Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 892: Purple 钻 No. 1

  Chapter 892 Purple Diamond One

  Chen Xuan walked in directly like this, even after the son Aoyue reported his name.

   even directly ignored his dignified Aoyue Jiangshan pavilion.

  The name of this Aoyuefeng, who doesn't know, who doesn't know this Aoyuefeng, that is the eldest son of this Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion.


  In the future, this Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion must be in the bag of this Aoyuefeng. Under such circumstances, Chen Xuan directly ignored it. ,

  This is the first time Aoyuefeng has met such a person.

  "Go and check the details of this person!"

  Ao Yuefeng beckoned from behind, and one person immediately appeared and came to Ao Yuefeng's side.

   "Yes, Grandpa!"

  This person quickly disappeared from the street. As the eldest son of the Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, how could there be no one behind him to protect him.

  "Fairy Su Ying was shocked."

  Ao Yuefeng said to Su Ying beside her.

  The identity of Su Ying is also not weak. This time it was possible to make an appointment. It was also because the adults of the two families were discussing cooperation, so this Ao Yuefeng would have the opportunity to make an appointment with Su Ying.

   Otherwise, although Su Ying's identity may not be able to surpass this Ao Yuefeng, she does not necessarily take care of this Ao Yuefeng.

   "This person is weird."

  Su Ying also said casually.

This Ao Yuefeng was obviously taken aback by this person. If it weren’t for this kind of thing, Chen Xuan’s behavior was so arrogant and comfortable that he didn’t seem to put this Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion in his eyes at all, so this proud Yue Feng also became jealous.

  Even Su Ying thought about it in her mind, but did not find the shadow of Chen Xuan.

   Su Ying is also very curious about this, obviously wanting to know who Chen Xuan is.

Ao Yuefeng stopped talking, and Chen Xuan took away his box. Before the identity of Chen Xuan was found out, she did not dare to mess around, and asked for a box again, and went with this Su Ying. .

   "My God, you must report this matter quickly!"

The waiter who was in charge of collecting the tickets was terrified by the scene before him. As for the fat man who was beaten out, no one paid any attention. In Ao Yuefeng's eyes, the fat man lost his face and didn't go up to make up for it. To him, it is already very polite.

  Chen Xuan walked forward with a five-claw gold-patterned tiger, holding the key in his hand, and someone came forward to lead the way.

  This box is extremely wide, obviously the price will not be too cheap.

  The point of this cultivation world that made Chen Xuan feel the most profound is that he is powerful and can do whatever he wants.

In Fengyun Continent, some people are strong, but on some occasions they have to abide by the rules and give each other face, but here, Chen Xuan has already shot so many times, no one has come to him yet. Trouble, it seems that people in the cultivation world are more grass-tolerant.

   can bear it for a while without revenge.

  For life, it is more important than face.

  Some people in other places are really, you vomited my saliva, then I must fight you to the end today.

The bidding of   Indestructible Ding will not start until the evening, and now there are things on auction. Basically, the auctions are also some weapons and things that are easy to make people doze off.

  This box is so big, but when the five-clawed golden tiger is lying down, it basically occupies most of the space.

   "What does this button do?"

  Chen Xuan came to nothing, saw a button next to his position, and patted it curiously.

"The Purple Diamond Box No. 1 bid for 7,000 middle-grade spirit stones. Is there any price increase? This is a seven-color roast suckling pig braised by a five-star magic chef from all over Germany. After eating it, he will live forever and have no sickness. Will not get fat yet, there are people who have not increased the fare!"

  Purple Diamond Box No.1.

   Young Master Aoyue just sat down, when he heard the auctioneer underneath excitedly say, his brows suddenly frowned.

  Because of this Purple Diamond No.1 box, that originally belonged to his son Aoyue, now he can only come to this Purple Diamond No.2 box.

  But only Young Master Aoyue knew about this, and the rest of them didn't know who the person in this box was.

  But being able to sit in such a box is definitely not simple.

If there are people like this, how can these people take the lead, not to mention that this is just a slightly delicious roast suckling pig. The person in the Purple Diamond Box No. 1 box was not kicked by the donkey in his brain. It is shocking to eat roast suckling pig with more money.


  "Purple Diamond Box No. 2 bids 8,000 middle-grade spirit stones!"

  The auctioneer suddenly seemed to have beaten chicken blood, his face was full of ruddy color, because the price of this roast suckling pig itself was worth about five thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

  Now that such a price can be auctioned out, it is already unexpected in itself.

   And this one who followed the quotation is obviously temperamental. Could it be that the people in these two boxes are going to do it?

  In other words, this suckling pig is actually not that simple! ?

  Someone's reaction was very keen, and they thought about it very quickly, but the current situation is a little unclear about going forward, so just wait and see.

   "It turns out that this is for a price increase, but what about this red one?"

  Chen Xuan knew that his box number was Purple Diamond One.

  Because there is a sticker at the door.

   Then Chen Xuan saw a red button next to it, and couldn't help but click it curiously.


  When the auctioneer saw the red light of the Purple Diamond Box No. 1 light up, he almost couldn't believe it. This is something that only appears in some novels.

   "Purple Diamond Box No. 1, bid again. Just add 10,000! 18,000 middle-grade spirit stones, is there a higher price? Is there any more!"

  The hammer in the hands of the auctioneer kept beating.

  At this price, I don’t know how much money it costs just by drawing a commission.

So the auctioneer was very excited and very happy. He even felt like an extraordinary performance. After saying this, the auctioneer was also very excited. The hammer in his hand kept knocking down, it seemed to be Urging these people to make decisions quickly.

   "Okay, I want to see where you are!"

  Ao Yuefeng is naturally not short of this little money. He knows that the person sitting in the Purple Diamond Box No. 1 is Chen Xuan. Before your identity investigation is released, let's play with you first.

  At the moment, this Ao Yuefeng also pressed the red button in his hand.


  The red light lights up.

   "Purple Diamond Box No. 2, an increase of 10,000! 28,000 middle-grade spirit stones!"

"Twenty-eight thousand, my dear, I believe everyone knows the value of this suckling pig. This is definitely a magical pig. This pig is definitely not simple. Is there any People are going to increase prices!"

   "Twenty-eight thousand middle-grade spirit stones once!"

   "28,000 middle-grade spirit stones twice!"

   "Twenty-eight thousand middle-grade spirit stones are sold three times! Congratulations to the guests in the Purple Diamond No. 2 box, who successfully sold a whole German roast suckling pig!"

  At this moment, the face of Ao Yuefeng in the Purple Diamond No. 2 box has already become a purple.

  At this moment, Ao Yuefeng has never been so suffocated before, this little Chen Xuan, this little Chen Xuan, unexpectedly dare to use such methods, these methods to play him!

   "Damn it!"

  An exquisite tea cup was crushed in Ao Yuefeng's hands.

  As for Chen Xuan, because he couldn't find any other buttons, fortunately he stopped pressing them randomly.

  It seems to be pressing to pay.

  When he heard the applause of the people around, Chen Xuan also patted twice,

   Chen Xuan also admired this person who was willing to spend nearly 30,000 middle-grade spirit stones to buy a roast suckling pig.

  Anyone who can spend the money is not an ordinary person.

   "This sofa is very comfortable... Take a nap, and when the immortal tripe is auctioned, remember to call me."


  (End of this chapter)

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