Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 872: Book of the Underworld

  Chapter 872 Book of the Underworld

  Looking at the girl in front of her, after entering the underworld, the girl herself has become very different.

   "This book is for you."

  Looking at a dark book handed out by this girl.

  A surprised look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  Even from the surface of this book, I feel the extraordinaryness of the book itself.

"what is this?"

  Chen Xuan took the book over, and when the book was started, it suddenly turned into a black light and directly rushed into Chen Xuan's mind.

  Even if Chen Xuan intentionally resisted it, it was useless at all.

  Even the vast sea pearl and the armor of the day war **** could not resist the influx of this force.


   Chen Xuan backed down subconsciously, but in a blink of an eye, the whole person was already in chaos. When he opened his eyes again, everything in front of him was already extremely shocked.

"What is this place!"

  Chen Xuan looked at the empty world under his feet, as if stepping on a dark mirror.

   gazed at the world under this foot.

  Suddenly around this pitch black, some huge monster world appeared. The claws of any giant beast fell, enough to trample Chen Xuan into pieces. ,

  In front of these giant beasts, Chen Xuan was just like a little ant, and Chen Xuan was completely invisible.

  When these countless giant beasts stepped over Chen Xuan's head, Chen Xuan also saw a black stone step in front of him.

  There are nine steps in total.

  Above the stairs to the sky, each of these steps is at least tens of thousands of feet high.

  This is almost a huge world.


   Chen Xuan saw a number of figures, and constantly rushed up this step, but these giant beasts had never stepped onto this step.

  Above the nine steps, there is a thing, and it is this thing that appeared. Attracted the interest of Chen Xuan.

   "This black bead? Could it be the origin of the underworld?"

  Chen Xuan is now gradually understanding, if you want to master this underworld, then you must master this source.

  Even Chen Xuan has already seen the path under his feet in the future.

  Climb these nine steps to gain this original power.


  Suddenly, a fiery red unicorn beast suddenly jumped up, and it turned out to be exposed on the first step.

  It is this step.

   also showed the power and strength of this fire unicorn.

   "The original powerful underworld beasts are all gathered here?"

   Chen Xuan looked around, and he knew where the end of the underworld was, which was in the world in front of him.

  Everyone wants to take down the origin of this world.

  But there are not many people who can succeed.

  Even the mighty fire unicorn is just a step up.

  As for Chen Xuan's words, now it is difficult to even get close.

  The steps at this foot could not help but back up.

"I understand."

  Chen Xuan closed and opened his eyes.

When    opened his eyes again, he realized that he had also returned to the underworld.

  On this road of cultivation, there is still a very long distance to go,

  What's more, Chen Xuan also received a huge increase in the book of the underworld at this time.

  In his mind, there was an extra spell.

  This is a spell taught by the Book of the Underworld.

   "Pluto Curse!"

  Chen Xuan absorbed this force in his mind.

  In this body, great changes have also occurred.

  Suddenly fell into the cultivation of this Pluto curse.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan is also quite majestic in this underworld.

   "In addition to this underworld spell, this underworld can also temporarily lend its power to me."

  In this way, Chen Xuan also added another method.

   "According to my estimation, the source of the underworld wants to step onto this first step of the realm, not to mention that it needs to be at the peak of the tribulation period!"

   Chen Xuan thought in his heart, this is indeed a very difficult process.

  If you want to achieve this step, I don’t know how long it will take to achieve it.

  In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

  Na Ulingzong suffered a huge disaster, but it ushered in good news.

  That is Wuquan, the Great Elder of Wulingzong.

  It turned out to be the thunder robbery that has ushered in the robbery period.

  This shows that if this elder Wuquan survives this thunder tribulation, then he will become the second strongest in the realm of crossing the tribulation period of the Wulingzong.

  This change came too suddenly, and even many people don’t understand why this happened.

  Be aware that there are too many things in front of you.

  Almost 70 elders in the fit stage have just died.

  The terrible news has not passed, yet another great news has come.

  Of course, only after the thunder tribulation of this tribulation period, it is called good news, if not, it will be worse.

  The appearance of such things also made this elder Wuquan not have so much thought to do these things.

"My thunder calamity can be delayed for up to half a month! I have delayed too long, otherwise the thunder calamity will only get stronger in the future. During this period of time, I will punish Chen Xuan. , To dispel my demons!"

   Great Elder Wuquan said slowly.

  This Chen Xuan was so bold that he not only killed so many elders in their Wulingzong, but also directly killed the people he focused on training.

  Dry clean!

  This kind of enmity can't be solved in one sentence or two sentences. It must be washed away with blood.

  If Chen Xuan is immortal, this thunder tribulation must be difficult to pass!

"I have already invited the Five Great Mountain Kings to come. The Five Great Mountain Kings of the Five Mountain Sect inherited the favor of our ancestors many years ago. Now it is incumbent to act now. And their Panshan Dafa is enough to make Chen Xuan invisible! "

  "It only takes three days at most, and every inch of land within this radius of thousands of miles will be checked out by these five mountain kings!"

  "Well, in three days, I will definitely kill this Chen Xuan, and use his blood to pay tribute to so many undeads that my Wulingzong has lost!"

   is talking about the knowledge of this point.

   Wuquan also stood up, hammering into the void with his bare hands.

   glared at the front.

  Four days later.

  The Five Great Mountain Kings also returned in embarrassment, because they did not find Chen Xuan's trace, and they did not even see Chen Xuan's shadow. There was no trace. Could it be said that this is the same as the instant movement in Chen Xuanhui's legend.

   Or the portable teleportation array of the carrier.

  That’s why at this moment, it moved tens of thousands of miles away.

But when Chen Xuan disappeared, the Wulingzong had already issued an order to close all the teleportation formations. If anyone wants to go far away, he should go on his own way, so within this 100,000 miles They are basically closed, and no one can leave.

  The Five Great Mountain Kings also felt very shameless, and in front of Wuquan, they couldn’t hold their heads up.

   "A few fellow daoists don’t have to be like this, I don’t believe it, then Chen Xuan can hide forever!"

  Wuquan these days, the power in the body has also been suppressed, if it is dragged down, because this is about to break through the struggle.

  These days should have been meditation cultivation and adjustment of the state, but because of this Chen Xuan's matter, it has not calmed down from the beginning to the end.

   can only keep this matter on hold.

   "Great Elder, Great Elder, then Chen Xuan, appeared in the formation!"

  (End of this chapter)

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