Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 869: Borrowing amulet

   Chapter 869

  Chen Xuan looked at these people coldly.

  The elder just now, obviously killed by these people, now shouts for revenge for the other party. This is simply shameless, you can say so directly.

   Watching these people come to kill him, Chen Xuan also shook his head, and took out his own sword.

  This fairy sword is in his hand, releasing a sharp light.

  When these people approached, their hearts sank slightly. Now that they are killed, they must be prepared to be killed by themselves.

   "Well, what kind of sword is this, whose breath is so sharp!"

  The Wuyunfeng Peak Master himself has quite a lot of experience in this sword practice.

  When Chen Xuan brought the sword out, he already saw the extraordinary place on the sword.

   "The white tiger kills the sword!"

This Wuyunfeng Peak Master has already made up his mind that this sword must belong to him. If he can take away the White Tiger Killing and Cutting Sword, then he must have an advantage in breaking through his realm, so he won’t be taken away. Limited to this environment.


   gathered around this Wuyunfeng Peak Master, there were about seven or eight people, to be less.

  There was a roar from above, and the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger fell from the sky.

   suddenly rushed into the camp of these monks. In the past, they were alone in the tiger's den, but now a tiger has entered the crowd, and the destructive power it caused is equally huge.

  The power displayed by the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger can be said to be like a ruin.

  The paw in this hand suddenly protruded, and directly slapped the extremely ferocious yellow-robed old man who was called before and slapped it into meat sauce.

  The slap fell, and there was nothing to say in the **** scene.

  Seeing such a scene, I couldn’t bear to look straight in my heart.

  Even Chen Xuan himself did not expect that this guy's shot was so sharp. When his paw fell, the yellow-robed old man was already dead, and he didn't even have a chance to turn around, so he was shot to death.

This five-clawed golden tiger is not stupid. This yellow-robed old man is good at attacking with this spell, but in close combat, its own defense is not very strong. If the firepower is suppressed from a distance, then Maybe a very terrifying force will erupt, so I also took this opportunity to suppress things.

   Therefore, when the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger took the shot, he was the first to shoot this person to death.

  The rest of the people also reacted in a hurry, one after another Dao Fajue blasted towards the five-clawed golden tiger.



  The five-clawed gold-patterned tiger is surrounded by golden light. In such a close state, these attacks are not the opponents of the 5-clawed gold-patterned tiger at all, and even this most basic defense has not been broken.


  The five-clawed golden tiger stepped back, flicked its tail, and flew a figure directly away.

  The yellow robe elder was bombarded and killed in a blink of an eye. It seems that the five-clawed golden tiger's brain is also very good, knowing that such a person will be killed first.

  When the five-clawed golden tiger figure began to shake, it also plunged these people into such a terrifying suppression.


  Chen Xuan's sword in his hand blocked the attack of the white tiger sword.

  The White Tiger Sword is extremely powerful in this spirit weapon, but in front of Chen Xuan's Sword Immortal Sword, this power still needs to be released. With a light swing of the Sword Immortal Sword, the White Tiger Sword was slashed back.

  The sharpness on the sword is also sharply reduced by three points at this moment.

   Then Chen Xuan also screamed.

  The figure slew towards the Wuyunfeng Peak Master.

  This Wuyunfeng Peak Master still followed two masters.

   Seeing this Chen Xuan kill, the two immediately released a terrifying aura. From this body, the power was released, and the momentum of the Wuyunfeng Peak Master suddenly rose at this time.

  This seems to be a trick to instantly increase strength.

   Seeing this Wuyunfeng peak master's momentum soared, Chen Xuan was not afraid.

   "Taixu a sword!"

The sword energy in the hand is vertical and horizontal, and the sword is cut out, and the domineering sword energy is swept out. The most important thing is that in front of this sword, you can see the aura that penetrates very clearly, and the traces are especially Dao-like traces. , In front of this power of heaven, even Wuyunfeng Peak Master and others could not help being shocked.

"not good!"

  Even the Wuyunfeng Peak Master condensed his own momentum and stood in front of him.

   never blocked Chen Xuan's move.

  The terrifying aura came directly from tears, instantly tearing the defense in front of the Wuyunfeng Peak Master.




  One sword directly knocked down three people.

  The peak master of Wuyunfeng took the brunt, vomiting blood, and fell directly to the ground. After hearing a bang, the white tiger sword in his hand was directly broken by Chen Xuan.

   "My White Tiger Sword!"

  The peak master of Wuyunfeng was furious. This White Tiger Sword had been practicing Dao for many years. It accompanied him on this journey and came to fight and kill, but now it was obtained by Chen Xuan in this way, and it was directly cut off by this sword.

  The cultivation base over the years has also been in vain.

   "This is what you forced me. If you don't kill you here today, the Lord of the Peak will live in this world with a face of peace!"

   Wuyunfeng Peak Master suddenly shouted.

  At this moment, Wuyunfeng Peak Master stood up.

   Against his own injury, looked at Chen Xuan in front of him.

  Chen Xuan cut the fairy sword.

   "What if I force you to do so, what means are there, just put it on display."

   Chen Xuan said.

  The power of the sword sword has now been strengthened a lot, and in front of this master who is also a sword repairer, the power of the sword sword has also been used more thoroughly.

  "Thanks to the Heavenly Talisman, please go to Heavenly Lord too!"

I saw an extra black spell with gold rim in the hands of the Wuyunfeng Peak Master. When the spell fell towards the top, this terrifying force seemed to have broken through the limit below, rushing to kill. Come.


  Chen Xuan looked up at the sky.

   The dark sky arranged around here was also directly blown away by the opponent's aura at this moment.

   Chen Xuan could not stop this.

  But what can be seen is that a ball of light suddenly fell down.

   is directly condensed on this Wuyunfeng Peak Master.

  Chen Xuan frowned.

   I couldn’t help but vomit again, this cultivator’s methods are really extraordinary, what kind of trick is this, borrowing the heavenly charm, can it be said that this guy has borrowed power from this sky and can’t do it? What trick is this.

  But this Chen Xuan is also a daring master of art, watching the changes in front of him at this moment.

  Even in this dark sky, Luo was already dispelled and dared to clean up.

  When these forces are dispelled.

  The elders who came out of trouble are also surprised to see the situation around them. There are only a dozen people who can stand around here.

   and it is still decreasing.

  And on this ground, there are dozens of corpses lying there.

It would be fine if it were the corpses of ordinary people, but now these are lying on the ground, and some of them can’t even put together the corpses. Looking at these people lying on the ground, all those who are alive are uncontrollable. Mouth opened wide.

  Those who fell to the ground and died were all masters of the fit period.

  This Wulingzong has cultivated and commemorated for nearly five hundred years, and now there are more than ten monks in the fit stage. How can it be shocking?

   "My God, elders... elders..."

   "That's not it, isn't that the elder Qianqing..."

   Previously, the elder Qian Qing was still saying that he would give Chen Xuan to pieces, but in the blink of an eye, he was already lying on the ground.

  And that head and body are also quite far apart.

Even the peak master of Wuyunfeng was extremely shocked. Looking at the corpses all this time, Chen Xuan had caused all of them, and that Chen Xuan had to be beheaded. Otherwise, how would he be right? Lingzong. ,

   "I dare to kill so many elders in my Wulingzong. I really think that no one is in my Wulingzong!"

  (End of this chapter)

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