Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 870: New insights

   Chapter 870 New Understanding

  The momentum of the peak master of Wuyun Peak rises into the sky, and it seems that a terrifying and surging power has been gathered on the sky. When this power emerges, the heart of the peak master of Wuyun Peak is also full of confidence.

   Above the sky, there is a faint thundercloud surging.

   Obviously, the momentum of this Wuyunfeng Peak Master has also been triggered by the changes in the thunder in the sky.

   "Half a step to cross the catastrophe, just this half a step, I can cross the catastrophe!"

  Wuyunfeng Peak Master secretly said in his heart.

   is short of this half-step strength, otherwise the peak master of Wuyunfeng will be able to become the realm of this tribulation period.

  But now, it's still half a step away.

   "Get me up!"

   "Peak Master, must kill this person!"

   "This person must be killed!"

   "It's simply outrageous, I dare to slaughter so many masters in my sect!"

   "Kill him, you must kill him! My fellow daoists!"

Some elders were also holding their best friends, crying bitterly, that Chen Xuan was so cruel, not only that, that Chen Xuan's mount, the five-clawed golden tiger, even more killing, even most of the people are also It was this five-clawed golden tiger who killed the people lying on the ground, and some people had their stomachs torn apart. It was such a terrifying sight.

   is indeed shocking.

  Chen Xuan's attention at the moment is also all on this Wuyunfeng Peak Master.

  The momentum displayed by Wuyunfeng Peak Master on this matter was enough to make Chen Xuan's expression dignified.

   "Han Hai Zhu!"

  Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and lifted it to show the vast sea pearl.

  When this Hanhaizhu condenses in front of you, the power of the Hanhai is also condensed.

  The next moment, the power of this vast sea burst out from Chen Xuan's hands.


  The power of the vast sea swept away and rushed to the front in an instant.

  But the power of the vast sea has not yet approached, it has been crushed by the power of the peak master of Wuyunfeng.

   "Haotian palm!" With both palms, this palm suddenly fell from the sky and fell suddenly towards Chen Xuan.

   There was a loud bang.

  A huge handprint appeared at the location where Chen Xuan was.

  While looking at it, he found that Chen Xuan had fallen from that day.

   "Unbounded murderous finger!"

  Chen Xuan can be said to have exercised enough skill this time, and at this moment he also urged his own strength to the extreme.

  With this boundless murderous finger burst out.

   Killed out with a terrifying aura, as if an extremely terrifying murderous field was formed within this area.

   "Trivial tricks, I think you haven't entered the way with your tricks, and a trace of the power of heaven has never been poured into it. Let me teach you a lesson!"

  The owner of Wuyunfeng Peak is also extremely arrogant.

  Faced with Chen Xuan’s murderous finger of Wujiang, they also flicked their fingers, and the same terrifying force came back.


   is such a random finger, which actually shattered Chen Xuan's power.

At the moment this figure fell, looking at the scene in front of me, I was also quite surprised. This guy's power seems to have really changed. This is not only an increase in his own cultivation level, but also a mysterious aspect. In terms of power control, he feels very forward-looking.

   "It's weird."

  Chen Xuan is not discouraged.

   Looking at the person in front of him, frowned.

  The next moment, this Wuyunfeng Peak Master himself also condensed, and Chen Xuan could see it with his naked eyes, and there seemed to be waves of power sweeping in front of him.

  Looking at the terrifying power in front of him.

  Chen Xuan stood there and never avoided.

  I just watched the force fall in front of me, without moving his footsteps.

   "If you don't hide, then die!"

   Peak Master Wuyunfeng yelled in his heart, and the next moment, this power really burst out.

   directly swallowed this Chen Xuan.


  Chen Xuan felt the terrifying fluctuations of the surrounding power.

  When this wave of volatility completely diffused out, it disappeared.

  The Black Cloud Peak Master was preparing to continue the attack, but discovered that Chen Xuan did not know when, he had disappeared!

  "Disappeared! Where can you escape within my realm!"

  The Wuyunfeng Peak Master suddenly yelled, and then the aura that erupted from the body almost lifted the ground to three intense levels.


   Wuyun Peak peak master's own aura burst out, and both this and the ground were lifted up.

  But there is still no figure of Chen Xuan, even Yu.

   and the five-clawed golden tiger that killed people without blinking also disappeared.

  Before it disappeared, the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger also suffered a serious injury to an elder. If this elder was at this level in a little night, it is estimated that the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger would be swallowed directly.

  "Gone! The tiger is gone!"

  Wuyunfeng Peak Master roared.

  The terrifying aura made the elders around this shocked one after another. With this strength alone, everyone can know that this Wuyunfeng Peak Master is powerful.

the most important is.

  Now there are many people on the ground, and I don’t know how many people are lying down.

  These elders were originally the mainstays of this Wulingzong, and now so many people have died. After this time, they have to explain how to explain them, and they don't know how to explain them!

  At this time, Wuyunfeng Peak Master is also standing in this place, looking around the corpses around, this time it will be the most powerful impact of this Wulingzong.

