Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 973: Aura Treasures

  Chapter 973 Spiritual Treasure

"Yeah, I will." Looking at the top expert in front of him, Chen Xuan with a smile, although he is very powerful, he doesn't mean the least, and he has taken several shots to save him from the edge of danger. This made Chen Xuan a pretty good impression on him.

  Other people watched the two people have a pleasant conversation, and they all felt deeply shocked.

  You must know that Zheng Junjian's position in the entire ancient medicine sect is like a monument to martial arts! There are many people with such an amazing Wu Daoqiang who want to make friends with, but there are very few people who can really arouse his interest.

  However, there are several geniuses on the scene. They have very powerful means and abilities at the level of martial arts, and their prospects and potential are also very good.

  But they did not expect that with their ability, they would not be able to get the slightest attention from Zheng Junjian, but the newcomer in front of them made the top master doubly caring, which made people feel a little jealous.

  Looking at Chen Xuan in front of them, their moods and emotions inevitably seemed a bit complicated.

  "Farewell then!" Zheng Junjian held the sparkling big sword, he looked at the quite tall and dazzling pagoda behind him, and a smile emerged from his mouth.

  It’s just that this smile also contains a considerable concentration of confidence and warfare. Obviously, the purpose of his return this time is the pagoda in front of him.

   "Good luck to you!" Chen Xuan smiled!

  Don't think they can be together when they come, but after entering this pagoda, they will act alone! After all, the opening time of this pagoda is very limited, and the resources and treasures in it are relatively scattered.

  If a team is always together, it is not much different from a person looking for resources!

  And this is inevitably a deep waste of resources and venues such as the Wangu Huangzun Building! Therefore, only by choosing to operate separately can we get the most out of this internal resources.

  After half an hour.

  The originally quiet Wangu Huangzun Building suddenly brightened up. The waves of light radiated slowly from the inside of his body, and he was able to clearly see the substance like water waves, impacting in the space, which made those in the core place.

  They are all extremely pale, and it can even be seen that many people are vomiting blood in this majestic and intense aura wave and it can be seen that they are embarrassed to a certain extent.

   "What a powerful shock wave." Looking at these substances, Chen Xuan pursed his lips in surprise. I really didn't expect that the power of the resources that only fluctuates is so amazing and stalwart, how terrifying the internal resources should be!

   really makes people wait and see!


  "Start first is better!"

   "My...who dares to compete with me this time?"

  The countless people present inevitably showed a state of excitement at this time. Staring at the incomparably powerful tall buildings in front of them burst out with incomparably powerful means and confidence, screaming, the piercing and impact power surged violently.

  At this time, you can clearly see them quickly ingesting into the tall building in front of you. The body of the pagoda in front of you with amazing aura ripples, and the surging surging of those people disappeared near the pagoda.

   Soon the thousands of people disappeared. There are still many people in the distance that continue to burst into the pagoda.

  It's just that these people's ability and ability and level are really not high, because they can't pierce the incomparably powerful barrier in front of them. Amidst the rippling waves, the body twisted and vomited blood.

   can only be jumped out in embarrassment. Chen Xuan walked towards the Huangzun Building in front of him with a faint smile.

Ok? !

  But it was also at this time that he was slightly stunned and suddenly raised his head, incredible! ...

  In the eternal emperor's building with amazing waves surging in front of you, you can clearly see it at this time. There was naturally some condensed matter in the depths of the thick ripples.

  This thing gives people a strange feeling and cannot be seen easily. If it were not because Chen Xuan hadn't acted in a hurry, he probably wouldn't have discovered the opportunity for the extremely powerful resource in front of him.

   "It seems interesting."


   Chen Xuan immediately turned into a flash of light and hit the condensate. Layers of ripples surged across his body, which caused Chen Xuan's speed of action to be hit and suppressed.

  But he is still very strong and firm at this time, and he can clearly see it at this time. The powerful martial arts in both hands are really powerful and terrifying like a knife. Puchi Puchi shattered all the materials around him almost instantaneously under his rapid violent sting.

"this is!"

  Looking at the shimmering thing in front of you, there seems to be something like a jujube core inside! The mysterious aura and matter surging within it made Chen Xuan feel as if sacred aura surging from all over his body.

  Although he still can't figure out what the substance inside is, he still ponders for a while and decides to take it away.

  The thick and incomparable spiritual energy fluctuations in the palm of his hand surging swiftly, and these powerful substances made his palm begin to become a little thin and sharp.

  咻...The amazing palm swept out, and the palm, which was several times stronger than the sharp knife, came quickly. When the sweeping fluctuations were almost instantaneous, they were hit very hard!

   Suddenly, the sparkling substance was controlled by him. The astonishing light gradually subsided in Chen Xuan's hands, and at this time, it was possible to clearly see that the golden jujube-like thing surging inside began to calm down.

   "What is this?" Chen Xuan was really stunned, trying to send the spiritual energy into it for detection, but did not find any special power in the jujube core in front of him.

  Empty also looks like nothing special! "It's not easy to explain that this thing can appear here. It seems that it should be taken away first." Immediately, he calmly grabbed the thing and gradually disappeared.

  "Little beast, put things down for me!"

  The very old voice exploded swiftly, and it contained and contained a very not weak hatred and killing intent. It was almost a momentary moment that surrounded Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan felt that there seemed to be countless small knife-like substances sent into his body, which made his body really cold and bitter. But at this time, he swept this guy indifferently, and some fighting intentions appeared!

  (End of this chapter)

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