Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 936: Devour Tiger Bones

  Chapter 936 Devouring Tiger Bone

  The tiger beast stood and died. It was really amazing. Originally, there were many powerful people in this banquet. Not only the strong people from the rivers and lakes came many, but also Li Gongzi of the Criminal Ministry was also present.

  Where can so many powerful people get Chen Xuan's hands? But the dead tiger really came back to life and died again, I have to say that these methods are very powerful.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect Brother Chen Xuan to have some ways." Xu Xiongpi smiled, his face was embarrassed at this time, and he quietly glanced at Guo Yifan, who was turning his wine glass among the crowd, and saw that his face was dark and gloomy. It is dissatisfaction.

  Damn, Xu Xiong's eyes are very deep at this time. He knows Guo Yifan's methods very well. If this guy breaks, he will end up miserably!

   Immediately Xu Xiong bit his scalp, and he looked at Chen Xuan in front of him with a sudden flicker of cold light.

   "Brother Chen, they all say that this tiger is the king of the jungle and respected by the beasts, but I don't believe this tiger, you can still eat it!"

  Xu Xiong sneered and waved his hand in full view. Severely jammed the hand bones in his hands. I could see that the bones of the tiger were torn apart.

  Countless people are shocked!

  Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him curiously. He was always looking for things at the banquet. How could Chen Xuan not know? It's just that it is quite inconvenient to take action when the strong are present, and if it is not possible, it will cause trouble to the upper body and therefore have to act in a low-key manner.

  But watching Xu Xiong at this time, instead of trying to calm down, he forced a shot. He smashed the bones of the tiger abruptly, what would he do?

   "Look at me!" Xu Xiong grinned grimly, holding a handful of white tiger bones in his hand, and it was smashed...all into his belly.

  This shocked many people. After all, the bones of this beast contain a violent aura, and there must be a huge difference from normal martial arts resources. If it is not done properly, it may be poisoned to death!

  Xu Xiong’s belly bulged, as if filled with countless auras, and his belly was very heavy. It's just that with his continuous absorption and refining at this moment, he returned to normal soon.

  Chen Xuan said in his heart: "This guy's physical strength is really not weak. It seems that the reason why he dared to make frequent provocations with me today depends on this."

   Seeing this guy's tricks clearly, Chen Xuan naturally sneered and mocked.

  It’s okay to use this skill with others, but if you want to deal with him, you shouldn’t be able to do it.

"Haha, Brother Chen heard that you are not weak at the level of martial arts. You don't dare to try and try? Of course, it doesn't matter if you admit the counsel, after all, if the martial arts physical strength is not enough, you will be killed and poisoned. But it's not good, haha!"

  Xu Xiong sneered.

   "Looking for something to die!"

  Sun Zhihao and Wang Yingjie are angry at the same time! ! Although the resources of this beast can be artificially refined, what is the point of swallowing the bones without much value?

  This kind of behavior is clearly picking things and really makes these two warriors feel uncomfortable! Wang Yingjie looked a little bit obsessed. After Chen Xuan's side glanced at the most of the white and terrifying tiger bones in front of him, he tightened his clothes and said lightly, "I think it's common for him to see and swallow it. Is it? I am coming!"

  Speaking, he will do it. Xu Xiong's eyes suddenly surged with murderous intent in the depths of Xu Xiong's eyes. He clenched his fists and seemed to be very dissatisfied and wanted to shoot.

"Let me do it."

  Chen Xuan shook his head with a smile.

   "But this..."

  Wang Yingjie gritted his teeth. This is not a joke. Chen Xuan has the ability to endure but is limited in the end. The violent aura inside this animal bone is very terrifying and cannot be easily resisted. Even if he is willing to take a risk and is ready to come back for some price, he dare to try.

  He doesn't think that the boy in front of him can compare and confront him in terms of physical resistance.

   "I am challenged by others, and you may not be able to agree to go to my place for me. Even if I agree to be ridiculed, I will certainly not avoid it since it is against me."

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly and looked at Wang Yingjie in front of him with a sharp look in his eyes.

  Wang Yingjie was stunned and then he quietly retreated.

"Okay, it's really a bit courageous. Haha, if Brother Chen is like this, you can start to swallow it now." There was ecstasy in Xu Xiong's eyes, but at this time he still pretended to be calm and looked at the person in front of him. Chen Xuan bared his teeth and said with a smile.


  Chen Xuan nodded.

  It can be seen that he is really plain at the moment. It seems that this immediate challenge is not too difficult for him...

  At the banquet in front of him, the extremely white bones of the Tigers waved with savage and violent light. It can be seen that even though it has died, the beast energy of the tiger's hand in the bone is still very obvious.

  If you get close, you will be uncomfortable by the impact of these air currents. There is a creepy feeling if you swallow it, the consequences are hard to imagine.

"Yifan, you can rest assured that I am a big bear, with extremely powerful defense and detoxification methods. Besides, I have taken the Poison Pill in advance before I dared to try it. I definitely don't believe that the kid in front of me has the ability to resist. Unless. He pretends, but if he eats a little bit, he will die!"

  Xu Xiong looked at Guo Yifan and assured him that he was extremely confident and hideous.

  A few meters away, Guo Yifan nodded, his expression that was a little worried involuntarily relaxed. He squinted with his hands in his sleeves and took a nap.

  The seven-eight-meter-long Tiger Forest White skeleton is terrifying, even if it was swallowed by Xu Xiong before, there are still four or five meters left.

  Not to mention eating and swallowing these substances, even if they are to be transported, it is not so easy! Chen Xuan nodded abruptly and swept out with a slap in the face!

  咚...The terrifying force of impact immediately caused the bones to burst into pieces. Despite the fact that there are still many remaining parts of the tiger's bones, but under the sweep and crush of this slap, it still bursts into residues almost instantly.

After these bones turned into residue, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and a smile appeared. Open the mouth wide and siphon all the residues into the mouth.

  Almost just a moment, the bones of the tiger completely disappeared. "Hey..." Chen Xuan hiccuped, looking unfinished.

   "Hehe, this beast bone is just not enough to laugh at." Chen Xuan looked at Xu Xiong, and then smiled lightly under the gaze of the former like dead gray.

  The indifferent expression is filled with a bit of cold light, which is frightening!

  Many people looked at the scene in front of them, and they couldn’t help appearing a little dazed. This kid just swallowed such a powerful substance, how powerful his body should be!

  (End of this chapter)

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