Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 986: Guo Liang

  Chapter 986 Guo Liang

   An extremely cold martial arts confrontation broke out. Guo Yifan looked at Chen Xuanqi indifferently with ferocious and playful waves in the depths of Chen Xuanqi's eyes, and murderous intent surged in the depths of his dim eyes.

  The gust of wind is surging, burst out in an instant!

  The horrible wavering turned into a dazzling chain and smashed to Chen Xuan's side at lightning speed. It can be seen that Guo Yifan's ability to push to the extreme at this time, the seventh layer of Qi condensing ability has completely exploded.

  Guo Yifan gradually became clear in the light. The five fingers were as sharp as a knife, and he instantly came to De Chen Xuan's side, using his tricks so fiercely that he seemed to cut them in an instant.

   But his attack did not show any significance after all. But also at the moment he approached Chen Xuan, a terrifying counter-shock force was produced along with the sound of bones bursting.

  Guo Yifan flew out with a muffled snort. The not-weak martial arts brilliance that he had gathered before exploded in the space almost in an instant.

  He flew upside down for hundreds of meters and fell to the ground. At this time, he has turned into a mass of meat!


  The Yun Yizong disciple present was completely stunned! ...

   "The strength of the nine layers of condensing Qi."

   "How did this kid grow so fast? When he first entered Huangzun Building, wasn't he still on the seventh floor?"


  The youths of Yun Yizong present were all dumbfounded. They moved backwards one after another and could clearly see that the cold guilty emotions spread all over their faces, and they really looked terrified at this time.

  No one would have thought that the youth who had been ridiculed by them before would kill Guo Yifan with powerful martial arts in such a short period of time!

   "Looking for something to die!"

  Guo Liang's eyes are bloodshot and he is really furious at this time! This Guo Liang is his distant relative, although he is not very close, but after all, the relationship is not far away. Coupled with this martial arts adventure, he is absolutely the core of the backing existence.

  The kid in front of him actually beat his little brother in front of him. This is simply looking for death!

  The extremely cold wave of killing and cutting surged swiftly. These incomparable auras fluctuated into a knife-like existence, and these things fell on Chen Xuan's body, which caused Chen Xuan to fall into a state of suppression.


Guo Liang didn't mean to wait for the slightest. Two fists and squeezed the incomparable martial arts murderous waves, roaring out from his hands. I have to say that such astonishing and powerful waves make people feel that they cannot be easily taken. Resist and contend.

   shot away with a flash of light. A powerful aura suddenly surged in Guo Liang's palm. These incomparable auras formed terrible matter in his palm, which made his palm look like crystal clear existence.

When    came to Chen Xuan's side like a gust of wind, Guo Liang's eyes suddenly became sharp and sharp. A series of palm prints vented madly, almost smashing eighteen palms towards Chen Xuan within half a second.

  Don't look at the spread of the palm, but the power in it is still very solid. The intensity of the horror is fiercely cathartic, and such astonishing killings cannot be easily resisted.

   "Good coming!"

   "Break it for me!"

  Chen Xuan roared and strode forward to effectively counterattack these amazing blows by the former. It can be clearly seen that the powerful and strong martial arts strike force burst out in a rapid and incomparable manner.

   These powerful martial arts treasures are almost instantaneous, but Chen Xuan's martial arts confidence is still acceptable.

  Even if the distance spans two small levels of martial arts, it has not been crushed instantly. Eighteen palm prints were all broken. However, under such a heavy blow like a mountain, he was still vomiting blood and flew out.

  Ten fingers suddenly pierced into the solid earth in front of them, and they pierced it abruptly with the strong and thick piercing fluctuations.

  His body retreated in embarrassment, causing the bluestone under his feet to burst into two long narrow cracks.

  There was hot blood coming out of the cracks in the nails, which was really a bit spicy. In this space in front of you, you can clearly see that the thick and cold waves of the forest are surging with shocking waves of killing intent.

  Chen Xuan joked and laughed. Ha ha... This attack is considered mediocre, can it be stronger?

   "Did you actually contend with the Eighteen Palms of the Evil Cloud?" Guo Liang squinted in surprise.

   Although his palm technique is relatively low-level, it has and contains the wave of killing, but it is not weak, even if a warrior of his same level wants to contend with it, it is not that simple and easy.

  Who would have thought that this kid in front of him would have the ability to destroy him, although he was embarrassed by the vomiting blood, he was still unbelievable!

   "But I am curious about the limits of your martial arts." Guo Liang moved his muscles and bones. Originally it seemed that he didn't take Chen Xuan seriously, but now he is gradually disappearing from Yun Yizong and belongs to the real genius.

  Although there are not many shots in normal times, as long as the shots are inevitably earth-shattering. Martial arts vision is naturally possessed. Although Chen Xuan in front of him is not strong enough now, he believes that with the kid's ability and ability, as long as he grows for a period of time, he can grow into a real martial arts powerhouse.

  This kind of person cannot stay!

   "Undercurrents Kill Wave!"

  Guo Liang immediately sneered and stepped forward, gathering his powerful combat power almost in an instant. At this time, the black matter surging from his palm was venting, but under the action of the mysterious gathering and absorbing power, these material fluctuations still quickly converged into lines.

  A terrifying killing is surging inside the amazing lines. Ripples at the top of the line impacted, and they were five meters wide.

  Guo Liang's eyes became sharp and sharp, and then he waved his hand to explode the substance, huh! The astonishing martial arts tactics with irresistible and powerful killing power came before them almost in an instant.

  咻! The astonishing martial arts killing wave fiercely impacted and enveloped Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan looked at the astonishing power surging from the depths of the black matter, and at this moment he sneered. Without giving the slightest attention to the matter in front of him, the strong martial arts power began to surging and converge.

  The strong and thick gray-brown substance surging out with powerful force, Chen Xuan's arms became much thicker. After these earth materials reached their extremes, he punched the opponent with an astonishing impact and collided with the opponent in an instant.

  (End of this chapter)

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