeating away.

  Boom! !

One person is holding a golden sword and has not yet released the sword, but the sword aura condensed behind him is already as high as ten thousand meters, and it is an aura that rises into the sky. It seems that at this moment, when he has the golden sword in his hand, This world is no longer able to resist him.

  Another person is holding a golden wheel.

  This golden wheel also displayed an unprecedented aura, hovering around here, and the continuous cutting force also released a ten thousand zhang rainbow light, sharp aura, which can almost cut all things in the world.

  Nothing can stop his edge.

  The two left and the other right, already sealing Chen Xuan's retreat to death.

  In addition, the needless elder is also sitting on the spirit tower of this town, staring condescendingly at Chen Xuan in front of him.

If the two great elders take action, if there are any accidents, they can be assisted in an instant without the elders, and if this Chen Xuan reveals any failures, then this can also be shot without the elders and give people instantaneously. Spike.

  The elder of the mountain guard had escaped, and he took a breath.

  If it weren’t just now, there is no need for the elder to take action.

Then he has been penetrated by Chen Xuan's sword, and he can recover if he breaks a hand, but if he wears the body directly, it will take ten thousand Yuan Ying to penetrate. It is estimated that It's dead.

  So the elder of the mountain protector was able to retrieve this life, it is also because this Chen Xuan came to kill him in the end, if the elder of the mountain protector was directly targeted at the beginning, then the fate is probably the same.

  It's just that when the elder of the mountain guard took a step back and prepared to hide a little bit further in this battle, he felt that something was stepped on under his feet.

   Looking down, he saw a shiny bead at the foot.

   "Huh? What is this?"

  The elder of the mountain guard immediately crouched down to look at it.

   Just when the elder of the mountain protector moved up, there was already a bad premonition in an instant.


  This mountain elder was immediately swallowed by the cold air released by that Han Haizhu.

   When the power of the vast sea pearl invaded this elder's body, it constantly surging out, and destroyed everything in this body.

  With the explosion of this power.

  This mountain elder didn’t have the slightest resistance, so he was directly killed by Han Haizhu!

   Seeing this here is also shocking.

  Not many people saw this scene, but among them, it happened to be the ancestor of the deer family.

  The deer suddenly saw this terrifying elder guarding the mountain, and was directly swallowed by Chen Xuan.

   was also shocked in his heart, as if seeing an ant open its blood bowl and ate an elephant directly, with such a shock in his heart.

  So this deer also retreated quietly, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

  Fortunately, I didn't yell or yell.

  Otherwise, if Chen Xuan heard the words, then the end of the game would be over.

  At this moment, Lu can only expect in this heart that Chen Xuan, the three elders of the Wulingzong, will be killed, and that is the best result.

  I saw this battle again.

  No need for the elder to see Chen Xuan not knowing what means to use to directly kill the elder of the mountain, this is also extremely shocked, and at the same time very angry.

  Now this needless elder also stretched out his hand.

   Suddenly these five spells rushed out like rain.


  The scene between the world and the earth has changed drastically.

   Seeing the weather above the deer city, it suddenly turned around. Upon seeing this, everyone's hearts became tense.

  Chen Xuan also raised his head to see that among the five magical charms, they were condensed with each other, forming such a momentum to fall, like a scorching sun shining in the sky.

The temperature around    is also rising sharply.

  The five spells gradually formed like a general fire wheel, directly hung on the sky.

   "Reincarnation Golden Flame Formation, just sit and wait for death!"

  Elder Jinlun laughed when he saw this scene, and now this needless elder finally took out his own means, and thought it was irritated by Chen Xuan.

  This is clearly provoking the many elders of the Wulin Sect.

  In such a state, of course it is necessary to clean up Chen Xuan, and it is still necessary to clean up quickly.

  Otherwise, this battle must have been spread quickly. If the elders of the Wulingzong mountain guard died in the hands of the enemy, and the Wulingzong did not move at all, it would naturally be laughed at by the world of cultivation.

  In the world of Baicao, you can’t lose your reputation!

   "Reincarnation Golden Flame Array... That's how it is."

  Chen Xuan felt that there seemed to be a hot force swept in the depths of his mind.

   also knew in his heart that the temperature of this formation was aimed at Chen Xuan's soul, but the rest of the people in this formation also had an influence.

  Playing with fire?

  Chen Xuan couldn't help laughing.

Although Chen Xuan has not seen this master of alchemy in the realm of comprehension, Chen Xuan is confident that at this level of the realm, even now, as long as you are not a master at this stage of tribulation, you want to play with fire. If you do, you definitely have to call Chen Xuan an ancestor!

  Relying on Chen Xuan's innate understanding of flames, in this fiery state, Chen Xuan's combat effectiveness would not have the slightest impact, and even under such an environment, it would increase Chen Xuan's strength.

   "The Golden Sword is too hot!"

  The Golden Sword elder showed his mastery. When the blade in this hand rotates, this spell formation seems to give the Golden Sword elder a certain degree of bonus!

  The late fit!

  Chen Xuan felt the momentum released from the body of the Golden Sword Elder.

   also very clearly sensed this elder's cultivation realm.

  The state of the late integration.

   And the cultivation level of the Golden Sword Elder was obviously above the Qingyang ancestor. At the beginning, after the Qingyang ancestor swallowed the true essence of the real medicine refiner, he was also forcibly elevated to the state of the late integration.

   However, it is still not as powerful as the Golden Sword Elder in front of him, or that the two are not at the same level at all.

  The golden sword elder is a steady and steady fight, and he has cultivated, and there are also this high-level sword art that contrasts with each other.

  The ancestor Qingyang had a good talent, but the external conditions were not good, which led to such a tragedy.

  The flame sword aura slashed by this sword also made Chen Xuan's heart move.

   Then the Immortal Cauldron in his hand was lifted out.

   stood in front of him.


  The opponent's sword stood on the Immortal Cauldron.

The Immortal Cauldron was unharmed, and the flame above the opponent's sword aura was quickly absorbed by the Immortal Cauldron.


  The Immortal Cauldron absorbed the opponent's flame power, and in the blink of an eye, the golden wheel also came down towards Chen Xuan with the momentum of opening the mountain.

  Kang Dang!

Under the loud noise, Chen Xuan's Immortal Cauldron was almost knocked out, but this Immortal Cauldron was made of no one. It seemed that it had never been harmed since the battle. .

   "What, it blocked my golden wheel!"

  The golden wheel elder was also full of shocked eyes, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

  This must be to take down Chen Xuan, and then ask carefully, what is this, this small tripod actually blocked the attack of the two elders.

   "I think your flames seem to be a little bit punky, why not let me add a fire to you!"

  Although Chen Xuan only had a cultivation base in the distraction phase, he did not have the slightest fear when faced with these late-fit cultivators.

  (End of this chapter)

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