Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 989: Kill Guo Liang

  Chapter 989 Killing Guo Liang

  The terrifying power of blood and energy surged in Chen Xuan's body, and an extremely cold killing appeared in his body.

   Inspired the power of the bloodline. At this time, Chen Xuan's combat power was comparable to the ability of the mid-stage foundation. The incomparably powerful Evil Sacred Spirit Cracking Clock in his hand fluctuated with bursts of faint light, and the terrifying physical smashing force burst out continuously.

  Nine heavy blows made Guo Liang embarrassed. Although he seemed to be strong before, it is a pity that he can hardly even protect himself now.

  He was full of blood, looking pale and looking at the big clock that exploded in front of him, and suddenly wailed and begged for mercy.

  "Begging for mercy now? Why didn't you beg for mercy when you attacked earlier?"

  A cold and merciless voice came from Chen Xuan's mouth. At this time, he had no mercy at all, and a mocking and merciless attitude appeared on his face.

  The amazing big clock in his hand suddenly became stronger. A thick and deep black air was surging, and an astonishing black trajectory emerged in the space of the action accompanying the fall.


  The heavy bell with the smell of death suddenly fell. Guo Liang wailed and was struck by the powerful and heavy suppressing force, causing his flesh and blood to break apart, and his already very serious injury was now worsened again.

  The earth was smashed out of a pit with a depth of seven meters, and Guo Liang was embarrassed with blood. After Chen Xuan jumped to this big pit, he walked slowly towards this person, his eyes were all deep and then all the Yun Yizong disciples stared blankly at the next bell!

  咚! The great horror clock hit Guo Liang's chest immediately. The heavy and extremely heavy power smashed it into flesh and crushed it! ...

   "Fuck me all!"

Seeing the disciples of Yun Yizong who had been scared and silly, Chen Xuan taunted, and suddenly everyone fled away in embarrassment as if they were scared of their souls. After seeing the people around them finally cleaned up, it looked like it was still good. The powerful Chen Xuanpu spit out a mouthful of blood.

  I could see that his face was really pale at this time. Dissipating the light of blood surging from his body, he was also a little guilty at this time; "Fortunately, if these Yun Yizong disciples are timid and afraid of anything else, after the power of the pill disappears, their own strength will not be available for a short time. Back to normal. That would be really dangerous!"

   Wiping off the blood from the corners of his mouth, Chen Xuan decided to leave and rest for now.

   Five days later.

  In this quiet environment, the aroma of medicinal materials slowly radiated. Looking carefully, there are two mysterious medicinal plants that are wavying with gorgeous light at this time.

  I can see that one of the plants is surging with agile posture and colors, and it is like a graceful girl dancing in the hot flames at this time. I have to say that this medicinal material is really amazing and beautiful.

   And the beast core surging with profound fire next to it is even more terrifying. I could see that there seemed to be a beast's shadow on the surface. The amazing Profound Fire Beast roared from time to time, and the whole flame was torn apart.


  Chen Xuan made a fist and said. In the blink of an eye, the two amazing materials in front of him were under his control, and they merged swiftly and violently. At this time, you can clearly see them. At this instant in front of you, the two incomparable materials and resources are incomparably powerful. It is deep integration.

  Five minutes later, the strong aroma of immortality surged out. When the light of the spiritual dust was surging in the sky, it rose a full 100 meters in height, making the large areas of space aura to be seen as if incarnate into a beautiful world.

   "Mysterious fire and graceful pill is completed." Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He pursed his lips and laughed: "I really didn't expect that this little Guo Liang would have such a powerful resource in his hands. Haha, even if she had money, Luo Rui had no place to buy something, and it merged with the mysterious fire beast core to form a powerful pill. And because of it..."

  Now with the mysterious fire and graceful pill, Chen Xuan's instant combat power can be called the late stage of foundation building! Even if the powerful beings at the peak level in the later stage suddenly withstand the blow of this level of combat power, I believe they will not be able to easily contend it.

  In the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see it. At this time, Chen Xuan waved his hand to load up this precious pill.

  He pursed his mouth and showed a smile, and if he had this thing, I believe he could walk sideways in this eternal emperor building.

  Wangu Huangzun Building.

There are many problems in Chen Xuan's mind at this time. He quietly took out the two wavy bones in his hand. Although it is still not sure what this thing is, it is not difficult for him to imagine the mystery and power of this thing.

   "It seems that this item will have some connection with the eternal emperor building where it is located." Chen Xuan squinted this thing with a gentle brilliance. He believes that in this adventure land, there are definitely more than these two pieces!

  It seems that we should look for more opportunities to find these mysterious bones. "Just relying on the pill can only improve combat power in an instant, what really depends on is martial arts." Chen Xuan's eyes showed astonishing fighting intent.

  Now his martial arts should improve after all. In this space in front of him, Chen Xuan stepped forward, and his whole body surged with amazing spiritual energy. Every time he walked for a certain distance, under his feet, there would be not weak martial arts stars surging out. come out.

  The light of these stars left traces under his feet. The traces of the starry sky surging with brilliance, it is not difficult to see that this astonishing intensity is terrifying.

  Fist and fist, the glow of stars surging in his hand. The dazzling and powerful matter like stars converged, and Chen Xuan's eyes were surging like the sun, which made him look as powerful as a **** of war at this time.

   "Star Meteorite Fist!"


  Chen Xuan slammed out with a fist. The fist of amazing strength suddenly slammed into the space, and the amazing mountain with a height of more than one kilometer split under the slam of the fist. The whirring earthy smell spread out in the space, forming an astonishing and terrifying scene in an instant.

  The Fist of the Starry Sky, which had not completely disappeared, fell on the ground, and immediately exploded into the thick and incomparable bluestone ground, exploding countless cracks in the spider web.

   "The part of Xingmei Shenquan mastered at this time has increased." Chen Xuan said with a smile. If he was able to explode even more violent and terrifying strike force according to the current power of Shenquan.

  But it was also at this time that the sound of muffled thunder surging in the sky. After careful discrimination, it turned out that Gu Yunyan's voice emerged.

  The sound of his voice was horrible and there was a powerful wave force that tore the space away, and the shaking people were a little overwhelming.

"Seven days have passed since Chen Xuan's small miscellaneous pieces, you still don't come to see me? I'm waiting for you in the Huangzun Canyon! If you don't come, your ancient medicine sect will be destroyed!" Gu Yunyan's voice surged And it's breathtaking!

  (End of this chapter)

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