Although it is impossible to fall to these three-level sects, even if it is the loss of so many masters in the integration stage, it is not comparable to the third-level sects in this area, and there is even a strong tribulation stage. The person is hidden in this sect.

  But this time the loss must be borne by someone.

   And when he was most angry about this Wuyunfeng Peak Master, and when he was most upset, it was that Chen Xuan actually played him a lot.

   And even when he had such a strength, after spending such a Heavenly Borrowing Talisman, he still let the two of them escape.

  So the peak owner of Wuyunfeng is extremely unhappy.

   "Take everyone's corpses back, and report to the elder truthfully!"

  If this elder Wuquan saw so many corpses, he wondered if he would go crazy directly.

   "Chen Xuan, I will definitely find you, you can't escape!"

  The peak master of Wuyunfeng looked at his white tiger sword that was broken on the ground.

  This Chen Xuan shattered his White Tiger Sword. In order to repay this, then he must take this Chen Xuan's sword.

   "There is also that sword, if I am not mistaken, this one is the legendary sword of slashing the immortals!"

  Not to mention how excited Wuyunfeng Peak Master was when he saw this Immortal Slashing Sword.

  If you can get the assistance of this sword to break through your own realm, it will not be a problem at all.

  For Wuyunfeng Peak Master, there was no chance this time. Then Chen Xuan didn't know how to escape.

Chen Xuan didn't care about the loss of the Wulingzong, and even Chen Xuan planned to destroy the Wulingzong.

  But when this real killing passed, I knew the methods of this cultivator, and none of that could be underestimated. The power displayed by such a peak master alone had reached such a terrifying state.

  If you change to another more powerful character, the consequences will be disastrous.

   And Chen Xuan originally wanted to harden these people.

  Although the Wuyunfeng peak master is strong, Chen Xuan's strength is not weak, not to mention that he still has the armor of the Day War God without displaying it, how can he leave like this.

   However, this star **** jade pendant directly brought Chen Xuan back.

  It seems that he is still under this kind of novice protection means. Once he senses that Chen Xuan is in danger, he directly summons people back.

  By the way, there is this five-clawed golden tiger.

  The two returned to the place with a thud.

   "Mom, yeah, these old men are really fierce!"

   Although Chen Xuan said that the level who had not come to fight hard against the opponent, he himself suffered a serious injury.

  The meridians in the body feel hot.

Although none of the opponent's tricks fell completely on him, the power that belonged to this avenue also undoubtedly fell on Chen Xuan's body, causing Chen Xuan a certain amount of damage. At this moment , Chen Xuan could not help but get up.

  Running the sword power in this body, smoothing out the damage in this meridian little by little.

  Even this recycled stone is useless, it can only help Chen Xuan at this moment to speed up the recovery of this sword's vitality.


  The five-clawed golden tiger is also a look of bewilderment. Doesn’t it mean to kill the enemy? Why can’t it stop here when it’s here, and it looks like it seems to be brought back directly,

  This made the five-clawed golden tiger very upset. Just now, it was obviously only one claw short of that, and he was able to kill another person again.

  For this five-clawed golden tiger, killing these people is also a very happy thing.

  And if the five-clawed golden tiger wants to break through its own realm, it must eat a lot of spirits.

  These powerful monks are the best spirit bodies.

  As long as the five-clawed golden tiger kills these people and eats them all.

  You can also break through your own realm.

  However, Chen Xuan is now entering this state of cultivation, and the five-clawed golden tiger can only helplessly come to this side to sharpen his own claws.

It took about two days for Chen Xuan to recover from his injury.

  'S own state has now entered a normal situation.

   Chen Xuan after recovering.

  Not in a hurry to go back.

  First, he replenished the energy in the jade pendant of the star god. ,

  In addition.

  Chen Xuan was also recalling what the Wuyunfeng Peak Master had said before. Of course, Chen Xuan didn’t know the other party’s twelve-yard identity, only that this was a very powerful old man in the Wulin Sect.

   "My tricks did not contain the way of heaven?"

Chen Xuan has now mastered the power of the heavens of nearly two parties. Among the monks of the Divine Stage Realm, it can only be regarded as a normal person, mainly because Chen Xuan’s cultivation realm broke through too quickly. In the blink of an eye, he has already reached such a level.

   Refining the dark demon that crossed the catastrophe period, it also gave Chen Xuan a great breakthrough in the strength of the sword.

  But Chen Xuan's realm is still not very close.

  It seems that I cannot be too anxious.

   "These old monsters seem to have practiced for decades, and they are amazing."

   Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  In his previous life, he had cultivated to this pinnacle level, and it only took more than 40 years. Before he reached the age of sixty, he was already at the pinnacle level of the gods.

   But now it seems that this god-level peak realm is nothing.

   After all, this god-level peak realm is in this cultivation world, and that is a lot of existence.

   "Incorporate the Tao into the tricks?"

  Suddenly Chen Xuan had a kind of understanding.

  (End of this chapter)

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