Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 935: People who shouldn't mess with

   Chapter 935

  This is familiar!

  Chen Xuan became interested in an instant, and looked closely at the tiger beast. What kind of technique was used to cook things but still alive.

   Seeing the domineering appearance of the tiger and beast, not only did the people in the field not be frightened, but showed a fanatical smile.

   "Old rules, this is the main course for free today, for those who can live it!"

  It turns out that there is an unobvious attic in the hall, and the person speaking is standing on it, and this person is Tu Xiong.

   "Boss Tu is proud! What rank is this brutal beast today?"

Someone below    asked aloud.

  "Second-level intermediate, the five elements belong to fire. After special refining, one mouthful can top ten hundred-year-old ginseng! People who are weak, don't join in the fun, haha!" Tu Xiong answered with a big laugh.

   "Does Boss Tu look down on people!"

   "Don't grab it with me today, I will give out five thousand gold coins and pack it!"

   "I will give you six thousand gold coins, and you will get out of it."


  In the hall, there was another quarrel in an instant.

  Wang Yingjie and Wang Xiaoyou are not accustomed to this kind of occasion at all. If they sit on pins and needles, they want to leave immediately.

   Obviously, entering this place today may be their shadow for a long time.

  The tiger beast ran wildly, seeming to know that he was going to die, but now he just wanted to kill a few more humans and avenge himself, and pounced on everyone.

   Tigers and beasts are extremely strong, but the humans here are not weaker than it.

   Before the tiger beast had time to run to the nearest human, there was a middle-aged man who suddenly rushed over from the side, opened his mouth wide, and instantly tore off a piece of flesh and blood behind the tiger beast.


  The blood that had accumulated in the blood vessels due to the high temperature splashed out in an instant, spilling the middle-aged person all over.

  The middle-aged man didn't care at all, and carelessly wiped the blood on his face with his hand, and swallowed his flesh and blood in front of the tiger beast.


  The beast's eyes turned blood red in an instant, and the tiger beast turned around to fight back, but was attacked by another young man. A sword light flashed by and the tiger's tail was cut off.

   "Mine!" The young man laughed, jumping in the air to grab the tiger's tail, and put it in his mouth.

  And this is just the beginning. Dozens of people seem to use the tiger beast as a tonic, biting one piece from the left and tearing one from the right, exposing large pieces of white bones.

  The tiger beast is still alive.

  Fear finally squeezed away the anger, the tiger and beast screamed and wanted to escape.

  Where would anyone want to let it go. The moment one person stopped, the others stopped instantly, and in the blink of an eye, the tiger beast was covered by the crowd.

  When Chen Xuan saw the tiger beast again, he saw almost all of the tiger beast’s body turned into white bones, and there were moist water marks in the tiger’s eyes.

   "It's terrible!" Wang Xiaoyou's expression changed from fright to fear, buried in Wang Yingjie's arms and crying, never looking up again.

  Wang Yingjie patted Wang Xiaoyou on the back with a solemn expression. He was also shocked. He had been a hunter for a lifetime and had never seen such a scalp tingling scene.

  The cold sweat soaked Wang Yingjie's back.

  "How many friends, are you here for the first time?"

  The emotion hasn't recovered yet, a voice sounded around several people.

  Chen Xuan looked over and found that this was the person who had just been called Boss Tu.

  Chen Xuan nodded and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Xu Xiong showed white teeth and showed a simple smile, and sat down in front of Chen Xuan.

  "Do you think it died well?" Tu Xiong asked.

  The so-called it obviously refers to the tiger beast that has just been eaten by the crowd.

   "Any suggestions?" Chen Xuan said lightly.

  "It has countless scenery during its lifetime, occupying the mountain as its king, and no one passing by is not persecuted by it and swallowed brutally." Tu Xiong sighed.

   "But it shouldn't be absolutely wrong, because its cry led the cultivator over and was sent here after being subdued. This is the fate of provoking people who shouldn't be offended, even if it's just an unintentional mistake."

  Tu Xiong smiled at Chen Xuan showing his teeth again, and said, "Friend, do you understand?"

  Chen Xuan nodded as if he did not understand, looked at the white bones of the tiger beast, and said, "It should be some kind of pill, right?"

  Tu Xiong frowned, doesn't Chen Xuan still know what he meant? Said: "Yes, you have to understand that knowing your mistakes can improve Mo Dayan. As long as you converge, you should not end up like this."

"Thank you for your warning." Chen Xuan looked at Tu Xiong with a non-smiling smile, and said: "This pill may have strong side effects. Those who ate meat now have virtual sweat on their faces, which seems to be very strong. It's enjoyable, but it's a sign of yang deficiency."

   "So what, what does it have to do with what I said?" Tu Xiong's eyes gradually became cold.

   "It doesn't matter. The stunt made by this method works well, but it can only attract these wine and rice bags." Chen Xuan shook his head, a little disdainful.

"Do you mean that you are stronger than them?" Tu Xiong sneered, and pointed at a person at random: "This is the son of the Li family, the Shangshu of the Criminal Department, who has a profound spiritual root, and is now a foundation-building monk. In the future, he will inherit his father’s family business. With a loud voice, I don’t know how many alchemists are his guest officials."

   "What are you?" Tu Xiong said with disdain.

   "What am I?" Chen Xuan smiled embarrassedly, and stood up in the nervous eyes of Wang's father and daughter.

Gradually walked to the corpse of the tiger beast that no one cares about, took out the remaining Qi Devouring Pill from his arms, crushed it by hand, and squeezed some juice from a herbal medicine, and poured it all together On the head of the tiger beast.

  In Tu Xiong’s impatient eyes, the pair of eyes that had lost sight of the tiger regained its brilliance, and using the only remaining skeleton, they stood up bit by bit.

   "Does he want to gnaw bones?"

  Someone accidentally saw Chen Xuan's movements.

  I was shocked when I saw the tiger beast standing up again.

   There was a moment of silence in the field, including Tu Xiong, their mouths grew.

   "This time, you stand and die." Chen Xuan wiped the tiger beast's eyelids with his hand.

  The tiger beast did not struggle at all, and instantly Chen Xuan's strength gradually closed his eyes.

  If it weren’t for the tiger beast to still stand there with its skeleton, I’m afraid everyone would think it was an illusion.

  A clean savage beast still being eaten, can he stand up again and die? What a joke!

  Chen Xuan returned to his seat under the shocked gaze of the whole hall.

   "What does Guo Yifan want you to do?" Chen Xuan asked calmly.

  Tu Xiong has not yet eased from the shock, and said in surprise: "What pill did you use just now?"

  "You answer my question first." Chen Xuan calmly picked up a cup of tea and sipped it to his mouth.

  Tu Xiong shook his head, "I can't say."

  "Is it the same as it?" Chen Xuan pointed at the tiger beast.

   "Not much difference."

  (End of this chapter)

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