Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 873: Finally appeared

   Chapter 873 Finally Appeared

  The person who came to call was the disciple under the Wuyun Peak of the Wulin Sect.

   was originally given the order of the Wuyunfeng Peak Master, so he was monitoring the situation of Chen Xuan here.

  But I didn’t expect it.

  All these people gathered for a meeting today. Not only were the Great Elder and the peak owner of Wuyun Peak, but also the other two peak owners.

  Moreover, the five mountain kings are also impressively listed. ,

   Originally, these five mountain kings claimed to be able to catch Chen Xuan within these short three days, but these four days passed like this, and there was still nothing to gain, and it was very faceless in itself.

  This Chen Xuan actually dared to shame all of their five mountain kings.

  So when he heard Chen Xuan appear, he slapped the table with an angry slap.

"Fuck you, it finally appeared. Great Elder, don't worry, there are five of us here to set up this thousand-mountain formation, even if he Chen Xuan has a hundred wings, he will definitely not escape our formation. Within the scope of the law, the elders can rest assured!"

   "I also want to see how many three heads and six arms this person who killed my beloved disciple has!"

  An old woman over half a hundred years old also slowly got up. Although there were wrinkles on her face, they were rare, and she looked a lot younger. At this time, when the old woman got up, the fierce light in her eyes also bloomed.

  Among so many people killed by Chen Xuan, among them were the disciples of the old woman.

  This disciple was cultivated by this old woman with all her heart.

  It was just a short distance away, and such a serious matter happened. On the spot, the peak master of He Cuiyun Peak wanted to kill all the people related to this matter.

  But it was discovered that Chen Xuan was the only one who did all this.

  This is shocking and irritating.

  In a mere mere Chen Xuan, he turned out to be able to kill so many people in his Wu Lingzong. ,

  If it hadn’t been for the Wuyunfeng Peak Master to use the Heavenly Talisman, that kid would probably kill everyone, even if he escaped, he wouldn’t have time to escape.

   "Okay, it finally appeared. No matter what method you use, I must bring this Chen Xuan back to me alive. I will torture this person well!"

   Wuquan said in a deep voice.

  If this Chen Xuan is immortal, if it is too easy to die, it will not work, he must be tortured severely in his own hands.

  The three peaks of Wulingzong, Wuyunfeng, Cuiyunfeng, and this medicine peak.

The peak owner of Yaofeng is also a monk at the peak of the fit phase.

Although the fighting ability itself is not very strong, it is quite powerful in this and saving people. It is said that as long as there is a breath, it will definitely be able to save people, no matter how much you suffer. Serious injuries.

  Even the peak owner of this medicine peak once had this feat of restoring this soul.

Throughout the ages, the soul has been extremely mysterious. If it is severely injured when fighting with people, it is very bad, because the soul is divine mind, and it is extremely difficult to recover. .

  But this divine mind is closely related to you.

  The number of masters who can repair this divine mind is very rare, and every time of cultivation is costly. All in all, such talents are very precious.

   Then these people were all, and they were killed aggressively.

  Wuquan originally wanted to go, but in his current state, he could not make a move without making a move. Otherwise, it would be extremely easy to cause some unnecessary chain reactions, so Wuquan also relieved his heart.

  Now these three peak masters, plus the five great mountain kings, these are all masters of the same level, and there is definitely no problem with them.

  The last time it was only a Wuyunfeng Peak Master shot, the Chen Xuan who killed them all escaped.

  Now if you want to kill this Chen Xuan, it must not be a difficult task. It is estimated that this Chen Xuan does not know what the situation is, and it turned out to provoke eight peak master level masters to come.

  With these people taking action, it must be foolproof.

  Chen Xuan's figure appeared in the jungle, and once again returned to the ghost forest of death.

   is where the Wuyunfeng peak master shot and defeated Chen Xuan.

Nor can it be said that Chen Xuan was defeated. After all, this jade pendant took Chen Xuan back on his own initiative, which can guarantee that Chen Xuan will not be killed by this power, but it also gave Chen Xuan a chance to calm down and participate. Comprehending this trick is to know the power of these cultivators, so Chen Xuan was very calm in the process of this cultivation.

  Now this practice is a little bit accomplished.

  It is also very natural to fight against these people.

   Therefore, when Chen Xuan returned here, he found that these people had already set up a formation around this area.

  This formation is a trapped formation.

  Since these people set up a sleepy formation, it means that they will also come back here, and they will definitely find him here, that’s fine, just wait here for these people to come over and talk about it. ,

   Chen Xuan, who is also provincial, is running once.

  So after seeing someone fleeing just now, Chen Xuan did not catch up and kill the person, but asked him to go back to inform him!

   "If you kill Chen Xuan this time, there is something on his body that belongs to me."

   Wuyunfeng Peak Master said lightly.

  He has not seen this person, he has already started to distribute things first.

  Na Cuiyunfeng Peak Master glanced at it.

   "Speak first before you see."

  Although it was said that the Cuiyunfeng Peak Master had trouble with Chen Xuan, it was simply because Chen Xuan beheaded her disciple.

   But when talking about the distribution of things, he also resolutely refused.

  What does it mean to belong to you.

   Kill and kill, the distribution of this thing still depends on the situation. When talking about this point, you must also clarify the matter, and agree to it if you can't mess it up.

  This is almost a conditioned reflex problem.

  Principle issues cannot be overcome.

  Since we talked about this kind of distribution of spoils, it must be done after the problem has been resolved.

   "This old witch."

   Peak Master Wuyunfeng cursed in his heart, this stinky lady obviously blamed the last thing on his head.

But I didn’t say anything along the way. It’s the five great mountain kings behind him who were so active, which made the Wuyunfeng Peak Master a little skeptical. These guys are usually hidden in this deep mountain forest. Appearing here, that is to say, what kind of wind is received, otherwise these talents will not be so easy to shoot.



  Several figures swept across the sky domineeringly.

   has entered the scope of this dead ghost forest. Although the number of people this time is smaller than the last time, the overall quality is very high!

  (End of this chapter)

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