Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 860: Easily kill

   Chapter 860

  Add fire?

  What does Chen Xuan’s words mean?

  At first, the needless elder didn't know, but the next moment, I saw Chen Xuan's Immortal Cauldron suddenly beating out of a ball of flame.

  The real fire of shamisen!

  This ray of cyan flame appeared in front of his eyes, and it also condensed in an instant. Such a terrifying aura seemed to drive the surrounding storm.


  The five spells, because they could not withstand the high temperature, exploded directly above the sky with a direct bang, and then the spells burned on their own.

  The Jin Yan big formation was directly destroyed by Chen Xuan.

  But the effect caused by this.

  But it made Elder Jinlun and others feel even more desperate.

   "No, the temperature of the Shamisen Real Fire is too high, and the Fajue I'm waiting for is overloaded!"

   "Can't absorb the shamisen real fire, the power is too strong!"

  The two elders were also shocked.

  The reason why their strength is so strong.

  It’s because when this one's own law is running, it will absorb the power of the surrounding flames. The stronger the flame, the stronger the strength, and the strength that can be exerted will be even more terrifying.

   But when the flame is absorbed now, it is directly absorbed the power of the real fire of the three flavors, directly causing their state to collapse,

"go with!"

  Chen Xuan also took the opportunity to add a fire, and with this flick, two auras rushed out of the immortal cauldron. The two flames turned into firebirds and rushed to the two of them!

  Ordinary fire spells, then they can all handle it.

  However, Chen Xuan’s firebird technique was useless, but the two of them were like enemies, and they saw such a tiny firebird rushing up.

   But it feels like being about to be destroyed.


  The two people's thoughts are also surprisingly consistent. If they don't run away at this time, they will only end up being burned.

   Suddenly, the Golden Sword Elder and the Golden Wheel Elder both dispersed towards both sides.

   But at this moment, Chen Xuan's Firebird technique had already swept past these two people.

   suddenly fluttered toward the front.

  In a trance, he was already swept forward.

  The purpose of Chen Xuan's move was not on this and the two people at all, but on the third person.

  The needless elder who swept the formation from the beginning.

  No need for elders, naturally you will not panic. In fact, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly.

  The shot of Chen Xuan in front of him is quite insidious. If he is not careful, he will be put down by Chen Xuan.

  Therefore, besides sweeping the formation, this needless elder is also closely watching Chen Xuan's movements.

   However, even if he was prepared in his heart, when facing the power of this terrifying flame, his heart would be shocked to some extent.

  At this moment, this is no need for elders, but also to control the law in his hands.

  At the moment, the seated Zhenling Pagoda was also lifted up and smashed towards the two firebirds in front.

One of the firebirds was directly hit by the town spirit tower, but to be precise, the fire bird rushed to the town spirit tower. In the blink of an eye, this one originally belonged to the elder of the mountain guard, a top magic weapon of a monk during the fit period. , At this moment, it has already turned into a tower of fire.

   And under the burning of the fire tower, the fire tower is directly burned clean.


  The other firebird spread its wings and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire.

   rushed towards Elder Wuxu.

  I saw that there is no need for elders to sit cross-legged in the air.

  A small blue bowl suddenly appeared in his hand.

  When the small bowl green in his hand tilted over, he suddenly felt a powerful force spreading out.


   was released from the small bowl and rushed above the flame.

  The flame bird was also struggling stubbornly. When the water fell, it continued to flap its wings. The power of the flame spreading from its wings also directly evaporated the water in front of it.

   "Sanwei is really hot, so strong!"

  There is no need for the elders to constantly release the true essence in his body, forming a powerful force.

   Above the small bowl in his hand, there is also the power of terrifying clear water.

  However, when the power of this clear water bowl was almost exhausted, it finally reduced the power of the real fire.

   And just when the elders need not consume the flames of this three-flavored real fire, the true essence in one's body is almost consumed.

  But at this time, I was relieved.

   finally suppressed the real fire of Chen Xuan's shamisen, but at this moment, he heard a muffled noise.

   There seems to be a force that explodes directly in the air.


"not good!"

There is no need for the elder to look up and see that the figure of the golden sword elder is still in place, but the head on the neck is gone. Looking at the blood mist that diffuses above the sky, the eyes of the elder need not be filled with this. Shocked.

The headshot was the Golden Sword elder. Among the ranks of battle elders, although Golden Sword elder dared not say that the fighting strength is invincible, even if he wants to defeat him and defeat him, even if the elders do not need to take action personally, they need It takes a bit of hard work to succeed.

  Chen Xuan snatched the opponent's golden sword, and then stabbed it down the headless neck.


  The body of the Golden Sword Elder fell from the sky.

   Never touch your feet.

  Among the feet, the golden sword protruded from it and plunged into the ground first.

  Hang the feet of the Golden Sword Elder.

  When the people around saw this scene, they all showed horror on their faces.

  This is the Golden Sword Elder. In this sect, he has the supreme majesty, but now he was killed directly by someone, and he was strung together by his own sword and his most proud weapon.


Elder Jinlun didn’t know what had happened just now, he saw Chen Xuan’s figure disappear. If we are to blame, it’s just that the elder Jinjian chose the wrong direction when he ran away. Chen Xuan seems to have known it a long time ago. Someone will flee from this direction.

