Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 868: The death of Elder Qiu

   Chapter 868 The Death of Elder Qiu

   With the help of this meteor shield, this elder quickly broke through forward.

  The dark and dense fog is all around here, no matter which direction it is, it is the same to him.

However, it is very coincidental that the direction that the elder broke through is exactly where the Wuyunfeng Peak Master and others are located. When he saw that the person in front turned out to be the Wuyunfeng Peak Master, the Meteor Shield elder's heart , I'm already touched, I'm going to die, if it's not this time.

   "Haha, it's the road to heaven!"

  And there are several elders gathered around Wuyunfeng Peak Master. With this lineup, it is not easy to block Chen Xuan. If it is not helpful, there are at least so many people, and it feels a little safe to look at.

  However, after seeing this elder, the Wuyunfeng Peak Master and the others instantly turned extremely cold.

   "Huh, I still want to be Elder Qiu to plot against me, it's really inferior, kill me!"

   Wuyunfeng Peak Master directly ordered and said.

  The elders around him shot at the same time.

  The huge true essence is like a heavy quagmire.

   directly trapped this elder Qiu.

  Elder Qiu was originally full of joy, but when he saw that these colleagues in the same school were fighting against him, his heart was immediately incomparably wronged.

   "It's me, Qiu Qianji, don't you recognize me anymore!"

   "Don't be fooled by that demon way!"

Elder Qiu was trapped by the aura of these great elders, unable to move, and could only yell at this time, but everyone was watching with cold eyes.

"Hehe, you still want to pretend to be our elder Qiu, this time I have made a lot of progress, and even changed Elder Qiu's meteor shield, but the wisdom of my waiting, how can you be able to use this method? I was deceived!"

  One of the elders wearing yellow robes sneered. It seemed that the identity of this elder Qiu was completely false.

  After the voice fell, the expression in his eyes also instantly became bitter.

   "Stop talking nonsense, kill him, the curse of the Heavenly Thunder God!"

  A ray of light was released from the elder's hand, only to see the thunder flashing by, directly hitting the elder Qiu.


  The others also started at the same time.

  The previous attack was okay. Under the resistance of this Meteor Shield, there was still a slight chance of breathing, just when Elder Qiu was about to verify his identity.

  The person behind him finally made a move.


  A white tiger flying sword swept from that distance.

  As a monk in the peak state of the fit phase, this Wuyunfeng Peak Master made such a shocking move.


  The Meteor Shield in Elder Qiu's hands also shattered.

  Under the sword of this Wuyunfeng Peak Master, there is no resistance.


  Elder Qiu spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The yellow-robed old man threw a few magic charms in his hand, and the guy in front of him had resisted for so long. Maybe it was Chen Xuan who had transformed it. If the patch is successful at this time, then when the credit is calculated in the future, it must be. Have its own credit.

  The old man in yellow robe thought so, and the rest of the people thought so, and they all acted.

  In an instant.

  Several tyrannical tricks all fell on this elder Qiu.

  The elder Qiu was bitter and could not speak, and he could not speak.

   Watching these terrifying powers fall, instantly shattering his body.

   "Made, these idiots!"

  This was the last thought in Elder Qiu's heart. The next moment he was directly shattered by these people.

  A line of Yuan Ying quickly came out.

  When these elders saw the elder Qiu’s primordial infant emerge, they were all silent.

The appearance of sound shapes and the like can be imitated, and they may be fake, but the power of the Nasal Infant, such a pure Nasal Infant power, cannot be easily imitated, even if it is a technique of change. , Can't imitate the strength of this Yuan Ying, this is a unique power.

  That is not to say that this Elder Qiu is actually the real Elder Qiu!

  The faces of several people suddenly collapsed.


  Even the Wuyunfeng Peak Master looked at this scene in astonishment.

  I saw that Elder Qiu’s Yuanying seemed to roar in place. Suddenly, this elder Qiu’s Yuanying felt threatened and subconsciously wanted to escape.

   was first caught by one hand. ,

   squeezed it in his hand.

   "Oh, I didn't expect that your strength, so powerful, would easily kill an elder of your own!"

  Chen Xuan appeared, looking at these people in front of him and said with a smile.

  When the Wuyunfeng Peak Master and others saw this scene, they immediately knew that the person they killed just now was their own person, the real Elder Qiu.

  However, many fake people appeared in the black fog before, and they all just assumed that this person imitated something like this. Who knew that this happened.

   is simply unexpected.

   "This kind of magical way actually killed Elder Qiu, how can I let him go!"

Wuyunfeng Peak Master suddenly pointed at Chen Xuan, and said with indignation. At this moment, the momentum on his body was also quite angry and angry. It seemed that he was really watching Chen Xuan beheading Elder Qiu, but The feeling of coming one step later.


  Chen Xuan smiled indifferently, and then released the Yuan Ying in his hand to the outside, without directly beheading Elder Qiu's Yuan Ying.

   Seeing that Chen Xuan was actually releasing the elder Qiu’s Yuan Ying.

  The Wuyunfeng Peak Master also shook his hand immediately, and the flying sword whistled out.

   There was a loud noise, and the elder Qiu’s Yuan Ying was blasted to pieces in an instant.

   "Elder Qiu Yuanying is already under the control of this person. If you don't kill him, you will harm more fellow sects. You elders will avenge the death of Elder Qiu!"

   Now Chen Xuan is also extremely speechless, and he is quite admiring the person in front of him.

  This is clearly doing things. It is clear that you killed people yourself. Now you are going to kill people and say that I killed them. Such people are simply disgusting.

  Chen Xuan was too lazy to talk about him.

   "It's OK, you're good, you can say anything."

At the moment, Chen Xuan is not following some nonsense. The faces of these people in the cultivation world can be seen clearly. There is such a shameless person. Even if Chen Xuan is in Fengyun Continent or Xuantian Continent, he is I have never seen it before.

  After coming to this realm of comprehension, it is the real experience of these people.

  I don’t draft a lie, and if I accidentally killed my own person, it can be treated as okay.

   And the yellow-robed Taoist who shot just now is also shouting aloud to avenge Elder Qiu, that is also the one who shouted the most fiercely.

  "Kill the Demon Dao and avenge Elder Qiu!"

   Although it is said that Chen Xuan showed this dark sky.

  But Chen Xuan didn't hurt anyone, that was the leader.

  The leader did not leave.

  She wanted to leave directly, but she was worried that Chen Xuan was in a complicated mood, and due to ghosts and gods, she unexpectedly ran here.

  Dark Tianluo did not have the slightest influence on the leader, and she could clearly see some of the things that happened in it.

   Including Elder Qiu pushing his fellow elders to die, but he escaped with the help of this power.

  But in the end, he was killed by this Wuyunfeng Peak Master and others.

  Although it was a mistake at the beginning, maybe it can be regarded as a misunderstanding.

  But Chen Xuan has already released this elder Qiu’s Yuan Ying.

  The Peak Master Wuyunfeng never let go of this Elder Qiu, and directly found an unwarranted charge and beheaded the person.

  The gods are all gone.

  All of this is so bloody, happening in front of my eyes.

  "This...this is impossible..."

  (End of this chapter)

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