Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 987: Force the tiger to jump off the wall

   Chapter 987

  Don't look at that amazing killing wave ability, but Chen Xuan's earth soul is definitely not the instant contact between the two parties who are vegetarians, the thick and powerful martial arts waves burst out quickly.

  The shocking collision produces powerful ripples. Both sides retreat separately.

   Although Chen Xuan was retreated after being bombarded, his whole body was also bursting with tear-like light, which seemed a bit embarrassing, but what appeared on the youth's face was a kind of indifferent.

  He moved his muscles and bones to dissipate the surging wave of killing and aura. At this time, he was really a bit cruel and domineering.

  Looking at the opposite opponent who also showed a backward posture, at this moment, he really pursed his mouth and laughed.

   Step back seven steps, sending both feet into the earth. The heavy body suddenly broke the earth under the feet. The bluestone, several meters wide, was suddenly broken apart.

  Guo Liang looked at Chen Xuan curiously and surprised: "Little beast, your physical strength is so strong that you can match me!"

  Chen Xuan just sneered if his physical strength was not up to the standard, he would dare to fight against this mid-foundation powerhouse? However, Guo Liang didn't care at all at this time. He said indifferently: "Even if you have a strong physique, how can this be nothing more than a few more fights. If your martial arts strength is not good, you can only become a fish in the end! Little beast, I see. See how long you can last under my thunderous blow?"

   After the extremely cold words fell, Guo Liang's incomparable fighting spirit rose again. The shocking and incomparable killings surged in his body, which made the surrounding space of hundreds of meters incarnate into a terrifying existence like a Shura field.


  Guo Liang burst out swiftly and violently! This time his martial arts murderous intent became rich. During the movement, his body faintly transformed into a terrifying leopard-like form.

  This leopard is vivid and full of horror. It seems that as long as it can touch people, it can bring terrifying blows and injuries to people in an instant.

  Chen Xuan vaguely heard someone around him exclaiming: "Brother Guo Liang uses the Sky Leopard Flowing Cloud Artifact. This kid in front of him will undoubtedly die."

   "Unexpectedly, Brother Guo Liang was able to explode such astonishing confidence, this kid is dead without regrets, hehe, I really want to appreciate the death scene of this kid in front of me."

"Beat it first and step on a few feet well, hehe, then let this kid know that his ancient medicine sect will not work after all." The icy and incomparable ridicule sounded constantly and had to say such amazing scenes. It feels scary.

  In the space in front of him, the leopard came to Chen Xuan's ears with the voices of those discussions.

"Hehe Tianbao Liuyunjue? Although the true power of this one is not weak, it seems that there is still a gap compared with my Star Meteorite Fist." Chen Xuan sneered, although his martial arts level was not as good as the opponent's. The martial arts strength is almost close.

  If this guy walked out in the middle stage of foundation construction, I believe that with his terrifying ability and strength, Chen Xuan can be crushed away, but obviously he still can't do it at all.

  Astonishing and incomparable martial arts murderous incomparable swift and violent rise, astonishing incomparable intensity turned into dense starlight. The unparalleled wave strength gathered in Chen Xuan's hands, and the powerful material piercing force exploded quickly.

  A round of blows like a big day came before us. Chen Xuan let out the powerful attack with a roar, and almost instantly the blow touched the astonishing leopard on the opposite side.

  咻! The terrifying martial arts shot suddenly landed on this amazing leopard. Although the leopard in front of him looked very powerful, it was almost impossible to contend with this powerful Star Meteorite Fist.

  The punch of amazing brightness and intensity hits the eyes almost instantly. The terrifying piercing fluctuations suddenly tore the leopard away.

   can clearly see the leopard in front of him showing a painful and distorted posture. The incomparably powerful piercing and forward fluctuations of the Star Meteorite Fist made the layer upon layer of matter in front of him burst apart, and the thick martial arts ripples spread out, and the leopard collapsed into nothingness.

  Leopard disappeared and Guo Liang appeared in a panic. Chen Xuan looked at him indifferently, shocking waves of terror surging in the depths of his eyes. I can clearly see him sending out a punch!

  A shocking fist hit Guo Liang's thick chest. The young man in front of him was suddenly cracked in his chest. Blood rushed out of the wound without money, and he could clearly see that his face was really pale at this time.

  Looking like a heavy stone, it was hard to see that he was hit harder at this time. No one would have thought that this powerhouse, who should have a greater advantage, would be bombarded and crashed into the ground during the battle with Chen Xuan, who only had the nine-level condensed energy realm.

  The people present at this time are all guilty.

Standing in the void in front of him, Chen Xuan vaguely discovered these people at the scene panicked: "Guo Yifan was killed and now even Guo Liang was hit hard. Where is our future? We have to continue. Fight?"

   "Finally, let's leave soon, otherwise I am afraid I will repeat the same mistakes, I don't want to die!"


  Many Yun Yizong disciples panicked at this time. The state of dissatisfaction disappeared when they first entered the Wangu Huangzun Building. Now they are panicked and just want to escape from this place soon...

  咚! The earth's dense and dusty breath exploded quickly and violently. Guo Liang, who had been blasted into a severely wounded state in the depths of the layers of earth and dust, walked out slowly.

  It can be seen that he is very domineering and strong at this time.

   "Brother Guo Liang is okay!"

   "Haha... it's really a false alarm!"

   "Brother Guo Liang defeated this Chen Xuan miscellaneous!"

  Guo Liang opened his mouth to spit out the blood mixed with minced meat and mud in his mouth. Staring at these Yun Yizong disciples present, he curled his mouth and was extremely cold and indifferent: "Don't go away with me nonsense! When something happens, I will be in a mess, how can Yun Yizong recruit your useless garbage and waste? "

Many disciples of Yun Yizong were shocked at once, but at this moment they looked at the young man in front of them, feeling the astonishing killing aura surging out of him, and believed that as long as they dared to talk nonsense, they would be shocked by the young man in front of them. It's choking.

With a posture of incomparable guilty conscience, I can see that many people are automatically retreating to Guo Liang and indifferent. He then looked at Chen Xuan and his eyes were full of warfare: "Little beast, you are trying to force a tiger to jump. Wall haha ​​I will make you pay a heavy price this time."

  (End of this chapter)

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