  So it's in this direction.

  Waiting for Elder Golden Sword, after getting close, he is not the opponent of this murderous mad demon at all.

  There is no time for two tricks, just killing people.

  These hundreds of years of cultivation have turned into a pile of fly ash today, and life is so fragile, which also made this elder Jinlun sigh that this is indeed not a good sign.

   Just when the golden wheel elder sighed that the golden sword elder passed away,

   but saw a dark shadow passing by.


  Chen Xuan's figure slapped towards the elder Jinlun.

  Chen Xuan didn't learn many spells in the realm of cultivation.

  However, Chen Xuan had a lot of experience in close combat, and he was extremely keen on capturing this fighter during the battle.

   Therefore, at the moment when the Golden Wheel Elder lost his mind, Chen Xuan had already charged up.

  The sword power in the palm of his hand exploded.

  In an instant, there was a horrible vigor.


  The next moment, the golden wheel next to the golden wheel elder also entered a state of automatic protection, and rushed to Chen Xuan with a whistling sound, and the reaction was even faster than the golden wheel elder.


  Chen Xuan slapped a palm on the golden wheel, and the sharp blade on the golden wheel appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

   Although this palm is said to directly shake this sharp blade away.

  But Chen Xuan's injury also showed a trace of wounds.

   "So sharp."

  A surprised look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  After that, the golden wheel struck again, and Chen Xuan directly threw out the Immortal Cauldron in his hand.

  Received the golden wheel in one go.

  Among this immortal tripod, there is naturally a very enthusiastic Sanwei real fire to welcome it.

  As for the injury on this palm, it only took a few seconds to recover. For Chen Xuan, who had fought tens of thousands of times in the Southern and Northern Wars.

  This injury is nothing.

   Seeing Chen Xuan take away his golden wheel, the elder Jinlun was also shocked.

   "My Golden Wheel!"

  Elder Jinlun couldn't help roaring, but at this moment, there was no way. After the golden wheel flew into Chen Xuan's Immortal Cauldron, it was completely disconnected and could no longer be contacted.

   Immediately afterwards, Elder Jinlun’s expression changed.

   Wow directly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, which showed that his golden wheel had been destroyed by Chen Xuan!

  "My Golden Wheel..."

   "If you want your golden wheel, then go in and find it."

  Chen Xuan’s immortal tripod fell towards the golden wheel elder. When the elder looked up, he saw the pitch-black tripod buckling towards him.

   There was a direct bang, making a loud noise.

  It's just the sound of the loud noise, and only the Golden Wheel elder can hear it.

   This crushed aura has completely enclosed the Golden Wheel Elder in it.

  Elder Needless saw the death of these two elders with his own eyes.

   Seeing that Chen Xuanruo had nothing to do with the immortal tripod back, the expression on his face seemed very indifferent.

  It seemed that all this in front of him was nothing in Chen Xuan's eyes.

   "Don't look at it, you will be the next one."

   Chen Xuan looked at the needless elder and said slowly.

  The cultivation base of this needless elder is stronger than both of them, so Chen Xuan naturally stayed at the end.

  If you want to kill him, even more power is needed.

   And this cultivator's method also made Chen Xuan a little cautious.

  Although Chen Xuan's killing of these people seems to be a breeze, in fact, Chen Xuan has already used several of his strongest methods, and both the Immortal Ding and the Sanwei Real Fire have already been displayed.

  The only thing left now is this sword sword.

  Zhanxian Sword naturally appeared in this hand.

  The sword aura leaped into the sky, and the terrifying power released from the sword's body also shocked Elder Wuxu.

  Lu looked at the two elders who were killed instantly, and his heart was also extremely shocked.

  The previous three elders’ playing methods were not bad, but they never thought that such a situation would happen so soon.

  Now only one of these three elders has been killed.

  No need for elders.

  It took only a few minutes before and after.

  So I didn’t even think of it at all.

  Now that Chen Xuan's sacrificed Immortal Slashing Sword is in his hands, his power is even greater.

   "The thieves are powerful!"

   Seeing Chen Xuan releasing this kind of aura, looking at the Sword Sword, he knew the power of the Sword Sword was good, if he just wanted to take the Sword Sword now, it would be impossible.

  Don’t look at how powerful Chen Xuandu is.

  Adding such a baby in his hand, he was still thinking about when to **** the Immortal Slashing Sword. Of course, it was important to escape.


  Without the need for the elders to swish, he threw out a spell, and blasted directly at Chen Xuan.


  This thunderbolt curse is enough to chop the demons in this conjugation stage into a pile of ruins.

  But when Chen Xuan faced this thunderbolt curse, he only raised his hand and took the thunderbolt curse with one hand. It seemed that this hand could easily absorb these powers.


  Chen Xuan felt a slight numbness in his hands.

  But the terrifying thunderbolt curse had been completely absorbed by Chen Xuan.

   "You also take my sword!"

   "Taixu a sword!"

  Under the elder's fearless gaze, the Slashing Immortal Sword in Chen Xuan's hand also released terrifying fluctuations.

  (End of this chapter)

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