Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 894: Chen Xuan increase

Chapter 894 Chen Xuan's price increase

  The first hand is 500,000 high-grade spirit stones.

   directly blocked some people out of the door.

  Even Chen Xuan could not produce so many spirit stones, but it was not important.

  Five hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones is enough to make many people crazy about it, but these people don't care at all. It seems that these five hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones are just like fifty heads.

   Soon someone directly increased the fare.

  The first to increase the price is an old man in a white robe.

"one million."

  The old voice of the old man seemed to penetrate the audience.

At this time, it is already permeating the venue. Most of the people who came to participate in this auction have some skills and identities, but they are similar to the old man who doubled directly when he started. People are staring.

   "It turns out to be the real Bailian."

   "Just take out these million high-grade spirit stones, and only these hundred refining talents can do it."

   "It's terrible, this real person with 100 Lian has such a thick family background."

   "Then, of course, you must know that this Bailian real person is a real alchemist. Although the realm of pill medicine has never been seen entering this period of tribulation, his own cultivation is the realm of tribulation period!"

  After this Bailian real person increased the price, the expression on his face was not easy.

  Because although he is famous, he is only a lonely man after all, and there are more famous people who have not yet made a move. In fact, his own move has reached this limit.

   "One and a half million!" Soon someone raised their hand again.

  Let’s talk about the other things first, the threat posed by the Immortal Ding alone is already more than this price.

  There are no wonders in the realm of cultivation, and the more weird things are, the more powerful they are!

  However, the price of 1.5 million yuan soon continued to be overwhelmed.

  The price has soared all the way, and some super characters can even be seen, and the people of the super family have all shot.

   "This mysterious medicine pot, we Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, that must be obtained."

   Ao Yuefeng said with a faint smile.

   then pressed the button in his hand.

   "Directly increase the price by 10 million high-grade spirit stones!"

"The Purple Diamond No. 2 box directly adds 10 million high-grade spirit stones. The current price is 17 million high-grade spirit stones! Is there anything higher? This tripod may be the legendary fairy! This strength is not comparable to that of ordinary top-grade spiritual weapons, so what are you waiting for!"

  The auctioneer also said very excitedly.

  After this venerable tripod is sold, it will be the real wealth. You only need to auction it to a very high price, which is enough for them. After the price goes up, their auction house will pay commission.

  If only the 10 million high-grade spirit stones were commissioned, it would have surpassed a million high-grade spirit stones.

  This is the money that can be made by selling how many suckling pigs, or it is better to make such money.

  The auctioneer was excited, but the price should be almost here.

   Directly increased the price by 10 million high-grade spirit stones, and only the people from Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion could take it out.

  Su Ying didn't make a move, so Aoyue Fenghao threw tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones, which was really incredible.

  It seems that Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion is very powerful recently.

Sure enough, after Aoyuefeng offered this price, many people fell silent. Although this tripod wanted it very much, but this price was not affordable for many people, even if it could afford it, in case it was. After the tripod was bought back, what went wrong, it couldn't be lost.

   There are very few that can reach this price.

   "Hehe, is it enough to add more than 10 million? When my Gusu family has no money, it won't work."

"Fifty million!"

  A young hand was raised.

   Suddenly everyone's eyes were attracted to the past. When they saw the person in front of them, everyone was shocked. At the same time, they secretly said in their hearts that this was a good show.

  Gu Sulong.

  Gusu is right there.

  This surname is indeed very strange.

  But this Gu Sulong’s name is quite famous among the hundred grass thousand cities, the name of the first disciple, it’s not just a name.

  However, this Gu Sulong looked like a scorpion, and his cultivation talent was surprisingly perverted.

  It can be said that the birth is so perfect, people are awkward, but they have the capital to be awkward here.

More importantly, this Gusu family and the Aoyue family of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion have never been right. Even if they are in charge of this hundred grass and thousand cities, things often happen in this private. It's just that these are small things.

  There is nothing on the table.

   "This Gu Sulong, it's impossible to find death!"

  Ao Yuefeng saw this Gu Sulong jump out at this time, it was obviously not to give him face, this city area where Dali auction house is located, it is the site of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion.

  It seems that Gu Sulong does not want to go back.

  Ao Yuefeng's eyes were gloomy, but now in this situation, how can it be suppressed by this Gu Sulong? At the moment, this Ao Yuefeng is also a button under his hand.

  51 million!

  Added one million.

  And Gu Sulong did not dare to add tens of millions to tens of millions.

  But the price was still in hot pursuit in front of Ao Yuefeng.

  Both of them are increasing in the millions.

  Everyone is also watching the game between the two.

  The family represented by these two people does not allow them to lose.

"Seventy million!"

  Even the increase of one million level has directly reached the level of these 70 million high-grade spirit stones. Everyone took a breath of air, and this guy was really too exciting.

  70 million high-grade spirit stones, this is considered to be a vein of spiritual stone, so you can make so many high-grade spirit stones that you can't see.

  This high-grade spirit stone is an extremely precious existence among the spirit stones.

  "Ao Yuefeng, I know you are in it. I will directly increase it by 10 million. If you can continue to increase it, then I will give it to you, haha, 80 million!"

  Gu Sulong laughed and said.

   Ao Yuefeng's face changed for a short time.

  This is clearly forcing him to increase the price.

  If he doesn't take down this immortal cauldron, isn't that saying that his Aoyue family can't even get this mere 80 million high-grade spirit stones.

  But the budget brought in this time was only 60 million, and now it has exceeded that much.

  Next, there is not so much money left, and it can’t be paid at that time, it will cause trouble anyway.

  In fact, this price is more than enough even for a real fairy artifact.

   "Miss Su Ying..."

   "I have 20 million high-grade spirit stones here, which I can borrow from you temporarily."

  Su Ying said lightly, such a situation had already been thought of, and she was waiting for this Ao Yuefeng to speak.

   "Okay, thank you Miss Su Ying."

   Just when Aoyuefeng was about to continue to bid.

  I saw the light on the Purple Diamond Box No. 1 come on, and then heard the scream of the auctioneer who couldn’t wait. After waiting for so long, it was finally time.

  "The mysterious guest in the Purple Diamond Box No.1, bid 100 million!"

  (End of this chapter)

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