Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 871: Daofa Xiaocheng

  Chapter 871 Dao Fa Xiaocheng

Prior to this, although Chen Xuan mastered the power of the heavenly Dao, the use of the power of the heavenly Dao was not as simple as imagined, and he could not do this handily. Even the time for communication was already wasted. Most of it.

  After seeing the attacking method of the Wuyunfeng Peak Master.

  Chen Xuan also understands that between these tricks, it is also possible to integrate the power of this heavenly way into a powerful way.

   "No wonder my Taixu Sword Art is not very powerful."

Chen Xuan also figured it out now. No wonder that the power of his Taixu Sword Art is not very strong, and he always feels that there is still a force in his body. Now, he is finally finding the key to this. Place.

  At the moment, Chen Xuan is also trying to integrate this and the power of heaven into this Taixu Sword Art.

  It takes a long process.

   Chen Xuan's figure returned to this underworld in the blink of an eye.

  If you cultivate this Taixu Sword Art in the outside world, if you are afraid that this sword will be cut down, you don't know what it will be like to destroy this and Fengyun Continent.

  So Chen Xuan began to practice his own tricks in the underworld.

The Peak Master Wuyunfeng desperately wanted to trouble Chen Xuan. Why didn't Chen Xuan want to find fault with the Peak Master Wuyunfeng? If Chen Xuan had enough strength at the time, I guess he wouldn't have to leave at all. Uprooting the head of this Wuyunfeng Peak Master in this place is the most enjoyable and direct method.

  But now that the strength is not enough, I can only hide here and hone my skills first.

  Even Chen Xuan didn’t even eat any food, he was already practicing tactics here.

  From this point, it is also enough to see how much Chen Xuan wanted to defeat the opponent, and then stepped on his feet severely.

  He is a dignified immortal Danzun. When did he suffer such a big loss, he was beaten into a wasteland and fled.

  In the underworld.

  The figure of the young girl Ming also appeared. Seeing Chen Xuan who was waving sweat in the distance and constantly waving the sword of the immortal in his hand, there was also a trace of doubt and wonder in her eyes. ,

  I never thought that Chen Xuan's comprehension power could be so fast, so soon he had already thought of incorporating the power of the heavenly Dao into this trick.

   Although this point is made clear, it is very simple.

  But it is very difficult to think of this without anyone mentioning it, and it is already very difficult for Chen Xuan to touch this doorway so quickly.

   enough to see how terrifying Chen Xuan's talent is.

  "Do you also give this thing to him?"

  Ming looked down, and in the palm of his hand, there was still a black scroll.

  This book seems to be very old.

  And in this book, a powerful force is faintly revealed.

  A little bird staying on Ming's shoulder, tilted his head and looked at the person in front of him, as if he could not give any idea.

  "Then give him a try. If he can practice this method, he can be considered as mastering the underworld."

  Ming said slowly.

  Chen Xuan has been cultivating on this mountain for nearly seven days.

  The five-clawed golden tiger is also staying in this northern water city these days.

  Compared with that in the wild, the five-clawed golden tiger found that there were endless chicken wings in the city, which made him very happy, directly here, in contact with such an environment.

  There are delicious chicken wings every day, and if the claws are there, you can call in a few people at any time. These people seem to be very happy to fight him.

  So what's so embarrassing about this five-clawed golden tiger.

  It is directly to clean up these people. For a while, this five-clawed golden tiger became the king of the North Water City.

  In the Peacock Mansion of Beishuicheng,

  When I saw these five-clawed gold-patterned tigers, they were all in awe, because the blood power released from the five-clawed gold-patterned tiger was quite terrifying.

  Although it is said that the Peacock clan also possessed the ancestors who had passed the realm of the Tribulation Period.

  But this bloodline is a very long time ago.

  Here, what can be sensed now is also very weak.

And the strength of this five-clawed gold-patterned tiger is already at the level of the incorporation stage, far surpassing that of the Madonna of Peacocks and others. With the addition of this five-clawed gold-patterned tiger, the ancestors who have a tribulation period are still alive. There is almost nothing to say about such a terrible existence, and it is even possible to dominate the peacock clan.

  In the underworld.

  Chen Xuan was naked. At this time, he could even see through Chen Xuan's body that there was a trace of power in his body that was wandering.

  To show it completely, the power between every inch of skin also exudes a kind of extreme horror.

   "Taixu a sword!"

  Chen Xuan stretched out his hand, did not use the sword, but used his hand as a weapon, lightly swiping in the sky in front of him, directly marking a slight shock mark.


  There is no change in the front, but this power can be seen condensing and rolling in the front.

   Chen Xuan saw this scene, and there were not too many waves in his heart.

  But there was a flash of joy in this eye.

   "It's a little done."

   Chen Xuan's heart is also quite emotional, the hard work in these seven days has finally not been wasted, and now the power of this Taixu sword can be said to be greatly improved.

In this situation.

  When Chen Xuan faces the Wuyunfeng Peak Master, you will not fall into such a passive state. At the very least, in the state of wearing the armor of the day war god, it is not a strange problem to resist.


   Suddenly Chen Xuan felt a light flashing in front of him, and an extra figure appeared.

  It was the young girl Ming who stood in front of Chen Xuan at this time.

"It is you."

Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of him and said that this was also the fate of the girl. Chen Xuan did not have time to save the girl’s grandfather and caused a tragedy. However, things like this are too much in the world. too much.

  Now this girl Ming seems to be one with the disappearing underworld supreme, and is gradually becoming her.

  Chen Xuan did not know the changes. Now that the underworld is here, Chen Xuan’s life and death are tied to this underworld, but in fact, it’s not easy to fully grasp it and power, and there are even many in this underworld. There are many mysteries in the strange place, and it is difficult for Chen Xuan to use it.

  It's all because Chen Xuan still doesn't know much about this underworld.

  But in this underworld, Chen Xuan can still control some things, and at least he can guarantee his own safety.

  So Chen Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to these things.

  After all, if you have to figure out everything clearly, then it is not so empty for Chen Xuan.

  I knew long ago that the underworld supreme at the beginning was definitely not so kind.

  Just give such a statue of the underworld to someone casually, and no one is happy to change it. That guy just, there is really no way to do it.

   "You have entered the Tao?"

  Ming looked at Chen Xuan in front of him, and his eyes were also extremely surprised.

   "It's still worse."

   "Are you looking for something to do with me?"

  (End of this chapter)

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