Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 974: Enter Huangzun Building

  Chapter 974 Entering Huangzun Building

  The shimmering treasure was pinched by Chen Xuan. At this time, he could clearly see that the thick and shimmering treasure was absorbed by him.

   Looking at the extremely old figure in front of him, Chen Xuan just sneered. How can there be any reason to vomit out what has entered my hands?

   "Looking for death!"

  It seems to have discovered that this kid in front of him is simply impossible to give him the things in his hands! The old man in front of him became angry almost instantly. The terrifying and shining aura surging swiftly.

  The horrible black wave light exploded like a lightning swiftly. call out! The astonishing martial arts killing and attacking, came to you very quickly, and you could clearly feel it at this time. This astonishing intent to kill seems to be able to wipe it out.

   His whole body was threatened by the powerful, heavy and extremely rich chain. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and insisted on contending. When the old figure in front of him arrived, the material fluctuations in his hands began to grow stronger.


  The terrifying and astonishing killing strikes blasted in front of the eyes with swift and violent bursts, and it was almost at the core when it was almost instantaneous. Boom... The terrifying and astonishing martial arts killings made people feel that they couldn't easily contend and endure.

  The strong blows from both sides caused the entire pagoda to shake slightly. Chen Xuan was shocked.

  His face was pale with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and a hot tingling sensation spread throughout his body. After a little contemplation, he saw his pale face and said: "In the early stage of foundation building!"

  The base-building realm martial arts strength has undergone a fundamental change! This is a worldly difference from people in the condensing state. The one hundred condensed peaks is not an opponent of the foundation-building realm. Chen Xuan felt that all the bones in his body seemed to be broken!

  Grit your teeth to bear the pain from the body. Hey, a flash of horror, like lightning, tore the sky in front of you, almost disappearing between the sky and the earth...

  In the space full of spiritual energy fluctuations in front of us, lightning-like waves of light swiftly rushed away, and almost instantaneously, this astonishingly powerful material fluctuation was tearing the space in front of us.

  The brilliance fell on the mountain in front of you. The huge martial arts shock wave swiftly destroyed the plants at the top of the mountain into illusory existence.

  Chen Xuan walked out of it and really appeared to kill him.

   "I am not dead, you are waiting to make you pay the price." Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly and became indifferent.

  The incomparably rich aura in this space in front of him is terrifying. Chen Xuan's strong absorption here seems like a fish in the water, but although these auras are extremely strong, for him, he is dissatisfied that they are not strong enough because they cannot be upgraded at all with these aura resources.

  It seems that we must quickly find the real core of the eternal emperor building. Absorb the core resources. Perhaps it will be possible to achieve overtaking in a corner and improve its ability in a short period of time.

  Otherwise, facing the challenge of Gu Yunyan, even if he ventured to go to the appointment, he would probably fail cruelly.

  In this case, he is not only unable to face his opponent, but also unable to face himself!

  A battlefield close to the core.

  Chen Xuan came out step by step. At this moment, you can see the depth of the jungle in front of you, the faint aura light surging with intensity. If it looks purely from the surface, there is no abnormal situation at all.

Because there are thousands of similar things in the training field in front of you, and there are more powerful and high-quality training fields than this place. Many people will not pay attention to this ordinary one. local.

  However, at this time, I can see Chen Xuan with a serious attitude. After walking around this place for several laps, he suddenly clicked!

  The waves within the feet are thick. At this time, the power is also very powerful! Boom... the terrifying force of the fall caused the ground under the feet to abruptly shattered, followed by countless cobweb-like horrible cracks, which exploded swiftly and violently.

  The astonishing and incomparable tearing fluctuations make the large space appear bursting. The whistling light of aura surging within that. Standing under such aura, Chen Xuan was really excited.

  "There are all kinds of condensed resources in this eternal emperor's building. These resources are extremely powerful! As long as you can get them, I believe you will get huge benefits in a short time. Haha, it's another place!"

  Chen Xuan pursed his lips and laughed. He really got a lot of similar resources during the recent period. And under the constant strong absorption, the martial arts level that should have taken a longer time to improve.

   was also successfully shortened under his efforts. Now Chen Xuan only needs to give him some more resources to complete the martial arts promotion.

  But it was also at this time that several dissatisfied figures came out slowly in the farther jungle.

Headed by    is a strong young man who seems to be handsome. Behind it is an astonishing wave of big guns surging cold and killing it all.

  He looks handsome and handsome in his twenties. A pair of eyes are as bright as stars.

  Waiting got the eyes. An astonishing killing was surging in the eyes of the tiger, and it must be said that such a wave of killing and killing made people feel very fearful.

  On the battlefield in front of you.

  The young man is like a martial arts monument. If he takes a shot, I believe that not everyone can resist it. Chen Xuan squinted at the guy in front of him, he knew immediately that the person looking for the matter had finally appeared.

  Haha...This period has been peaceful enough. If no one noticed his behavior, it would be really weird! Chen Xuan smiled faintly at this moment...

   "Boy, you have a lot of resources now. It is estimated that you have gradually reached the stage and level of breakthrough. I really admire it."

The young man headed by    looked at Chen Xuan and showed no obvious emotions. However, I can clearly feel that there is a thick icy cold light in the depths of this person's eyes surging with a penetrating light.

   "Well, how?" Chen Xuan looked at him lightly.

  The young man said: "Make friends! I don't mean to hurt you." A smile appeared on his teeth, but no matter how he looked at it, there was a kind of reluctance and sorrow.

  Chen Xuan said with an arm: "Okay, then it's settled, I have something to leave first."

   He arched his hand at the young man in front of him, but he had no interest in continuing to talk to him. Walking forward, Chen Xuan's movement speed was still violent and almost disappeared in a moment.

  Several old men behind the young man suddenly frowned and saw it. At this moment, they really became a little cold.

  (End of this chapter)

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