Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 985: Really looking forward to

   Chapter 985

The mysterious light cluster can be seen radiating from the sky at a height of ten meters. It is like a gem-like thing. The whole body is surging with thick ripples. These ripples are as dense and condensed as water waves. The mysterious resources of the core show intensity. .

  I can see that this kind of thing and material is terrifying. From the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see that its thick and powerful defense layer has been shaky and overwhelmed under the continuous fierce bombardment of several youths of Yun Yizong. It seems that as long as it is to increase some strength again. Boom it to pieces.

  I was so blasted to the extreme, the light group broke apart!

   "Hehe is really a good thing." Chen Xuan stood in the depths of the grass and looked at the light in front of him with a faint smile. He stared at the bones in the most central part, really showing his coveting eyes.

  But at the moment that the light ball splits, you can see that the powerful absorption and swallowing force in Chen Xuan's palm is surging. Accompanied by the astonishing surging of these substances.

  The bones a hundred meters away flew towards him! Instantly fell into Chen Xuan's palm, feeling the not weak wave force surging back from the palm of his hand, Chen Xuan squinted in shock.

"The connotation of this bone is even stronger than the hand bone. This is really amazing." Chen Xuan could feel the mysterious aura inside this being a bit more intense at this time, and immediately knew the value of this thing, a touch of spiritual energy came from the water. The surging rushed into the bones in front of me.

  The bones were wrapped in the light of aura, and then they were given by Chen Xuan. I didn’t expect to encounter this level of treasure when I went out. It was really lucky.

   "Looking for something to die!"

"Who is there!"

   "Get out of here!"

   Unspeakable and imaginable horror and killing fluctuations were sent out from many disciples of Yun Yizong quickly. At this time, they turned into terrifying existences like arrows from the string, bursting into the deepest part of the grassland one after another.

  "It's Chen Xuan's little beast!" Guo Yifan jumped into anger! With his fists clenched tightly in the depths of his eyes, a thick bloodshot appeared.

Obviously since the last martial arts competition, he, a powerful being who is not weak and capable, has always been passively eaten under the shadow of this kid. Whenever he thinks of these things, Guo Yifan has a feeling of anger in his heart, as if he is about to explode. Come out and tear up all his shells!

  He tried to kill this kid several times! It is a pity that there is always no opportunity! Today, I suddenly saw that he was really shaking with excitement under the effect of huge excitement!

   "You said that this kid is Chen Xuan, or the young genius alchemist of that ancient medicine sect?"

"Well... Senior Brother Guo Liang is this kid who snatched what should belong to us. And this time you also saw that even with your presence in the middle of the foundation building, he is still such a domineering and powerful person who shot the ancient medicine sect. The overbearing is evident."

   "He still chose to take action and successfully took things away with so many of us here. I think he simply didn't put us people in his eyes!"

  Various voices came from the mouths of many young people in Yun Yizong, but at this time, there was no obvious emotional fluctuation on the face of Guo Liang, the top young man in the front.

He waved his hand and the babbled voice around him gradually disappeared, and he stepped out, terrifying like a mountain of martial arts. The super powerful breath, the swift surging erupted with astonishing intensity of killing and influence. Force has to be said to be terrifying.

  Guo Liang looked at the young man in front of him, and deep in his eyes, there was a strong wave of killing and felling. It seems that it is possible to forcibly kill the opponent at any time! …

  Chen Xuan quietly collected the bones, and he could feel the pressure from the other party. I can vaguely hear the ridicule from the young people in front of me: "This kid is still trying to resist? Hehe I will ask him to kneel down and beg for mercy after a while."

   "Kneeling is not good, haha, let him know what cruelty is, and let him regret coming to this world."

   "Hehe is really looking forward to it."...These amazing mockery seemed like countless bees buzzing, which made Chen Xuan feel a little irritated and irritated.

  But can you take out the things that he got it? With a faint smile at this time, he looked at the top and powerful being in front of him. Although the difference in martial arts between the two sides was quite large, Chen Xuan did not have the slightest fear or care.

   "Brother Guo Liang is so presumptuous when facing you, don't give him a chance to kill him!"

   "Humming something overwhelmingly alone is still pretending to face so many of us alone. It seems that this is simply looking for death, don't give it the slightest chance to kill it!"

"Destroy this little beast!"...Guo Liang walked slowly towards Chen Xuan surrounded by these people, and he could clearly see that deep in his eyes was surging with the incomparable martial arts killing all. I have to say that such an astonishing intensity is terrifying.

   But it was also when the powerful being in the middle of the foundation building was about to take action, Guo Yifan moved his muscles and bones and walked out with an extremely joking expression.

  He reached the powerful warrior's side and a respectful voice appeared: "This kid likes to pick up leaks quickly, but he doesn't have any real skills. It's enough for me to kill the chicken with a sledgehammer to deal with this kind of stuff."

   "In that case, you are careful to fight for alive. This kid has some value for the ancient medicine sect. Use him in exchange for greater benefits." Guo Liang said lightly.

  It seems that for a person like Chen Xuan who only has the condensing level, he is really not interested in him.

  Guo Yifan nodded, and he looked at Chen Xuan with a grinning smile. Stepping out, the heavy aura that looked like a mountain of martial arts began to rise and become stronger. At this time, he could clearly see that with a cruel killing intent, he sternly stared at Chen Xuan: "I used to be a little beast. The second time I wanted to kill it with the help of other people’s hands was just for fear of causing unnecessary trouble. I didn’t expect you to come here by yourself this time. I was afraid that you would not dare to come to this Huangzun Building to accept the challenge. Die, then die."

"People like you dare to come, why don't I dare to come. Who else is dead? Are you dead or me?" Chen Xuan faintly looked at the arrogant young man in front of him. The degree of arrogance that came out was several times stronger than Guo Yifan.

"Hum things with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, I want to see your martial arts strength and confidence, whether they are as clever as your tongue, look for death, and see how I can torture you, my little master." Guo Yifan fisted fiercely. Helpless way.

  (End of this chapter)

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