Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 893: The auction begins

   Chapter 893 Auction begins

  Purple Diamond No. 2 box.

   Soon this Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion's subordinates have already sent Chen Xuan's first-hand confidence.

   "It turned out to be from the country. It seems that I don’t know what it is. I got a powerful mount. I dare to be here. I am arrogant!"

After reading this introduction of Chen Xuan, Ao Yuefeng first breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She didn't expect that Chen Xuan was clearly a stunned boy, and she didn't even understand the environment she was in.

   To be honest, Ao Yuefeng is indeed a little cautious and excessive. You must know who else can be an enemy of this Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion after such a long time here. Even if there is, there are not many.

  Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion is not necessarily afraid of anyone.

  Chen Xuan’s record only shows that it was sent from a very small teleportation array called Lucheng’s teleportation array. It was obvious that it was from which corner of the country.

  Even the Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion listed the most threatening characters. Obviously, Chen Xuan was not very consistent.

  Even within the radius of this deer city, the most powerful is just a second-rate sect.

  A second-rate sect like this is not worth mentioning at all.

The strongest among the sects is just a monk in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

   A monk like this is in front of Ao Yuefeng, and he can't lift his head at all. This is Ao Yuefeng's strength. After knowing the details of Chen Xuan, Ao Yuefeng is not afraid of Chen Xuan at all!

  Even if Chen Xuan wanted to make trouble again, Ao Yuefeng didn't mind giving Chen Xuan a lesson in every aspect.

  But after waiting for a long time, Chen Xuan didn't see any movement.

   "You should be scared now, it's too late. When the auction is over, your life will be over."

After all, this is the site of his Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion. If Aoyuefeng takes the initiative to step forward, if the rules here are broken, the impact will be bad. Although it is easy to deal with Chen Xuan on his own territory, The strength of that five-clawed golden tiger seemed to be very good.

  After all, the most important thing here tonight is the auction of that medicine pot.

   "It turns out that Chen Xuan is just a young man."

  Su Ying also smiled indifferently. Previously, Su Ying was extremely curious about the identity of Chen Xuan. Now that she decrypted it, there was even a kind of don’t even reveal the secret. This was simply not challenging.

   "I heard that this sacred tripod was also obtained from within the scope of the Wulin Sect."

   "Oh? What a coincidence?" Su Ying was surprised.

  Ao Yuefeng just smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, the appearance of this god-shaped tripod today can at least help us recruit an alchemist who is going through the catastrophe period. We have a hundred herbs and a thousand cities, and the future will be as strong as fire!”

   Ao Yuefeng said, and then took a look at Su Ying.

  "It’s just that at the moment, this hundred grass thousand cities, it’s time to shuffle the cards and integrate them. After all, there are too many people who can speak."

  Su Ying smiled but did not speak, the meaning of this Ao Yuefeng was very obvious.

  It’s just a matter of family union. It was originally very difficult. After all, everyone's strength is similar, and once they turn their faces, it will be a **** and jealous event. There is no way for this kind of thing to be so casual.

  What's more, the future of this family is not something that Su Ying, Ao Yuefeng and others can see. There are deeper levels in it. If one step is wrong, it will be wrong step by step!

  Chen Xuan is dreaming.

I haven't had such a comfortable rest for a long time. Since I was slapped by the thunder tribulation last time, I am much more honest now. Don't take such a big risk in the future, or if you rush out accidentally. If you hang up, you may not have a chance to come back.


The roar of the five-clawed golden tiger rang in Chen Xuan's ears, and Chen Xuan suddenly woke up and sat up.

   "My God, you are going to yell at me!"

   After sitting up, Chen Xuan immediately cursed. This five-clawed gold-patterned tiger also sat aside casually, with such a clever look on his face, which made Chen Xuan very uncomfortable looking at it.

  Be aware that when he came to deal with the five-clawed golden tiger, this guy was very arrogant.

   "Hey, I said, why do you look so familiar? Don't you look like that star-catcher beast!"

  Chen Xuan took a close look at the five-clawed golden tiger in front of him.

  I recalled a mythical beast that I had hatched in Fengyun Continent, called a star-catcher beast, but now it seems to have been thrown into the arms of other women.

If other masters encounter such a thing, they will probably shoot the star picking beast to death without hesitation, but Chen Xuan doesn’t matter. Anyway, this Fengyun Continent is so big, you can bring people with just one move. Nothing to care about.

  The most important thing is that the strength of this star-catching beast is too weak, and Chen Xuan is totally uninterested.

  Now, it seems that the star-catcher is not the small tiger in this scaled version.

   "Let me see, is the auction started now."

  Chen Xuan raised his head and glanced, and now it was his immortal tripod that came up.

  It's just that this Immortal Ding Feng exists in a formation.

  That’s why Chen Xuan couldn’t take this Immortal Tripod back.

  As Chen Xuan watched, the auctioneer on that stage had already begun to introduce this immortal tripod.

  "We don’t know the origin of this tripod, but this does not hinder the pricing of this tripod. I can simply tell you the power of this tripod."

"This is a seal formation. It was displayed by my Dali auction house, and six strong men from the tribulation period. Even so, if we don't continue to reinforce this formation in seven days, then this medicine cauldron, It will be directly broken out. It is said that in order to control the medicine cauldron that day, he has already lost a strong man in the tribulation period and five monks in the body period!"

  The auctioneer said slowly.

What this said, it sounds unremarkable, but if you carefully try to figure it out, then you can know how terrifying this mysterious medicine cauldron is, and it can only be dealt with by the power of this tribulation period. .

   And in this state of no owner, if someone controls the medicine cauldron, it is estimated that the power that can be created is enough to subvert this world.

  This is true!

But anyone with some eyesight can see that even under this seal, this immortal tripod is still uncompromising, still resisting stubbornly, if it weren’t for someone to control it, it’s not the five big ones. The seal formation of the strong during the robbery period is placed here.

  That is really a terribly good show.

   "Ah, this Immortal Cauldron looks a little energetic, and it has become so fierce after incorporating this Thunder God ring!"

  Chen Xuan was also very surprised looking at his Immortal Cauldron. It seemed that at this time, the Immortal Cauldron was also very excited, and it didn't make all these people stunned.

  Most of the people who came to this Immortal Tripod today are also monks in the Tribulation Period. This Dali auction house is also under tremendous pressure here.

   even specially invited some of the masters of this Dali auction house to press the bottom of the box.

  After all, such a scene, if someone makes trouble here, maybe something will happen.

   "Don't talk nonsense, start bidding now, reserve price, 500,000 high-grade spirit stones!"

  (End of this chapter)

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