Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 937: Dance together

   Chapter 937 Dancing Together

  At this lively banquet, Chen Xuan slapped the bones in front of him with a slap, and the huhu fragments were turned into countless particles, which were strongly absorbed by him.

  Chen Xuan patted his stomach and made a full hiccup. There was no pain, but he pursed his mouth very comfortably, seemingly unsatisfied: "It's pretty good."

  Everyone was shocked! This kid has a huge amount... the key is how this kid's physical strength is so strong?

  Xu Xiong's face went black and white, and he really didn't know what to say.

Now he is in a dilemma, riding a tiger, and continuing to trouble Chen Xuan. It is estimated that many big figures present will have a lot of resentment. If he can't directly take action to teach him, this will not only fail to teach Chen Xuan's purpose, but will instead. It's horrible to be cleaned up.

  This is not so good. It's just that if you don't make a move, then you will have to swallow it! Xu Xiong's face became ugly as he thought about it this time! Holding both fists tightly, wishing to tear the young man in front of him to pieces!

  Returning to the seat, the few friends around them all automatically came around.

   "Boy... your physique is so strong!"

  "Your kid kept it to us so hard. I knew that your kid was so strong. Anyway, I have to anger that kid again and make him pay more! It's yours!"

  Cai Yingmeng and Wang Yingjie, they leaned over at this moment, and they were really excited at this time.

  After all, if Chen Xuan's abilities become stronger, they will be the biggest beneficiaries. Not only in the power of the sect, the power will increase, even if they venture out, they can also obtain a huge helper combat power.

  This is really a huge benefit for them. Chen Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had suffered a lot in secret during this period of time before he was able to grow his abilities to where he is now.

   And some of the hardships and bitterness, naturally there is no need to tell outsiders.

  After all, you have to endure hardships to be a master!

   "Hehe, it's just normal and needs to be strengthened." Chen Xuan smiled faintly. When I saw it, his attitude was still very indifferent.

  The friends around are all smiling. This kid's endurance is unfathomable, and this has been fully demonstrated in the previous battles. If he doesn't want to say anything, it will be for nothing.

   "This guy is really a man with a story." The two looked at each other and shook their heads. Anyway, the danger and challenge have disappeared, and they don't care how Chen Xuan's ability came from, and where is the boundary of strength...

  After the episode of the banquet, it can be regarded as a short period of exhaustion. After all, Xu Xiong had just started this fight, and it was resolved by Chen Xuan almost underestimating it.

  This made the martial arts style not lifted, and the whole banquet was almost at the end now, and they were naturally tired and lazy and felt that it was time to end the meeting.

  Chen Xuan put his hands in his sleeves. Unlike most people, he is not at all relaxed now, nor is there any joy of victory.

  He occasionally looked at the young man with a gloomy attitude among the crowd, and he could not help showing a deeply worried expression, his brows frowned, and Chen Xuan's interior was very unstable.

"Chen Yifan, haha. This insidious guy, he won't give up easily." Chen Xuan thought about this in his heart. After this banquet, he will return to the Ancient Medicine Sect, and even if the Chen Yifan family is so powerful, he thinks If you want to pursue the ancient medicine sect to retaliate, you are looking for death.

  And the ancient medicine sect is very close to here. And there are no particularly remote paths. If there is an attack here, it is almost impossible to get news.

  Chen Xuan knew that if this guy wanted revenge, now would be the best chance... Staring at the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan wanted to know what kind of way this guy would come up with.

  As the banquet was about to end, it was possible to see that Chen Yifan, who had been relatively low-key before, stepped out.

The robes all over his body were windless and automatic, which made him look a little bloated. Chen Yifan Mo-the big ring in his hand came in front of him and moved his muscles and bones and said: "Today's banquet, everyone is very happy and happy that no one is dancing to cheer up. It's a pity. I'm not talented at the next level, and I'm willing to dance swords for everyone. I don't know how."

  Chen Yifan's majestic and majestic appearance gives people a hearty feeling. His appearance almost instantly brought a screaming sound to the fans around him.

   However, when Chen Yifan looked at Chen Xuan at this time, his eyes were sharp, and there seemed to be a murderous intent in the depths of his eyes.

  Incomparable killing and cutting fluctuations are as sharp as a knife, and the stabbing people are in pain!

  Wow...Many people immediately applauded. Chen Yifan can be regarded as a top genius in the entire Pan'an City. Even those big people who have achieved fame will give him some face when treating him.

  Because he wants to shoot a sword dance, it naturally scratches a lot of people. They all want to see, besides martial arts, what other talents does this guy have?

   "Haha... Since this kid is interested, that's the best thing, let's open our eyes too!"

   "I really want to see how powerful this kid can be, come on, see and see!" Many people were interested at this time.

   Chen Xuan felt an astonishing killing and locked him. He squinted at this moment.

  This guy actually shot it himself!

   "Xu Xiong is defeated, so you can come by yourself. Ha ha...what if you just come by yourself?" Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly.

  He really looks forward to this guy being able to play some new tricks, at least it can bring him some challenges, otherwise it would be really boring.

  Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, no matter how many changes you have, I naturally have certain rules, and see what tricks you can play.

"It's not interesting to dance a sword alone. At today's banquet, this brother Chen Xuan performed very well. He has shown quite a lot of prowess at the level of martial arts. I think I will not refuse to let these big men Disappointed? How about coming to dance?"

  Chen Yifan looked at Chen Xuan with a cold look. A knife-like substance emerged from the depths of his eyes, and the person who killed the thorn in the cold was a little uncomfortable.

  No matter what kind of things on the rivers and lakes, as long as people send an invitation, you'd better not refuse it, otherwise it will cause some trouble.

  Chen Xuan stared at the gaze from his opponent, he nodded faintly, and smiled. I could see him standing up and looking at the provocative young man in front of him. Under the attention of countless people, he said faintly: "Okay, since you are interested in this, then I will play with you."

   Suddenly, the crowd was in an uproar!

  Chen Yifan looked sharp and smiled, nodded, curled his lips and said: "Okay, let's try it."

  (End of this chapter)

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